My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons

Chapter 61

Hearing Consort of County Princess Yao say this, Imperial Physician Jiang took the pulse of the Ankang county lord.

After a moment, he said to the couple, "There's no need to worry. The lady's body is fine, the previous poison has been cleared, and now she just needs to take good care of the pregnancy. In early pregnancy, be sure to avoid overexertion, cold foods, and spicy foods. Maintain a good mood and get plenty of rest."

Consort of County Princess Yao was overjoyed and nodded in agreement. He then took out a silver ingot and said, "Thank you, Dr. Jiang. This is a small token of my appreciation."

However, Imperial Physician Jiang waved his hands repeatedly and said firmly, "Please take it back, sir. You've already paid for previous consultations, and I didn't prescribe any medicine today. It was just a few simple words, no need to be so polite."

But Consort of County Princess Yao insisted, "If it weren't for you, doctor, we wouldn't have this child. Consider it a gift from me on behalf of the child. Please accept it, doctor."

Hearing this, Imperial Physician Jiang looked at him strangely, "Sir, you shouldn't say such things carelessly. This child is yours, it has nothing to do with anyone else."


At these words, Yanshu almost burst out laughing.

The Ankang county lord also laughed behind her veil, "My husband misspoke. We've made the doctor laugh. But this silver is truly just a small token of our appreciation. Doctor, if you don't accept it, we'll feel terrible."

Imperial Physician Jiang then said, "If you really insist, why not donate the silver to those in need?"

Seeing his persistence, the Ankang county lord finally nodded, "Alright then. We'll donate some silver to the porridge kitchens another day, in the doctor's name."

Dr. Jiang nodded, "Thank you, my lady."

The couple then stood up to take their leave and walked out.

As the room quieted down, Yuwen Lan approached Dr. Jiang. Before he could speak, the doctor asked directly, "Is your marital life normal now, sir?"

Yuwen Lan: "..."

This doctor had quite a memory.

Well, since Yanshu already knew, there was no need to play dumb anymore. He nodded and said, "Thanks to the doctor's skillful treatment, everything is normal now. It's just that my wife hasn't conceived yet. I wonder if there's still some problem with me."

Dr. Jiang nodded and gestured for him to extend his hand, then felt his pulse.

After a short while, he said, "Based on your pulse, sir, you should have recovered to normal. There's no need to be too anxious about conception; it will happen naturally when the time is right. However..."

He paused, making one feel nervous. Yuwen Lan quickly asked, "However what?"

Dr. Jiang coughed and said, "However, you should still exercise some restraint at night. Too much indulgence can also affect your vital energy."

Yuwen Lan: "..."

Yanshu: "..."

— Who would have thought that the word "indulgence" would one day be used on the emperor, ahem.

Yuwen Lan: "???"

What did she mean?

Why couldn't it be used on him?

He wanted to discuss this topic with her, but there was an outsider present.

Yuwen Lan could only agree with Dr. Jiang and prepare to leave.

— Seeing how he didn't accept payment earlier, it would be better not to bother. He'll just increase his salary later.

However, at that moment, a loud roar came from outside: "Stop right there, you thief!"


A thief???

The three people in the room immediately froze, and after a few moments of shock, they all rushed out of the room together.

When the three arrived on the street outside Dr. Jiang's house, they saw Yao Junliang, who had just left, holding the collar of a thin man with one hand, looking furious.

There was no need to ask; that loud shout just now had come from Consort of County Princess Yao.

And with that shout, the neighbors around Dr. Jiang's house had all come out to see what was happening, and the area was soon filled with people.

Seeing this situation, Dr. Jiang hurried forward and asked, "What's going on?"

Consort of County Princess Yao said, "This little thief was climbing over walls and breaking into houses in broad daylight. If I hadn't noticed just now, he would have gotten away."

Then he pointed to a house to the west of Dr. Jiang's and asked, "Whose house is that? This little thief just jumped down from that wall. Is the owner here? Quickly go back and check if anything is missing."

Hearing this, a woman holding a child in the crowd was startled and said, "Isn't that my house? Please, Sister Jiang, hold A'Sheng for me. I'll go check right away."

She handed her baby to Dr. Jiang's wife, Madam He, and hurried back home to check.

However, after a short while, she came running back and said, "It doesn't seem like anything is missing from my house. The money and jewelry are all still there."

