My Longevity Simulation

Chapter 364: Pushing Waves and Assisting Ripples

Chapter 364: Pushing Waves and Assisting Ripples

What? Do you want to return to the base and continue the construction of the Tianxuan Soul Locking Array?

Youre crazy?

Seeing the aged Li Fan suddenly appear before him, Hao Hui was startled.

And when he heard Li Fans request, Hao Huis face first showed disbelief, thinking he had misheard.

After confirming repeatedly, he laughed incredulously and firmly refused.

Friend Li, youve done enough already.

Leave the rest to other array masters.

Your current situation is not suitable for continuing the construction of the array.

After hesitating for a moment, Hao Hui still suggested, Friend, youve been trapped in the Devouring Yuan White Mist for too long, your lifespan is running out.

For now, you should seize every moment to cultivate.

See if you can break through to the Yuanying Realm before your lifespan ends.

With your talent, I dont think theres no chance to defy fate.

Although Hao Huis words were very much to Li Fans liking, he still shook his head against his will and said, Friends goodwill, I understand. However, one should know their own limitations. With my remaining lifespan, its absolutely impossible for me to cultivate to the Yuanying Realm!

Rather than wasting time on such meaningless things, its better to contribute my last bit of strength to the construction of the Tianxuan Soul Locking Array while I can still move.

If, in my lifetime, I can witness the Tianxuan Soul Locking Array enveloping the entire territory of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

Even if I die, I will have no regrets!

Li Fans expression was solemn, his words righteous.

If the rest of my life can only be spent aimlessly, waiting for death in confusion, I wont be able to close my eyes even in death.

I hope my friend can fulfill this!

Looking at Li Fan, who was serious beyond measure, Hao Hui was speechless.

Instinctively wanting to refuse, but seeing the extremely sincere gaze of the other party, there was an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Alright, friend, wait for me for a moment. Ill go ask for instructions.

Seeming afraid to face Li Fan again, Hao Hui hurriedly left.

Li Fan remained calm, patiently waiting.

After a while, Hao Hui returned with a complicated expression.

Friend Li, your request has been approved. After this demonic sound tide subsides, our Qingxuan Army will send someone to escort you back to the front lines.

In that case, thank you, Brother Hao. Li Fan seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, nodding in thanks.

Friend Li Fan Seeing the relieved look on Li Fans snowy hair, Hao Hui couldnt help but ask.

What exactly is the reason?

Li Fans actions had already exceeded Hao Huis comprehension.

He asked full of puzzlement.

Li Fan smiled without answering, bowed slightly, and walked away.

Leaving behind Hao Hui, bewildered and confused, standing still, silent for a long time.

As expected, the news that Li Fan, who was almost half dead, was about to return to the front line to construct arrays spread throughout the Broken Palm Immortal City in an instant.

Amidst the clamor, inevitable voices of doubt also arose.

However, half a month later, when Li Fan, under the escort of dozens of Qingxuan Army soldiers, left the Eternal Immortal Stronghold once again and flew towards the Anchor Point Base.

All doubts were dispelled without attack.

The cultivators were shocked by Li Fans choice, and at the same time, felt ashamed of their previous dirty thoughts.

Compared to the sacrifices Li Fan made, their own decades of service in guarding the Abyss seemed trivial.

As a result, an unprecedented wave emerged within the Qingxuan Army.

No longer casually boasting about hardships, but beginning to compare the length of service in guarding the Abyss.

All of this, Li Fan, who arrived at the Anchor Point Base, was unaware of.

Thanks to Li Fans timely request for assistance, before the supplies at the base were exhausted, reinforcements from the Eternal Immortal Stronghold successfully arrived.

Preventing a tragedy from happening.

Although letting Li Fan venture alone into the white mist resulted in some punishment for the surviving cultivators.

But compared to preserving their lives, all of this was nothing.

Moreover, at Li Fans plea.

He Chen, Kong Yu, and other cultivators eventually returned to the Anchor Point Base, redeemed themselves, and assisted Li Fan in constructing arrays.

To ensure Li Fans safety, the number of escort troops from the Eternal Immortal Stronghold was tripled.

The amount of reserve supplies brought was beyond imagination, allowing for extravagant use without worrying about insufficient supplies.

And Li Fan didnt rest for a moment.

When the long-raging demonic sound tide finally subsided, he directly continued the construction of the Soul Locking Array.

He Chen and the others had all received his life-saving grace.

The members of the Qingxuan Army, even more so, were appointed and obeyed Li Fans words without hesitation.

In this small Anchor Point Base, Li Fan also gained absolute authority.

With everything at his disposal, all orders would be completed with one hundred and twenty percent efficiency.

Coupled with Li Fan reversing his own will, from being idle to becoming a workaholic who forgot to rest.

The speed of array construction increased by nearly double compared to before.

Due to the impact of the previous demonic sound tide, array construction was forcibly halted.

Li Fans ranking on the Great Ranking Board had already dropped to the bottom, hovering around six hundred or so.

But as everyone began to rebuild, his ranking steadily rose, catching up with determination.

The rapid rise in Li Fans ranking didnt attract much attention.

The most eye-catching figure on the entire list was still Guo Yezhong, with zero points.

This person seemed to completely disregard the so-called Great Ranking.

Cultivators discussed it one after another, but the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance didnt take any special measures.

It was only rumored that Guo Yezhong was still within the territory of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, not having defected.

And he hadnt given up the fight. When asked by others, he simply responded, Who wins and who loses is still unknown.

As Li Fan threw himself wholeheartedly into the construction of arrays, feeling the torment in his heart.

The anecdotes about him began to spread rapidly outside the Broken Palm Immortal City under the indication of interested parties.

Especially his touching deeds of continuing to construct the Tianxuan Soul Locking Array despite undergoing tremendous changes and his lifespan running out.

They were glorified.

Soon, almost every cultivator outside seclusion in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance knew about Li Fans actions.

Whether to believe it or not was another matter.

Li Fans communication talisman was the first to explode.

He Zhenghao, the Oracle Child, and acquaintances from the former Universal Pavilion all sent messages inquiring.

There were too many, so Li Fan had to set up an automatic reply, briefly explaining the situation.

Naturally, his friends lamented and admired Li Fan extremely.

A few even promised to find longevity treasures for Li Fan.

Li Fan thanked each one.

Then he continued to throw himself tirelessly into the construction of arrays.

In this way, two years passed.

One day, a colorful light tore through the white mist and headed straight for the Broken Palm Immortal City.

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