My Master Only Breaks Through on the Edge of Death

Chapter 599: 572: Mirror World, Accelerated Time Reward

Chapter 599: Chapter 572: Mirror World, Accelerated Time Reward
“This taste is just like mine.” Xu Fan stroked his chin, up and down, examining the dark puppet.

A hideously ugly stick appeared beside Xu Fan.

“Since your first magical treasure is a stick, your name shall be Wukong.” Xu Fan patted Wukong and then put him into the Dao Artifact Palace.

“All preparations are complete, just waiting for Esteemed One of the Thousand Spirit Sect.” Xu Fan said.

For some reason, the closer the secret realm was to opening, the more familiar Xu Fan felt.


In a mysterious secret realm, a man and three women were watching the gigantic star gate slowly opening in the sky.

“Father, do you think there is really an exit inside this secret realm?” Wang Ling’er asked in awe, looking at the star gate.

“There might be an exit if we go in, but if we don’t, we’ll just be trapped in this small secret realm.” Wang Yulun said.

Although they didn’t have to worry about food and clothing in the secret realm, their long stay there made them feel a bit oppressed.

“There is nothing worth staying for in this small spatial secret realm; we’ve cleaned out all the spirit treasures, spirit mines, and spirit medicines. It doesn’t make sense to stay here anymore.” Wang Yulun said.

“From this star gate, I can sense the aura of immortal spirits. Could it be that this star gate leads to the Great Thousand World?” Xiuxin said, feeling the star gate’s aura.

“Why don’t we go in and find out?” Murong Qian’er suggested.

Actually, she was somewhat reluctant to leave this place. Here, she lived with her family, away from the world, close and cozy.

At this moment, the star gate in the sky had completely opened, spanning at least tens of thousands of feet in length and width.

“Let’s go in. We’ll take a Little Spirit Boat; this secret realm isn’t simple.” Wang Yulun said, knowing that the secret realm wasn’t ordinary just by looking at the star gate.

Wang Yulun collected all of the spirit boats into his Dao Artifact Palace, and changed the appearance of the robe he was wearing to battle mode.

In a moment, the handsome and elegant young man appeared again.

Xiuxin glanced at Wang Yulun and then turned her head away, her heartbeat speeding up a bit.

“Let’s go. When we get there, let’s keep a low profile at first.” Wang Yulun said, driving the Star Boat to carry the three of them towards the star gate.

As Wang Yulun’s spirit boat entered, everyone felt as though they had entered another world.

A bizarre world, similar to a Broken Realm, appeared before their eyes. Shattered mirrors formed one small world after another.

“The Great Dao laws here are different.” Xiuxin said with furrowed brows.

She then held up a cluster of light in her hand, showing it to everyone.

“There’s a problem with the flow of time here.” Xiuxin said, looking at their location.

It was where one Broken Realm and another Broken Realm merged together.

“We should only stay within a mirror world and see if there’s any reaction.” Wang Yulun thought for a moment and said.


The man and three women all stepped into a mirror world.

Just as they all entered, the mirror worlds outside shattered, leaving only the mirror world they were in.

At the same time, everyone felt something strange, a feeling that time was speeding up.

“The flow of time here is accelerating.” Xiuxin said, looking at the spiritual qi in her hand.

“Yes, that’s the feeling. Time acceleration, the sense of life being stripped away.” Wang Yulun said solemnly, which reminded him of a displeasing experience.

“What do we do now? Are we going to die?” Wang Ling’er asked panickedly.

“We’ll wait and see. This world should have its own rules, but it’s not meant to kill us.” Wang Yulun said.

He had once heard Xu Fan say that accelerating time using the Dao of Time and stealing a cultivator’s life force was the most loss-making trade.

Sure enough, in no time at all, the flow of time in the mirror world stabilized.

At the same time, the scenery in front of everyone began to subtly change.

A huge platform slowly rose, covered in various spiritual materials and treasures.

“Time has accelerated by 10 years.” Wang Yulun said, sensing the condition of his body.

“It’s about the same as the time I calculated. It should be 10 years.”

“As for the treasures on the platform, are they rewards from the mirror world?” Xiuxin asked doubtfully, looking at the treasures on the platform.

By now, Wang Ling’er had moved to the side of the platform, checking the spiritual materials and exotic treasures.

“Father, Mother, Master, among these things, the most valuable one is this Dao Artifact Spirit Bead.”

Wang Ling’er held a green spirit bead the size of a billiard ball in her hand as she spoke.

“Trading time for treasure seems like a bad deal.” Wang Yulun frowned, as spirit stone treasures and precious divine abilities meant nothing to him.

“Ling’er, give this Dao Artifact Spirit Bead to your Master.”

“She’s the most suitable person among us to use this artifact.” Wang Yulun said, not wanting to admit that he didn’t care for it.

“Ling’er, keep it. This is a support artifact for cultivation, and it will be good for you.” Xiuxin said, declining the offer.

Wang Ling’er looked at Wang Yulun, and only upon seeing his nod, did she happily accept the spirit bead.

“Now that Ling’er has taken the artifact, the rest of you seniors can take the rest of the items.” Wang Yulun made a gesture of invitation.

“Very well, I won’t stand on ceremony then.” Xiuxin said, collecting all the spiritual materials and treasures on the platform with a wave of her hand.

As soon as Xiuxin finished collecting the treasures on the spirit platform, the world shifted once more before their eyes.

The space where the missing mirror worlds had reappeared, and each one was connected to the small mirror world they were in.

“This should let us enter the next small world. We’ll keep observing to see if this small mirror world will force us to move.” Xiuxin said, looking at the changing small mirror worlds.

“Right, if we enter the next realm of the mirror world, time might continue to speed up, indirectly consuming our lifespan.” Murong Qian’er said.

At this moment, Wang Yulun looked through the small mirror world into the distance, only to find it all misty and obscured.

“If my senses are correct, these mirror worlds are connected, and there should be a connecting mirror world with an exit. We have to look for it.” Wang Yulun said.

As soon as Wang Yulun spoke, the mirror world they were in began to shrink, compressing their space.

“Sure enough, this secret realm won’t let us stay in one place for too long.” Xiuxin said.

“What if we go to another small world and don’t touch the rewards on the platform, what will happen?”

Wang Yulun said as he led everyone to choose a random path and entered the next mirror world.

As the four of them entered the new mirror world, time accelerated rapidly, and in no time, their life spans had been reduced by 11 years.

Then a platform rose up slowly; on it was an incredibly ferocious fusion-period demon beast.

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