Everyone was stunned.

Then the thin man being held by Consort of County Princess Yao said, "It's a misunderstanding! I just accidentally took the wrong path. I'm really not a thief!"

Consort of County Princess Yao snorted, "Took the wrong path? Accidentally went into someone else's house? And jumped down from the wall? Tell us quickly, what were you really up to?"

Seeing this situation, Yanshu also found it strange and quickly asked the system, [Is this person really a thief?]

The system replied, [Actually, he's not a thief, but he's even more hateful than a thief. He was sent by someone to frame Dr. Jiang.]

Frame Dr. Jiang?

Yanshu was startled, but then heard Yuwen Lan, who had been observing, say to Consort of County Princess Yao, "Why don't we check if he has any stolen goods on him?"

Of course, his voice was disguised, so Consort of County Princess Yao didn't recognize it.

Consort of County Princess Yao's attention was focused on the small thief at the moment. Hearing this, he said "Good idea" and immediately called his attendants to search the small thief.

After a thorough search, they indeed didn't find any valuables on him.

However, they did find a paper package.

Yes, it was like the kind of yellow hemp paper package used in pharmacies to wrap medicines, tied neatly with grass rope, and emitting a medicinal smell.

It did indeed look like a medicine package.

Seeing this, Dr. Jiang was startled. He quickly stepped forward to take the package, opened it, and examined the contents. He then said to the woman who had just run home to check her valuables, "Sister Huang, isn't this the medicine I just prescribed for A'Sheng?"

Sister Huang looked confused and said, "No, that medicine is still on the stove in my house. I was just about to go out to get some firewood and then brew it for A'Sheng to drink."

"No, no," Dr. Jiang shook his head urgently, "Please go and bring the package of medicine from your stove."

Sister Huang had no choice but to agree and hurried back home again.

Soon, she came running back with a medicine package and said to Dr. Jiang, "Here it is, Dr. Jiang. Look, isn't this the medicine you prescribed earlier?"

Dr. Jiang quickly took the package and opened it to look. After a moment, he frowned and said, "This is wrong. The medicine has been switched!"


Everyone was stunned. How could the medicine have been switched?

Dr. Jiang quickly sorted through the herbs in the second paper package and said to Sister Huang, "Look, this is plantain seed, this is white peony root, and this is phellodendron bark. A'Sheng has a cold, and I prescribed a formula to dispel cold earlier. But these are all very cold herbs. If A'Sheng drinks this, his condition will definitely worsen, even causing diarrhea and collapse. The consequences could be very serious!"


Hearing this, everyone looked shocked.

Sister Huang immediately rushed to the small thief and demanded, "I have no grudge against you. Why would you want to harm our A'Sheng like this?"

Yanshu, however, already understood. This was the trick to frame Dr. Jiang.

— Switching the medicine he prescribed, so that when the patient drinks it, not only would it not alleviate the condition, but it would cause more serious consequences, thus slandering Dr. Jiang's reputation...

Hmph, this method was exactly the same as when they framed Divine Doctor Xun back then!

At this point, without the system's prompt, she could guess who the mastermind behind this was!

Feeling angry, she was about to say something to the emperor, but before she could open her mouth, she saw the emperor say to Dr. Jiang, "This person's target is likely you. This matter is not trivial. I suggest you report it to the authorities immediately, doctor."

Hearing this, Consort of County Princess Yao immediately nodded and said, "That's right. This little thief is probably trying to frame you, doctor. As it happens, I'm free today. I'll accompany you to the Capital Official!"

Saying this, he ordered his attendants to secure the small thief, then went to the carriage and informed his wife, the Ankang county lord.

The Ankang county lord expressed understanding and gave instructions to the carriage driver before leaving first.

Then, Consort of County Princess Yao accompanied Dr. Jiang to the Capital Official, not forgetting to have someone hold onto the small thief's collar all the way.

The onlookers expressed their anger and then all returned to their homes.

Yanshu and Yuwen Lan also boarded their carriage and returned to the palace.

"I had originally planned to go stroll through the market and eat some delicious food today."

However, given the current situation, Yanshu couldn't eat anything at all.

She was now filled with anger, only wanting to expose the true face of Zhang Shengkang, the head of the Imperial Medical Academy, to the emperor.

Taking advantage of the moving carriage, she spoke up, "Your Majesty, do you remember the story I told you before about the ungrateful court physician who betrayed his teacher?"

