My Love Debts Are Everywhere!

Chapter 52: Awkwardness Between The Two, and Leon's Unexpected Reaction

Inside the workspace, Liliana sat in her chair with a seriousness rarely se on normal days.

Her gaze remained fixated on the black letter lying on the table, the one Heidel had st her momts ago.

"The Holy Empire of Elysium announced Leon's death... How could they be so audacious?" Liliana frowned, lightly tapping her fingers as she delved into deep contemplation on the matter.

She never anticipated that the news delivered by Heidel would be so shocking.

Ev more unexpected was the audacity of the Palace of the Holy Empire of Elysium to officially declare the death of Leon, the sword hero.

As the Demon Emperor and the true emy of the three heroes, Liliana was well aware of the sacred status bestowed upon heroes in the eyes of mankind.

The existce and stature of heroes were revered no less than her own status as the Demon Emperor in the eyes of the Demons.

Wouldn't the Empire be concerned that disseminating news of Leon's death in this manner might incite panic among humanity?

Naturally, Liliana didn't concern herself too much with this issue, as the suing panic and commotion ultimately worked to her advantage and befited the tire Demon race.

However, this issue heighted her vigilance, leading her to suspect that there might be a conspiracy or ulterior motive behind the Elysium Holy Empire's actions.

As Liliana was lost in contemplation, a sudd knock on her workspace door was followed by Leon's voice.


"May I come in?"

Leon's voice snapped Liliana back to reality, her gaze instantly shifting toward the door.

"Just come in. It's unlocked," Liliana replied, her tone slightly raised to sure Leon could hear her.


Shortly after, the door swung op, revealing a casually dressed Leon on the other side.

Instantly, their eyes met, causing memories of last night to flood into both their minds and casting an awkward atmosphere over the room.

"Cough! Were you looking for me?" Leon pretded to cough, breaking the awkward silce betwe them.

At Leon's words, Liliana swiftly resumed her usual indiffert and cold demeanor.

"Yes, I was looking for you to discuss something important. But before that, don't just stand there; please, sit down immediately," Liliana said indiffertly, gesturing towards the chair opposite her.

Leon nodded slightly and tered Liliana's workspace, closing the door behind him.

As he approached Liliana, his eyes roamed a the room with curiosity.

It was his first time tering Liliana's workspace, and he was somewhat surprised to find it rather simple.

Two sofas occupied the left side of the room, while a cabinet filled with books stood on the right. At the cter was a desk flanked by two chairs.

Suffice to say, for a Demon Emperor like Liliana, this workspace was rather ordinary, lacking any distinguishing features.

Leon quickly approached the chair, pulling it out slightly before sitting down.

"So, what did you want to discuss with me?" Leon shifted his gaze towards Liliana, concealing the discomfort he felt in his heart.

To be honest, he had guessed that after the evts of last night, he wouldn't be able to look at Liliana with the same look as before.

And indeed, as he sat in front of her, his heart raced, and an inexplicable warmth spread through his body.

On the other hand, as Leon took his seat opposite her, Liliana also expericed a peculiar ssation akin to Leon's.

She felt a slight trembling and warmth coursing through various parts of her body at this momt. (Breasts, buttocks, and P****)

However, she concealed it adeptly, suring that Leon couldn't discern any hint of her inner turmoil.

"Well, as I mtioned earlier, there is something important I need to discuss with you, Leon Kruger," Liliana said, her cold expression instantly growing serious, catching Leon off guard.

After all, it was quite rare to see Liliana this serious, which piqued his curiosity.

"Tell me straight away," Leon said casually, eager to understand what had prompted Liliana's change in demeanor.

Liliana didn't reply immediately. Instead, she took a momt to gather herself before meeting his gaze once more.

"Leon Kruger, are you aware that the Holy Empire of Elysium has declared you, the sword hero, dead?" Liliana's words instantly startled Leon, who was initially composed, causing his eyes to wid in surprise.

However, after a brief momt, his initial shock subsided, and his expression returned to its usual composure as if the revelation hadn't fazed him at all.

"Is what you're saying true?" Leon asked Liliana calmly and casually, causing her expression to stiff in response.

She had anticipated anger or some form of emotional reaction from Leon, but his composed demeanor was completely unexpected.

"Wait a minute... What's with that expression? Why do you look so relaxed? Ar't you supposed to be surprised or angry about what the Holy Empire of Elysium did?" Liliana raised her hand in confusion, her brow furrowing as she questioned him.

In response to Liliana's question, Leon smiled faintly as he leaned back in his chair.

"If you're asking whether I'm surprised, of course I am. However, what truly surprises me is that the Holy Empire of Elysium has only now announced my death, which is later than I anticipated," Leon said with indifferce, his gold eyes betraying a profound chill.

Indeed, Leon's observation rang true. The timing of the Elysium Holy Empire's announcemt regarding his death seemed somewhat delayed by his expectations.

Naturally, he comprehded all too well that the Holy Empire of Elysium must have weighed their decision carefully, undoubtedly in connection with the upcoming large-scale war with the Demon race in the near future.

Across from him, Liliana was left speechless by Leon's answer, unsure of how to react to his unexpected words.

Leon's words suggested that he himself had forese the Imperial side's actions well in advance.

Did this imply a conflict betwe Leon and the Holy Empire of Elysium that she had be unaware of?

Inevitably, the memory of her battle with Leon and the deadly poison that coursed through his body flooded her mind, causing her eyes to wid in realization.

Hesitantly, she redirected her gaze to Leon, who appeared lost in thought.

"Leon Kruger, there's something I need to ask you, and I hope you'll be truthful with me," she began, prompting Leon to snap out of his reverie with a small nod.

"Of course, go ahead," he replied casually.

Liliana blinked several times, as if gathering her thoughts before finally speaking.

"Leon Kruger... Is the Elysium Holy Imperial Palace side the mastermind behind the poison coursing through your body, causing you to fail in delivering the final blow on me in our last battle?"

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