My Muscle System in the Mage World

Chapter 93: Releasing the pent-up Lust

Aur and Eleanor lay snuggled in the bed, Eleanor sticking to him like a koala near his chest with a blissful expression on her face.

Aur slowly oped his crimson eyes, the dim light of the sun filling his vision and making his eyes narrow.

He nonchalantly separated from the woman, standing up from the bed and dressing himself in his black wizard robes.

"Are you leaving already?" Eleanor oped her deep purple eyes, complemting her black hair. Although her naked body was hidd by the blanket, the curves ev in the blanket were clearly visible.

"Yes, I am," Aur said with a satisfied expression on his face as he finally completed wearing his black robes.

Eleanor looked at Aur with a pitiful expression on her face. "Will you come back?" she spoke in a meek voice, barely audible.

However, Aur heard this loud and clear as his crimson gaze turned towards the woman.

"No." Aur simply replied as he wt away without a care in the world. Since he used an EnchantGuard while they were doing it, he didn't need to care for pregnancy at all.

However, his footsteps paused for a momt as he turned back, throwing three middle-grade mana crystals her way.

"This is your paymt," he replied coldly.


As the three middle-grade mana crystals landed on the bed, Eleanor looked at the large patches of purple crystal with a sigh.

"He really left just like that." she thought as she looked towards her own body, which was in roughed up shape.

Although there were no visible marks on her bare tder body, she still had a loss of ergy, with her hips hurting like she could die at any momt.

"That boy has a terrifying, monster-like stamina—no, not ev monster-like, greater than a monster." Eleanor thought, her eyes gradually revealing a look of terror. The more she tried to move, the more she realized how drained she was from their nightly activities.

Her crotch area still hurt from the deep thrust that Aur did without any mercy in her delicate body.

He was ruthless to her in bed as Aur tried differt positions that she had never ev heard of.

The more she thought of it, the more her expression turned lustful.

"Damn it." Eleanor cursed as her expression turned cold. "I wanted to make him a regular customer, but he was in control the tire time."

Ev a large-sized EnchantGuard barely fitted him as Aur thoroughly explored her insides, slowly shaping her to his shape, not giving her any chance to counterattack again.

She stood up from the bed, gathering her strgth, and her eyes slowly started to reflect a circle.

The momt Eleanor's eyes shone with a strange circle, her strgth gradually returned to her, revealing the pressure of a peak mage apprtice, two minor realms ev above Aur. However, that didn't spare her from getting dominated and owned by Aur.

Eleanor closed her eyes, her expression blissful. A unique power coursed through her tire veins, flowing in her body like a steady stream of a river. Ev after she regained her strgth, the ergy was still not finished, as the remaining ergy wt towards her body, slowly strgthing it.

"It… it worked?" Eleanor thought with a stunned expression. "I never thought this useless spell would work for once." She muttered in utter shock.

"Th Aur has already brok his body's limit?" Her eyes wided.

Aur exited the room with a satisfied expression on his face.

He could finally feel his lust calming down by a lot. Ever since he started to train his body, his stamina had also increased, making the cells in his body ev more hyperactive, which made him build up lust.

Initially, the lust wasn't much, however, as time passed, the lust that Aur suppressed became ev more and more.

Although Aur's firm mindset restrained such lust so that it couldn't affect him, his body wouldn't agree to it no matter what. After all, his body was still a virgin.

That's why Aur needed an outlet for his built up lust and this woman was the perfect one for it.

"Finally, my lust seemed to be satisfied for a long time now." Aur's eyes glinted with calculation as he felt his body loos, as if an invisible chain that bound his body to a heavy mountain had finally lifted itself.

Aur's tire body felt relaxed.

"Is this the effect of finally releasing my essce?" he thought with a frown on his face.

However, Aur soon shook his head. "There must be something wrong with that woman. She must have used a spell on me or something, but I didn't see her eyes glint with a circle. So how?"

The tire time, Aur had carefully observed his surings. Although he satiated his lust, ev bigger than his lust was his concern for his life.

A terrifying chill crept up his spine. "If people could use spells without their eyes reflecting with the magic circle, th…"

The more he thought of it, the more he was terrified by this possibility.

"I need to raise my guard ev more in the future." Aur's crimson eyes narrowed. Although Eleanor might not have done anything bad against him, what is the guarantee that she wouldn't do it with ill-inttion the next time?

If Aur didn't ev know how he was attacked, th sometimes he might really die without ev knowing how he died or what caused his death to begin with.

Thinking of this, Aur sighed as he finally left the pleasure palace.

Since it was day, the profane sce from the night was all gone, as if it was a normal hotel that people could stay in.

However, the wom working there looked at him with a strange glint in their eyes.

Aur just casually ignored those gazes. He couldn't be bothered to know what these girls were thinking of, and neither was he interested.

"I hope I don't need to return to this place ever again." His crimson eyes narrowed.

Aur made his way towards his dorm.

However, the paved roads were rather bustling with people, all walking in the roads with unique clothes that emitted a sse of luxury. The childr were playing a in the streets with smiles on their faces.

There wasn't an iota of poverty here.

"Life is rather good here…" Aur thought with an amused glint. However, he would never bring his family here, not ev in a million years. Not only would the academy get suspicious of it since Aur had already told them that he had separated from them, but it was also akin to giving up his weakness for no reason.

Aur simply didn't want to suffer through the cliché sce of his family being used against him because, knowing himself, Aur would use the most logical thing to do, ignoring his own feelings.

"But the street seemed to be busier than usual. Is there a new thing happing that I am unaware of?" Aur thought with a frown.

Suddly, Aur saw two males and one female who were bickering with each other.

One of them had distinctive clothing that stood apart from others, featuring a unique design. The other male wore simple clothes, and the woman stood there with the uniquely clothed man, wearing a smile on her face.

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