My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 163: Yay Victory

Chapter 163

The Class Teacher was already about 70-80% certain, but didn't immediately share the good news with the students. This wasn't because they feared giving false hope in case the class divisions still happened, but mainly to motivate everyone to study hard for the final exams by dangling a carrot in front of them.

After the final exams concluded, the news about class divisions came out. Along with it came the announcement that Class 1 would be the science class, and its students would form the experimental class, so they wouldn't be divided. Due to Class 1's special circumstances, Class 2 would become the top-performing class after the division, with the other classes being regular ones.

This news didn't matter much to students from other classes; they were only curious about what made Class 1 experimental.

The top students from the original Class 2 and Class 3 were in an uproar. They had assumed that, like in previous years, after dividing into arts and science streams, there would be a top-performing class for each stream.

As the highest-ranking students in their classes, they had hoped for a chance to be in the same class as Shi Li.

Everyone was looking forward to the class divisions, but then they were told Class 1 wouldn't be divided.

It was infuriating.

Some students assigned to the top science class expressed their strong dissatisfaction. The Class Teacher of the top-performing class keenly noticed that all these disgruntled students were originally from Class 2 and Class 3.

Students from other classes who had been assigned to this class had no complaints.

What puzzled her was why Class 1 not being divided: which was clearly an internal matter for that class: should concern these outsiders at all.

Moreover, this was a decision made by the school leadership and had nothing to do with her as an ordinary Class Teacher.

No matter how dissatisfied the students were, she couldn't change anything.

Compared to the fury of the top students who had hoped to become classmates with Shi Li, other students were much calmer, even somewhat schadenfreude.

"Since I don't have a chance to be Shi Li's classmate, it's only fair that others don't either."

As for the original Class 1 students, others didn't envy them, as they hadn't been on the same starting line to begin with.

It would have been truly upsetting if someone who had started at the same point as you ended up surpassing you in the future.

The devastated top students ranted in the shared group chat of the three classes, accusing Class 1 students of being sly and underhanded.

Class 1 students: "Thanks for the gift, boss!"

Because they didn't have to be divided, all the students in Class 1 felt that the sky was so blue, the water so clear, and life so interesting.

Regarding the meltdown of their fellow students from other classes, they magnanimously expressed indifference. After all, they had won custody of Shi Li, and everything else paled in comparison.

The victors are always more tolerant when looking at the defeated, aren't they? Understandable.

After this incident, the Class Teacher also received a banner from the class students that read: "GOAT!"

Class Teacher: "This is bizarre. I don't know why these young rascals are so fond of giving banners."

It wasn't clear where this peculiar trend started, but it marked the second shot in the banner-giving craze at Qianpu Middle School.

From then on, giving banners to teachers and classmates became an essential gift for any occasion!

Of course, that's a story for another time.

This unexpected turn of events was something Shi Li hadn't anticipated.

Although it was something she hadn't experienced in her previous life, Shi Li was quite pleased. She had spent nearly a year getting to know her classmates.

In this short year, it felt like their bonds had grown more than twice as strong as those with her classmates in her previous life.

In her past life, even by graduation, Shi Li could count on one hand the number of people she knew well in the entire school.

This was good news. While students from other classes were busy with class divisions and changing classrooms, the students of Class 1 brazenly covered their classroom windows and doors with test papers and had a hotpot feast inside.

All the desks were pushed together to form one giant table.

The pot was brought by a classmate who lived near the school and had asked their family to deliver it. The ingredients were ordered through a rapid delivery service.

Considering the Class Teacher's significant contribution to this class division outcome, they didn't forget to invite him to join the feast.

The hotpot base they used this time was a random brand, not as tasty as the one they had at Duan Yaojing's house before.

But with hotpot, it's all about the lively atmosphere.

When the Class Teacher was summoned from the office, the class monitor didn't reveal the reason, just asking him to come to the classroom for a moment.

The class monitor's mysterious demeanor made him think there might be a surprise waiting.

He imagined it would be like those online videos where the door opens to a burst of confetti, with students gathered around the door, all talking at once to thank him.

The Class Teacher was daydreaming smugly as he pushed open the door. Instead of confetti, he was hit by the pungent smell of spices.

The class monitor hastily handed him a pair of chopsticks before squeezing back into the crowd.

Only then did the Class Teacher realize why he had been called over: the little rascals were having a feast and wanted him to join.

But cooking in the classroom is strictly forbidden by school rules, isn't it?!

Oh, wait. The school doesn't actually have such a rule yet. That was a rule from his university dormitory.

Qianpu Middle School is different from other schools in that it doesn't have boarding students.

Therefore, Qianpu's school rules are quite different from those of other middle schools.

This is evident in the fact that students at Qianpu are allowed to bring mobile phones to school.

For schools with boarding students, dormitory safety is a significant concern.

Rules like no high-power electrical appliances, no electric cookers, and no electric blankets in dorms are common knowledge.

Similarly, these schools also prohibit cooking in classrooms.

Of course, most normal schools don't allow cooking in classrooms.

However, since most students at Qianpu Middle School come from wealthy families, they can order takeout if they're hungry.

As for the specially recruited students, the cafeteria is free for them.

A free cafeteria with good food.

Over the years, there really hadn't been any students cooking in the classrooms.

Because such outrageous behavior had never occurred, the school administration had never considered explicitly banning cooking in classrooms.

The Class Teacher racked his brain and realized that there was indeed no school rule prohibiting cooking in classrooms.

As is well known, what's not forbidden is permitted.

So, these little wolves reincarnated as students: he'd better hurry up. If it came to his turn and all the meat dishes were gone, leaving only vegetables, that wouldn't be good at all.

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