My (Monster?) Hero Life

Chapter 207: Sacrifice

Chapter 207: Sacrifice

A great roar suddenly resounded between the mountains as Phillip stood over Dao's unmoving body. The battlecry held enough power, even from a distance, to instantly alert him that whatever was coming was far beyond his level! The space between his eyebrows narrowed as he became agitated. There was only one thing that he could think of that could cause this reaction. Yul!

His greatest worry was proven to be true as Yul's gigantic head appeared from a gap between mountain peaks. He was at the bottom of the path, but that sort of distance would not buy them a lot of time to escape. A purple lightning streak shot past him, Sarah was already abandoning the battlefield! He threw a contemptuous look at the departing lightning only to notice that the few surviving heroes on his side of the path were also in full flight.

This site was already being stormed by the surviving monsters from the battle that had occurred on the opposite slope. Dead bodies littered that side, quickly becoming fertiliser for the barren soil. 'Fuck!' Phillip was now enraged, he had failed yet again to put a stop to the Chimera! His survival instincts began to kick in. Even the moment of delay to finish off the vampire could put him in a bad spot.

Yul's thundering steps were like earthquakes as he raced up the path. He had already caught sight of the heroes and was eager to crush a few of them. His tentacles reached out, and with their hands, he scooped large solid chunks out of the mountains. Within moments, great boulders were raining down on the fleeing heroes. Quite a few of them had been aimed to block their path of retreat.

"Are you ok?" Kace asked Sophia with a concerned voice. Deep cuts and stab wounds were visible all over her skin. 

"I'll be fine. Go! Kill that bitch if you get you your hands on her!" Sophia replied with annoyance evident in her tone.

Kace did not have to be told twice. He scanned the fleeing crowd, trying to pinpoint the figure that he was most interested in. Then, he saw him. There was now a decent amount of distance between himself and Phillip, but he would not allow him to escape if he could prevent it! Kace mustered all of his strength before he took off at his fastest speed to catch to him.

Phillip seemed to sense that he had been targeted, a casual glance over his shoulder revealed to him that Kace was unwilling to let him go. Phillip grimaced at this sight, he could not waste time to kill this opponent right now. Even if it was what he wanted most in the world, there would be no point if Yul managed to get ahold of him because of it.

However, it was becoming obvious that escape would not be that easy for him. Kace was using Stampede periodically to close the distance at a faster pace than it could be created. Phillip looked around, trying to find someone suitable to hold the monster off while he escaped. The only one that he could think of was Sarah. However, all traces of her purple sparks had already disappeared. 

"Fuck you, Sarah!" Phillip let slip his complaint in his frustration. Causing a few of the heroes in front of him to look back to see what had caused him to say such a thing.

This was when they finally noticed Kace giving chase to their group. They began to panic at the thought of getting caught up in another battle at this time and began to split up. When they did so, they noticed that Kace did not alter his course. Instead, he was fully fixed on following Phillip no matter where he tried to go. 

The heroes realised that Kace was only after a single target decided to take matters into their own hands. Phillip stumbled as the Earth users shook the ground beneath his feet while Air magic was used to push his unsteady form back down the path. The fury in Phillip's eyes knew no bounds at their betrayal! They were sacrificing him to aid their own escape!

Kace beamed with an ecstatic smile at the sight! The heroes were turning on each other! They were even willing to giving him one of his oldest enemies on a silver platter! Kace closed the distance with another Stampede. There was no rush anymore as Phillip had appeared to have given up. He was just standing there, waiting for him to arrive.

'Makes sense. Even if he tries to escape, his fellow heroes will prevent it. Meanwhile, facing me directly gives him a chance to settle things between us once and for all.' Kace eyed Phillip suspiciously as he felt a large amount of mana being channelled from within Phillip. Suddenly, a fireball appeared in each one of Phillip's hands. Their size and the heat they emitted gradually grew in intensity.

'Fuck!' Sylvan swore making Kace pause for a split second.

'What is it?' Kace was sure that he must have understood something that he did not.

'Don't you see it?'

'Spit it out!' Kace was becoming agitated by the second. Clearly, there was something more dangerous about the spell than he managed to realise.

'You can sense the power behind them, right? So what will you do when he throws them?'

'I'll just use Stampede. Then his spell won't affect me.' Kace grew confused by whatever point sylvan was trying to make.

'Right! So what will you do about the second one?'

Silence. Kace's mind went blank as it dawned on him what Sylvan was trying to say. That was not a single spell that Phillip was casting. It was two being done simultaneously! 'If I use Stampede then he'll just aim the second one for where I'll end up once I'm no longer immune!'

'Exactly! We're fucked!' Sylvan's voice was projecting complete honesty. There was nowhere in their current terrain to hide. Phillip rose both of his hands at this point. With a slight smile on his face, he pointed the two flaming fireballs he was holding towards Kace

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