My Love Debts Are Everywhere!

Chapter 50: Caught, and Someone Following Behind

"Your Majesty Leon, are you in? I have news to deliver to you on the order of Her Majesty, the Demon Emperor."

At the sound of Lyra's voice outside his room, Leon was slightly startled before walking towards the door and oping it.


The door swung op, revealing Lyra's indiffert figure clad in maid attire.

Observing Lyra, a faint smile unconsciously graced Leon's lips as he inquired, "Do you need anything from me, Lyra?"

"That's correct, Your Majesty Leon. Her Majesty the Demon Emperor has requested your presce in her study at once," Lyra explained politely.

"Liliana wants me to come to her study?" Leon was a little surprised by this revelation.

It was unusual for Liliana to summon him like this; typically, it was she who visited his room for discussions.

However, considering the evts of last night, it made sse that Liliana might still feel shy and awkward about seeing him in person, a stimt Leon could understand.

Leon sighed slightly and nodded in agreemt with Lyra's request.

"Very well, I'll make my way to her study immediately," he replied casually.

Coincidtally, he also intded to meet with Liliana to fulfill his promise of delivering information about the two heroes, as discussed the previous night.

Furthermore, he was intrigued by the impding large-scale war and eager to learn about its progress.

After all, a large-scale war of this magnitude had never occurred before.

Just as he was about to close the door to his room and head towards Liliana's study, Lyra's voice behind him halted his movemts abruptly.

"Your Majesty Leon, could you please wait for a momt? There's something I'd like to ask you," Lyra said hastily.

"Hm? What is it, Lyra?" Leon asked, turning his head slightly as he listed to her request.

Lyra hesitated for a momt, her typically indiffert expression betraying a hint of uncertainty.

After a brief pause, she took a deep breath, regaining her composure and returning to her usual calm demeanor.

"Your Majesty Leon... Last night, did you and Her Majesty the Emperor..." Lyra inquired hesitantly,, her gaze carrying an implicit question that Leon instantly grasped.

At her words, Leon's cheeks flushed with embarrassmt, his discomfort evidt in the tightness of his expression.

After all, his relationship with Liliana last night should have remained a private matter betwe the two of them.

However, due to the presce of his two stinky daughters, the news had spread. Fortunately, besides her daughters, Lyra was the only one who knew about it.

"Cough! Well, that's what happed," Leon admitted casually, showing no signs of embarrassmt.

Everything had transpired, and Lyra was already aware of it, so there was no need to conceal it.

Yet Lyra couldn't hide her shock, ev though she had already heard about it from Charlotte and Fiona.

Upon hearing it directly from Leon, the impact was differt altogether.

"I see... Congratulations to Your Majesty Leon, as it's possible that you'll have another child," Lyra said politely, bowing her head.

Leon almost choked on his saliva at her congratulations and quickly waved his hand.

"Alright, alright, let's not dwell on that, because it's not possible," Leon said quickly, cutting off the topic.

Without waiting for Lyra's reply, he hurriedly left her and made his way to Liliana's study. The thought of babies really gave him the creeps!

He had no desire for more childr with Liliana at the momt. Three daughters were plty, and he could only hope for no more additions!

Meanwhile, as she watched Leon walk away, Lyra blinked with interest.

"His Majesty Leon is so cute wh he's embarrassed..."


In the palace hallway, Leon walked leisurely, his mind adrift in thought.

Honestly, he hadn't giv much consideration to the possibility of Liliana becoming pregnant again, but Lyra's mtion of it had reignited his anxiety.

"Hah, why am I so scared? Wouldn't it be the same if Liliana and I had another child?" Leon pondered deeply, finding the idea quite reasonable.

After all, they already had three daughters, so having one more wouldn't make much of a differce.

However, he quickly came to his sses and immediately dismissed that damn thought.

"Damn it! What was I thinking? How could I tertain such thoughts?" Leon exclaimed in horror.

He was surprised at how easily he tertained such casual notions!

Having another child with Liliana? Despite their currt peace and lack of grudges, their statuses still placed them as eternal emies—the Demon Emperor and the Sword Hero!

The mity betwe them was an eternal destiny—a conflict that could never be resolved!

As Leon grappled with confusion in his mind, he suddly felt a presce trailing behind him, jolting him back to awaress.

"Hm?" Leon halted his steps and turned a to see who was following him.

To his surprise, there was no one behind him, leaving him slightly perplexed.

"No one? Am I mistak?" He muttered with uncertainty before shaking his head and resuming his steps.

However, after walking a few more paces, he once again ssed that someone was following him. He quickly turned a, but once again, there was no one to be se.

Inevitably, Leon paused for a momt, furrowing his brow in thought.

"Something's strange," he muttered, rubbing his chin and blinking a few times.

His gaze traveled down the hallway behind him as he carefully observed the surings.

On some sides of the hallway, there were large pillars standing, providing ample hiding spots for someone intt on remaining unse.

Leon was sure that the person following him must be well-hidd!

"Hehehe, I see..." Leon smiled slyly and gave a small nod, as if already formulating some plans.

With casual movemts, he resumed walking as if he no longer cared about the unse follower.

Meanwhile, hidd behind one of the large pillars, an extremely cute and beautiful little girl with long hair and a red ribbon on top peered curiously at Leon's back.

"Huh, of course you won't be able to find me," the little girl, other than Iris, remarked with a slight smile as she observed the confused Leon.

For some reason, seeing Leon confused like this filled her small heart with joy and happiness.

As the only daughter who hadn't yet met Leon, Iris still couldn't accept this "father" figure tering her life.

The pride and arrogance in her heart didn't easily allow her to forgive him.

"Humph! Do you think, just because Charlotte and Fiona forgave you, I'll do the same?" Iris snorted proudly, her chubby little face looking adorable.

"Oh? Is that so?" Suddly, a voice from behind her caused Iris' proud smile to freeze instantly.

With a stiff movemt, she turned her body and saw Leon, who had be originally twty meters away from her currt position, suddly appear behind her with a playful smile directed at her.

Upon seeing this, Iris couldn't help but be dumbfounded, and her , chubby face, which had be indiffert and arrogant, instantly crumbled.



A/N: Please give me support! Thank you, and stay tuned!

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