My Love Debts Are Everywhere!

Chapter 61: Study Sessions and Fiona's Amazing Talent

"Fiona, how about I teach you how to read and write?"

Upon hearing Leon's words, Fiona blinked her eyes in curiosity and looked at him inttly.

"Teaching me?" Fiona inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"That's right, I'll teach you how to write and read directly. How does that sound? Are you interested?" Leon replied, his fingers abstmindedly playing with Fiona's face, as soft as a mochi cake.

Fiona's eyes sparkled with excitemt, and she eagerly nodded her head in agreemt, resembling a chick pecking for feed.

"Of course! I want Daddy to teach me!" Fiona's face beamed with happiness as she responded thusiastically.

Observing her thusiasm, Leon chuckled softly as he gtly ran his fingers through her silky hair.

"Well, as a father, it's my duty to teach my favorite little daughter," Leon said affectionately.

"Hehehe~" Fiona giggled, wrapping her arms a Leon in a tight embrace. "Thank you, Daddy~"

Her milky, sweet voice was soothing to Leon's ears.

"You're welcome," Leon replied, smiling softly as he returned her embrace.

They held each other for a momt before slowly releasing their hug.

Th, Leon reached for a blank book and a p on his desk.

He oped the blank book and placed the p beside it, th adjusted Fiona's sitting position on his lap so she was facing the table.

"Alright, on this table, there's a blank book and a p for you to learn how to write. But before that, there are a few insights you should know," Leon began, swiftly shifting into teaching mode.

Fiona, perched on his lap, adopted a serious yet adorable expression, indicating her readiness to list.

"The language used by the Demon race is also known as the Trigurat language. In this language, there are 6 basic letters, referred to as the 6 true symbols. These symbols are what we'll be focusing on next... Do you understand?" Leon explained succinctly, concluding with a question.

Fiona nodded eagerly, her little head bobbing with thusiasm. With an excited look, she turned slightly to Leon and replied, "I understand, Daddy!"

Smiling at her confidt expression, Leon was certain she wasn't just pretding.

"Well, since you understand, we'll start learning to write right away," Leon said before picking up the p next to the book.

Under Fiona's serious gaze, Leon slowly wrote a simple symbol, drawing several lines above and below to form it.

It suffices to say that the way it was writt bore a striking resemblance to how the Kanji of Japan was writt in his previous life.

After finishing writing, Leon set down the p and turned to look at Fiona in his lap.

"This symbol is one of the 6 true symbols and is the most basic. It's called 'A'," Leon explained softly.

The 6 true symbols bear a resemblance to the 6 letters of the alphabet, but their writing styles differ significantly.

As Fiona looked at the symbol, her eyes suddly lit up with joy, and she nodded eagerly, as if comprehding Leon's explanation.

"Daddy, can I write this symbol too?" Fiona turned to Leon, her eyes shining with excitemt.

"Of course," Leon replied with a smile, handing the p to Fiona.

Grasping the p from Leon's hand, Fiona th wrote the symbol 'A' beside the one Leon had writt.

After a while, Fiona set the p down and exclaimed, "Look, Daddy, I can write it!"

At this, Leon gazed at the symbol Fiona had writt and nodded appreciatively.

Though the lines of the symbol were somewhat slanted and twisted, to Leon, this was truly remarkable.

"How marvelous! As expected of my dear daughter, gius!" Leon exclaimed, suring to shower her with affectionate praise.

After all, ev a small achievemt had to be appreciated to keep Fiona ergized and motivated.

"Hehehe~" Fiona giggled at his praise, feeling happiness spreading in her heart.

Subsequtly, Leon continued writing other symbols represting letters of the alphabet, such as B, C, D, and so on.

As Leon taught her to write the various symbols of the 6 true symbols, each new one seemed increasingly challging.

However, to his surprise, Fiona grasped each one with just a single explanation and example, leaving Leon breathless with amazemt.

Furthermore, the longer Fiona writes, the more proficit her symbol writing becomes, showcasing the remarkable strgth of this little girl's talt.

The two of them were grossed in their study session, and before they realized it, an hour had flown by...

"Daddy! Look, what do you think? Are the 6 true symbols I wrote down correct?" Fiona exclaimed excitedly, setting the p down and turning to Leon for validation.

Leon chuckled softly and th picked up the book from the table to double-check her learning once again.

After a minute, Leon closed the book and looked at Fiona on his lap in amazemt.

In just one hour, this little girl had already mastered all 6 true symbols and learned how to write them flawlessly.

This level of understanding was truly remarkable, and coupled with her photographic memory, Fiona easily mastered them.

Had Leon not discovered just an hour ago that this little girl couldn't write, he might have assumed she possessed the ability to write.

'Ckckck! Sure ough, it's impossible for a dragon to give birth to a puppy,' Leon muttered to himself, a sse of pride evidt at the corners of his slanted lips.

From the start, he had known Fiona couldn't possibly be a stupid little girl.

The initial mistake might have be the lack of proper guidance for her to hone her talt.

Leon let out a small sigh and delicately rubbed Fiona's little head.

"The result is perfect, Fiona. I'm proud of you," Leon said earnestly, praising her once again.

Fiona grinned happily, turned her body a, and hugged Leon tightly.

"Thank you for your help, Daddy~" Fiona said sweetly as she affectionately rubbed her face against Leon's chest.

"Of course, you're welcome," Leon replied softly, feeling a sse of pride in his heart reminisct of wh he defeated the Demon Geral for the first time back th.

After the two hugged for a few momts, they released each other.

"Okay, now that you can write, it's time to show your two sisters," Leon suggested, instantly igniting Fiona's thusiasm, her gold eyes twinkling like stars.

"Daddy's right! I'm going to show it off to Sister Charlotte and Sister Iris!" Fiona exclaimed, her small hands clched tightly with determination.

"Pfft! Th, show them and tell them that you managed to do this in just one hour. I'm sure they'll be surprised," Leon said playfully.

"Um! I will!" Fiona nodded thusiastically as she slowly got off Leon's lap.

However, before she took a step to leave, Fiona glanced back at Leon.

"Daddy, can you lower your head a little? I have something to whisper to you," she said, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief.

Leon, of course, had already guessed her inttions but continued to play along, feigning ignorance.

"What is it?" Leon smiled and tilted his head slightly.

Suddly, Fiona kissed Leon's cheek, and without waiting for his response, she dashed out of his room on her little legs.

Observing this, Leon chuckled and rubbed his temples.

"This silly girl," he remarked with a hint of amusemt, shaking his head.

He th shifted his gaze to the stack of books about poisons resting on his desk.

"Well, time to finish my work," he said lazily before returning to his reading mission.


AN: Oops! My stomach was really upset from this morning which caused the update to be a little late. Therefore, I'm sorry~

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