My Dragon System

Chapter 182 - Back up has arrived

Chapter 182 - Back up has arrived

Gary had to rub his eyes just to make sure he wasn't seeing things. One second there was a Minotaur charging at him and the next second it was replaced with a giant wolf. Gary started to examine the wolf closer and soon realized that it looked similar to the one Ray had before.

"That couldn't be the same one as last time, right?" Gary thought.

Before Gary had a fear of wolves since his attack as a child but his fear went away once Noir had made a great sacrifice. The last time he had seen her was when Gary was fighting with a member of Pure blood, Noir Jumped in front of him and took a blow getting hurt in the process.

But the Wolf he was looking at now was quite different from the one he had seen before. Noir used to be the size of a tiger. However, the Noir he was looking at now was the size of a small house.

The Minotaur was knocked away but quickly got up. Although Noir was big in size her strength wasn't quite there yet. Ray had no armor to give Noir to take advantage of her new ability, meaning her strength was only slightly stronger than before.

"Is that Ray, and I think it's that wolf that saved us last time!" Monk said.

Ray quickly Jumped of Noir's back and fired Ice balls from his palm towards the tentacles reaching out to grab Gary.

"Attack now!" Ray shouted.

Gary immediately sliced the tentacles. With the combination of Ray's ice ball and Gary's new sword, it was a lot easier to deal with all the tentacles coming towards him.

"Since when could Ray use magic, and what's with his giant wolf!" Martha asked.

"I don't know about the magic but the wolf I've seen before." Monk replied, "Now that I think about it doesn't the ice abilities and equipment Ray is wearing remind you of someone?"

Then at the same time, they both realized who it reminded them of. It was Nes. Right now Ray was wearing his best equipment which was what he would usually wear when he was disguised as Nes.

"You don't think Ray was Nes this whole time do you?" Martha asked.

Suddenly, everything started to make sense to Monk but the two didn't have much time to think about whether Ray was Nes or not, for the other two Minotaurs' attention quickly focused on them.

Ray then commanded Noir to go and help Monk and Martha to deal with the Minotaur's but he knew it wouldn't be enough.

Ray looked around at the situation and the enemy still had the upper hand even with his and Noir's help. Right now the people who needed help most were Dan and the Twins but Ray was too busy dealing with the two slug creatures with Gary.

If only they had some extra help Ray thought.

Most of the knights that were originally helping Dan and the twins had either been knocked out by the green slime or were dead. Leaving only the three of them to deal with the Slime Snake. It felt like an impossible task, they weren't even able to injure the beast so how could they defeat it.

The only upper hand they had was Dan's spear. Every time the Snake would shoot a green slime ball Dan was able to hit it back using his spears ability. However, the snake eventually started to learn and instead of shooting a green Slimeball at Dan, it decided to go in with a bite.

The snake opened its jaws wide and slithered its head towards Dan.

"Watch out!" Badger shouted.

"I can see the dam thing but it's too fast" Dan replied.

All Dan could do was prepare for the attack. The Snake was too fast. Dan stood firm with his spear held in his hand. The snake's jaws were now directly above Dan and all it needed to do was snap its jaw to finish him.

Then suddenly, Dan's vision was blocked. All he could see in front of him was a large human shape figure with white fur.

"grheyft outdf herehr!" The fur figure said.

"What did you say?" Dan asked.

"Get out of their Dan!" Slyvia shouted.

Dan immediately did as he was told and when he looked back, he now had a full view of what had saved him from the snake's bite. It was a muscular Werewolf who was holding the snake's mouth wide open with his bare hands.

"Remember me!" Jack said although it sounded nothing like this.

"This is payback for what you did to me in that dam tunnel." Jack used all his strength to close the giant Snake's mouth and then shoved his claw into the snake's eye. The Snake started to make all sorts of noises as it shook its body.

"What the heck is that thing?" Dan asked as he went to join with the others.

"It's Jack," Slyvia replied.

Dan was too shocked even to give a reply back. Too many strange things had happened since he had joined the academy but this was the strangest of them all.

With the help of Jack and the others, the battlefield started to even out more. Gary and Ray were starting to push the slugs back. While Noir also helped to even out the fight against the Minotaurs.

Suddenly things were starting to look upon the battlefield.

Then finally Ray and Gary had managed to defeat one of the slugs. In the end, Gary was the one who had finished it off with his blade while Ray used his ice abilities to freeze it in place.

"Keep going!" Ray shouted, "We can win this."

But just as Ray said those words, he could suddenly see in the distance with his dragon eyes. More Red auras heading his way. There was a total of 5 new beasts who had come out form the tunnels and were heading straight for the academy.

At the same time, the rain started to drop from the sky, the winds started to blow and a storm was coming. As if it was a sign for the worst things to come.

Ray had to quickly make a choice, to abandon the academy or continue on a hopeless fight.


Special thanks to AbyssalSovereign, Brandon_Anderson_4975, Janelle_Evwoh_6886, Fenrir2040, Alexander_Bingham and Lyric_ just for the gifts they give me the extra power I need to write these chapters.

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