My Love Debts Are Everywhere!

Chapter 21: The Hall of Glory, and the Painting of the Demon Emperors in Every Era

"This hall... could it be the famous Hall of Glory?" He whispered to himself, his expression calm yet infused with an unmistakable happiness that he couldn't conceal.

He had never anticipated getting lost in the Hall of Glory, a place he had longed to visit all his life!

As its name suggests, the Hall of Glory held profound significance for the tire Demon race.

It was a repository where the legacies of all gerations of Demon Emperors, including paintings, historical records, and other significant artifacts spanning eras, were kept—a testamt to the 7,000 years of glory of the Demon race!

Suffice it to say, the status of the Hall of Glory was nearly equivalt to that of the Three Heroes' Holy Hall, where divine artifacts such as the Zith Holy Sword, Soaring Dragon Holy Spear, and Celestial Void Holy Arrow were housed.

Considering the sacred and holy nature of the Hall of Glory, Leon was eager to ter and study the tire lineage of Demon Emperors within.

However, his happiness was short-lived, as a troubling thought crossed his mind.

"Wait! The Hall of Glory is a sacred place for the Demon Race, and I tered without permission." Leon's realization struck him suddly, filling him with a sse of fear.

Amid his fleeting previous happiness, he failed to grasp the serious consequces of being discovered by Liliana or the others for trespassing into the Hall of Glory.

The pottial consequces were unimaginable, causing a cold sweat to immediately break out on his back.

Quickly, he looked a and found no one, prompting a sigh of relief to escape him.

"Lucky, there's no one a," he murmured to himself.

His gaze th hesitantly returned to the front of the hall before moving on to Liliana's painting and the others.

"If I vture further, will it be safe?" Leon swallowed nervously, grappling with indecision.

On one hand, his curiosity about the Hall of Glory, a place he had longed to visit, tugged at him. On the other hand, fear of being caught trespassing gnawed at his resolve.

After pondering for a few minutes, his expression harded, and he clched his fists as if he had resolved.

"I don't care! I'll go further!" Without a momt's hesitation, he decided to press on, undeterred by fear.

If caught tering the Hall of Glory without permission, he resolved to apologize to Liliana, and if forgivess wasn't granted, he would accept whatever punishmt came his way.

As the old saying goes, "It is better to die in conttmt than to live in unresolved curiosity."

Without hesitation, Leon walked deeper into the Hall of Glory, anticipation evidt on his face.

His gaze remained fixed on the majestic paintings adorning the walls, each one depicting gerations of Demon Emperors spanning various eras!

"How marvelous! Are these paintings depicting demon emperors from hundreds and thousands of years ago?" Leon exclaimed in amazemt, his appreciation deeping as he studied each face adorning the wall.

Honestly speaking, despite being a hero himself, Leon harbored a deep admiration for the Demon Emperors depicted in the paintings.

They were, after all, the towering figures of their time, comparable to the three heroes of previous gerations.

For some reason, after seeing this painting of the Demon Emperor, a thought came to Leon's mind.

"Damn! Wh you think about it, it does seem rather unfair, doesn't it? Three powerful heroes of humanity against a single Demon Emperor," he remarked, his gold eyes flashing as if struck by a sudd revelation.

Indeed, upon reflection, the 7,000-year war betwe humanity and the Demon race could be se as remarkably lopsided.

The human race was led by three powerful figures wielding three holy weapons, facing off against the Demon Emperor, who stood alone with a few formidable subordinates and the collective might of the Demon Race behind them.

This unfair formation alone could have abled the Demon race to dure against the Human race for over 7000 years.

If the number of Demon Emperors matched that of the three heroes, wouldn't humanity be swiftly defeated and relegated to history?

The mere thought st a shiver down Leon's spine, prompting him to swiftly cast aside his unsettling musings.

"Hiss! There's no need to dwell on such thoughts unnecessarily," Leon muttered, shaking his head as he continued his stride inward.

Although Leon had extsively studied the history of the three heroes and the Demon Emperors in the libraries of the Palace of Elysium and the Holy Ortdoks, he had never countered an image depicting the actual appearance of each Demon Emperor, unlike the detailed painting displayed on the wall.

"By the way, it seems that all these Demon Emperors sport hair and red eyes, much like Liliana, don't they?" Leon pondered for a momt, a realization dawning upon him.

Upon closer inspection of the paintings adorning the wall, he noted that indeed, each of them shared the same traits of hair and red eyes, mirroring Liliana's appearance.

"Could this perhaps be a characteristic of the Demon Emperor's bloodline?" Leon cautiously speculated, ssing a possibility.

Considering the inhert power and significance associated with the title of Demon Emperor, it seemed plausible that careful atttion would be giv to maintaining such distinctive traits within their lineage.

Continuing his stride inward, Leon unwittingly approached the deepest side of the Hall of Glory.

His movemt abruptly ceased as his gaze fell upon the final painting adorning the d of the wall.

"Hold on... This figure... could it be?" Leon narrowed his eyes, his curiosity piqued, and he cautiously approached the last painting at the d of the wall, revealing the image of a remarkably handsome man.

With the same snow- hair and red eyes characteristic of the other Demon Emperors depicted in the paintings, the man portrayed in the final artwork exuded an air of striking handsomess and an unmistakable calmness, setting him apart from other demon emperors.

Merely standing before his portrait elicited a subtle yet palpable pressure on Leon, ev though it was nothing more than a depiction on canvas.

Unconsciously, Leon's gaze was drawn immediately to the nameplate beside the painting, and his eyes wided in shock.

"Morgan Crimson!? Is this truly Morgan Crimson!?" Leon exclaimed, taking a few steps back as fear gripped him.

Morgan Crimson, the second Demon Emperor, was reputed to be the magical ancestor of the tire Demon race in this world!

A figure who instilled terror thousands of years ago, as it was under his command that the Demon race nearly conquered mankind, which, at that time, was led by the second geration of three heroes of humankind.

One can only fathom the sheer terror evoked by this figure, as he came dangerously close to defeating the three heroes of that era.

Thankfully, he met his d and was successfully slain; otherwise, the human race might have be naught but a mere memory.

"Unbelievable! Morgan Crimson! Is this truly the magical ancestor of the demon race and the most powerful Demon Emperor in recorded history, second only to the first Demon Emperor, Amon Crimson?" Leon struggled to contain his fear and anxiety as he studied the handsome and composed figure depicted in the painting.

Perhaps it was the near-complete defeat of the heroes of that era that subconsciously stirred fear within him, a hero of this age.

Once his nerves settled, Leon released a small sigh.

"This Morgan Crimson, he feels like the ultimate boss, just like in a game," Leon mused, a mix of awe and apprehsion evidt in his sigh, until he stumbled upon something peculiar.

"Wait! Have I reached the d of the hall already?" Leon snapped back to reality, realizing he had indeed walked into the deepest section of the hall.

He glanced a frantically, searching left and right as if seeking something, but found nothing that matched what he was looking for, leaving him in a state of confusion.

"If this truly marks the conclusion of the Hall of Glory, th where is the portrait of the first Demon Emperor, Amon Crimson?"

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