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7 months ago
A young juvenile’s dantian was sealed since childhood. He can learn all elementary laws and master... Read more A young juvenile’s dantian was sealed since childhood. He can learn all elementary laws and master all martial art techniques. Various Kings strive to reach the heavens, new warlords rise together simultaneously, great races stand with thousands of numbers. From the moment that youth awakens, Everyone will shiver in his presence… Humans unfair to ME, millions of corpses on the ground. Collapse Body Tempering, Caring Protagonist, Cultivation, Death of Loved Ones, Dwarfs, Enemies Become Lovers, Fast Learner, Honest Protagonist, Hot-blooded Protagonist, Immortals, Inheritance, Kidnappings, Long Separations, Magical Space, Male Protagonist, Monster Tamer, Multiple Realms, Mysterious Family Background, Polygamy, Romantic Subplot, Ruthless Protagonist, Sealed Power, Soul Power, Strength-based Social Hierarchy, Stubborn Protagonist, Sudden Strength Gain, Sword Wielder, Threesome, Unique Cultivation Technique, World Travel My Fury Will Burn The HeavensWhat'd the heavens do to you??? Sus, where da comments Is it worth reading or just another cliche face slaping novel with no actual plot?