My In-laws Are Obsessed With Me

Chapter 7 - I Died And Came Back To Life


Whos bawling and wailing so loudly?

I awoke to loud cries stinging my ears.

Shes dead, hngggg I killed herrrrrr.

Shes not dead.

Shes so dumbbbb, waahhhh

Is dumb referring to me?

After I came to, it became clear who was crying so loudly.

Stealthily opening my eyes, I saw Selphius, bawling at my side with his head lowered.

Hiiiic l-lets make a pit and bury her hiiiic in a sunny place, wahh

It might have been because he actually tried to dig a trench, but Selphius was holding a shovel covered in dirt.

What a scary father and son.

As I turned my head, I made eye contact with Theodore, who stood leaning on one leg with his arms crossed behind Selphius.

Youve awakened.

His face was contorted in anger like a monsters.

Youve committed a nonsensical deed.

I could hear the sound of teeth grinding.

Was experiencing death twice not enough? Or is the feeling addictive? Ah, maybe youre the type that enjoys pain?

Hey, i-its not even drugs. How would pain be addictive?

If youre that desperate to die, I can kill you myself.

I-I didnt consume his blood because I wanted to I really had no idea.

Ugh, I feel so wronged.

At the sound of my voice, Selphius, who had been crouched on the floor sobbing, lifted his head frantically.

His eyes and nose were completely red and swollen from how long he had cried.

Y-Youre alive?

I told you she wasnt dead, Theodore comforted Selphius plainly, setting his hand on his shoulder.

Seeing Selphius repeating the same question to me with shock written all over his face, I could barely hold back a laugh.

B-But you definitely ate my blood!

She did, indeed, very recklessly.

With a haggard expression, Theodore grabbed his forehead. Looking between the two of them, I got up from where I had been laid down.

As if seeing a ghost, Selphius backed away, frightened out of his wits.

Hi, Selphius.

H-H-How are you alive?

Im a little special.

Seeing how calmly I greeted him, Theodore smirked.

Hah. What about your body? Are you in pain anywhere?

There are no issues. It doesnt hurt anywhere, and I feel refreshed, as if I slept well for the first time in a while.

Maybe I have the constitution for poison? I cant believe I feel so energized after fainting from poison.

As I began to stretch, Selphius wiped away his tears and snot with his sleeve before mumbling agitatedly, You definitely ate my blood

He seemed to still be in disbelief. Theodore sighed loudly before roughly loosening the cravat that had been wrapped tightly around his neck.

Its unclear as to why, but my poison didnt work on her either.


And it seems that your poison is the same, Selphi.

S-So the curse doesnt work on her?

Yeah. Our curse doesnt work on her.


Youre seeing living proof right in front of you.

At Theodores words, Selphius stood up from his awkward place on the ground and sat on a nearby chair before scanning over me.

Are you perhaps not human?

Damn, hes treating a human like a ghost.

Im human, Selphius.

Silence fell.

Pulling a chair from afar between Selphius and I, Theodore sat with his arms crossed before reprimanding me.

Even if you havent died from our poison yet, I would prefer it if you werent so careless around us. Although you recovered after ingesting my blood, what would you have done if you had died due to Selphis?

It was an accident.

Do you speak knowing that this tiny accident could have taken your life?

Since he spoke only the truth, I couldnt say anything in response. I bit my lip hard, like it was covered in honey.

Always remember: actions that might be inconsequential elsewhere could endanger you here.

As I nodded in reflection, Theodore turned to Selphius.

Your actions will directly affect someone elses life. Thats the risk, and yet youre still not being cautious?


I heard that you cut yourself. What if the other maids died because of that blood?

Selphius dropped his head. His shoulders sunk pitifully, as if he knew that he had made a grave mistake.

Get up. Theres no need to delay this for any longer. Ill prepare your carriage, so go down to the countryside.

Theodore probably didnt want Selphius to unwittingly cause someones death and live in guilt for the rest of his life.

Although its not that I dont understand his judgement

I turned back and looked at Selphius, who met my eyes. He looked just like a puppy left out in the rain as he got up from his chair.

Perhaps it was because of the mistake he had made, but this time, Selphius didnt object to going.

Theodore opened the door and called the butler, ordering him to prepare the carriage and Selphius belongings.

Selphius looked as if he had given up on everything.

That image of him kept bothering me, and before I realized, I had already opened my mouth.

Since he made a mistake, wont he need someone to watch over him?

The two people turned to stare at me at the same time.

Lapileon affairs should be left to the Lapileon family.

However, strangely enough, I couldnt stop my words.

Selphius is still young. If he made a mistake because he didnt know any better, then the responsibility shouldnt be on him

I calmly looked at Selphius, who donned a confused expression. Then, I turned to look at Theodore, who was next to him.

Its your fault, Theodore, for not teaching him properly.

Theodore narrowed his eyes, frowning. As if warning me to stop, Theodores red eyes filled with ire. Even so, my spirit was unyielding and unwavering.

If youre planning on locking Selphius away in the countryside for the rest of his life, then sure, send him away immediately. Lock him up and make sure he never meets other people or visits the capital.

As I spoke, Theodores face twisted scarily.

But does your decision even take Selphiuss opinion into account? You dont have power over his entire life just because you adopted him.

Dont do as you please under the pretext of protection, Theodore.

At my last words, Theodores expression shifted. As if he had suddenly been hit, Theodore stared at me, mouth parted.

If you wish Selphius to one day be the confident heir to the Lapileon name

Theodore turned his head to look at Selphius, who stood next to him. But Selphius was still looking at me.

Dont send him away. Instead, teach him how to adapt to situations and make no mistakes.

Thats what you need to do for Selphius.

Is it okay for me to do this?

Ill be leaving in a year, so is it really okay for me to interfere like this?

Doubt kept stirring up from within. Nevertheless, I felt like I would regret it for the rest of my life if I let that child go.

A heavy silence fell.

The quiet made it hard to open ones mouth to speak and made the inside of my mouth dry.

Just as I was about to speak, Selphius, who had been as still as a mouse playing dead, boldly grabbed Theodores sleeve. And in the most respectful and courteous tone I had ever heard from him, he began.

I apologize. I will guarantee that a similar circumstance does not occur again.

Theodore raised an eyebrow.

I will never cause trouble again.

Selphi, you

I will be careful not to stray into Your Excellency the Grand Dukes sight. If it is your wish, I will even eat in my room.

Without caving, Selphius solemnly and strongly told his opinion. Theodore closed his lips firmly and turned my way, the cause of all this.

What, bud? What are you going to do about it?

You shouldnt lock a child up, but rather let them grow freely with care.

Then, I deliberately smiled brightly and clapped. Theodore let out a low sigh before grabbing his forehead.

Do you speak knowing that if Selphi stays, youll be the one in the most danger?


Why am I in danger?

Selphis poison is the strongest among us. Theres no definite assurance that an accident like todays wont happen again.

And theres no definite assurance that youll survive again.

His words werent necessarily wrong.

However, I would only be an unwelcome guest here for a year, while Selphius was a family member he would need to live with moving forward. And I had been planning on enduring situations like this from the start.

I can be more careful. Im prepared to accept that.

As I clenched my fist with a resolute expression, Theodore stared at me dazedly, though he quickly fixed his expression before turning.



Is there anything you would like to bring from the cottage?

At Theodores inquiry, Selphiuss jaw dropped before he quickly shook his head.

N-No! You can throw it all away!

Seeing how you speak with conviction, it seems youre confident you wont be found out by others, Selphi.

Yes yes!

At Selphius eager tone, Theodore shook his head as if he had no other choice. He then gestured to the butler behind him.

Prepare anything Selphi will need in his bedroom. From garments to furnishing, make sure theyre all new.

Yes, understood.

Thanks to you, I cancelled all of todays plans, so theres nothing to do. What an absolute mess.

Then you should be thankful for me.

Its the first time Ive seen Selphi listen to someones words so well.


With a dumbfounded expression, I looked back and forth between Theodore and Selphius.

This is him listening to me? Do you have bad vision?

Its just as Sercia said. The more I look at you, the more Im amazed.

Ive always had immeasurable charm.

You thought that was a compliment?

Who else has these strengths?

As if admitting defeat, Theodore stuck out his tongue. Then, after muttering might as well take a nap for the first time in a while under his breath, he turned and left the bedroom.

The butler in front of the door gave me a stealthy thumbs up, smiling.

Young Master, come this way. Well call a tailor to take your measurements. Ill also bring a furniture catalogue, so pick out the ones you like.

Selphiuss face was tinged with excitement. The child tried hard to maintain his composure as he walked. However, I could almost see a tail wagging behind him.

How cute.

Selphius, who had been following the butler, suddenly turned to face me. Then, with a curt voice as always, he spoke.

Call me Selphi from now on, Your Highness the Grand Duchess.


Ears reddening, Selphius ran out of the bedroom.

Hes so cute.

* * *

The next day.

An uninvited guest came to visit in the early hours.

Pershati, were you never going to invite us if we didnt come see you ourselves?

Why would I do so if I didnt want to see you? I have to desire your presence in order to invite you.

It was my step-mother and Reina.

So, whats the reason for your visit?

Is this a place were not allowed to visit? How petulant of you.

Older sister, have you met with Sir Siph?

Thats what you came to ask about?

They really are tactless. How could you visit a married woman and ask about her ex-boyfriend?

With a face full of pity, I tutted my tongue.

Reina, I knew you lacked smarts, but I wasnt aware that your memory was this bad. I broke up with Siph.

I asked because I already knew! You havent met Sir Siph since then?

Why should I be concerned with someone I already broke up with?

At my cold response, Reina put both hands to her mouth, feigning shock.

Older sister, why are you being so heartless?


If I were really being heartless, I would have thrown you out of the residence without even letting you in. It seems youre still blissfully unaware.

You were together for a long time. You even considered marriage.

We did.

You mustve forgotten, but when Dad died, Sir Siph was the one who comforted you and helped you cope through it all. Is it okay for you to repay his kindness like this?

At Reinas words, I stopped in the middle of raising the teacup to my mouth.

He comforted me? Kindness? If you had an ounce of humanity, you wouldnt be saying that while dawning such an innocent expression.

If I hadnt been trying to keep my cool, I wouldve poured boiling-hot tea onto that face.


As soon as it seemed like I was listening to her words, Reina got excited and started nodding fervently.

Really! When you were struggling, Sir Siph was the one who helped you!

Then you date him.

Reinas bright smile faltered. My step-mother, who had been listening to our conversation silently beside us, paled, giving me a surge of joy.

Im already married, and Ive been so happy that I havent even had the chance to think about my ex these days.

O-Older sister. Dont you pity Sir Siph?

If hes so pitiful, then you can reuse him. Ill give him to you.

Although youve already been meeting him for a long time now.

You were probably planning to lie and make it seem that after my death, you had comforted each other in your grief and fallen in love that way.

Ah, and in case people think youre cheating with my ex-boyfriend, Ill set things straight with them.

W-What? Ch-Cheating?

Ill make sure they know I threw Sir Siph away, and that he has no relation to me whatsoever. So dont worry about it and date Sir Siph if you so choose, Reina.

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