Yuwen Lan nodded, "I remember."

Then he deliberately asked, "Was that based on a real person too?"

Yanshu quickly nodded, "Indeed, the prototype for that court physician is actually Zhang Shengkang, the head of the Imperial Medical Academy."

Yuwen Lan feigned surprise, furrowing his brow, "It was him?"

Seeing her nod, he continued, "That's right, it's him. And Imperial Physician Jiang is the son of that brilliant doctor who was angered to death by Zhang."

Yuwen Lan again expressed surprise, "So that's how it is? No wonder Imperial Physician Jiang's medical skills are so impressive."

Yanshu nodded again, "Zhang Shengkang is an extremely jealous person. He was the mastermind behind today's framing of Imperial Physician Jiang."

Yuwen Lan had also guessed this point.

Not only was the method identical to how Zhang Shengkang had framed his teacher years ago, but considering Imperial Physician Jiang's generous and forthright personality, he likely had no other enemies besides Zhang Shengkang.

Then Yanshu added, "However, I feel that when Zhang Shengkang framed Imperial Physician Jiang today, he may not have known Jiang's true identity. It's very likely he was just acting out of jealousy, wanting to drive him out of the Imperial Medical Academy."

Yuwen Lan raised an eyebrow, "What makes you say that?"

Yanshu narrowed her eyes and said in an experienced tone, "It's simple. After all, Imperial Physician Jiang has changed his identity now. Given Zhang Shengkang's cunning nature, if he knew this fact, he would surely report directly to the court that Imperial Physician Jiang had falsified his identity. Wouldn't that be much easier than secretly plotting to harm him?"

"Indeed, that's true."

Yuwen Lan nodded slightly, then raised an eyebrow at her, "My beloved consort, your thoughts are so meticulous."

Yanshu smiled modestly, "I wouldn't dare claim that. This is just the basic skill set of a gossip enthusiast."

Tsk, she had to admit, many of the rumors she'd heard over the years only contained simple information. It was through her careful deductions that she was able to piece together the full stories. Over time, she had honed this skill.

Of course, there were occasional missteps, like only recently realizing she had long been exposed to the emperor's gaze...

However, after speaking, she furrowed her brow again and said, "I had wanted to publish the story to expose that person's hypocritical face to everyone. But now it seems we'd have to conceal Imperial Physician Jiang's identity, otherwise it might cause him trouble."

Yuwen Lan replied, "There's no need to rush with the story. Let's see how the Capital Official investigates the case."

Yanshu nodded, "That's true."

Today, with many witnesses and both physical and testimonial evidence, and with the Consort of County Princess Yao personally accompanying Imperial Physician Jiang to the Capital Official's office, that criminal surely wouldn't escape.

Now it was just a matter of waiting to see when Zhang Shengkang would be exposed.

Thus, upon returning to the palace, Yanshu focused all her attention on waiting for the latest news from the system.

By then it was already nightfall, and it wasn't until the next morning that the system finally sent an update—

[Latest news: Zhang Shengkang's disciple has come forward to take the blame for him.]


Yanshu was stunned. [Disciple? Zhang Shengkang has disciples?]

System: [Of course he does. He's the head of the Imperial Medical Academy after all. Over the years, countless people have tried to curry favor with him, so he casually accepted quite a few disciples. However, unlike other masters who wholeheartedly pass on their skills, he takes on disciples purely to expand his interests. He either has these people open pharmacies in the city to make money for him or uses them as his lackeys to do his bidding.]

Yanshu understood and asked further, [So how did his disciple take the blame for him?]

System: [It's simple. First of all, that small-time thief was actually instructed by this disciple. Yesterday, after some severe interrogation at the Capital Official's office, the thief confessed who hired him. The Capital Official then brought in this disciple for questioning and found out that he happened to run a clinic nearby. Because Imperial Physician Jiang treated the neighbors, doing a good job at low prices and often not charging at all for families in difficulty, more and more people were going to him for treatment. Wouldn't this affect the business of that clinic? This disciple had ample motive and reason, and he insisted it was all his own doing, so the Capital Official closed the case.]

Yanshu: [...I see.]

Tsk, the business competition angle was indeed very convincing, especially since apart from her and the emperor, no one else knew about the grudge between Imperial Physician Jiang and Zhang Shengkang.

Moreover, Zhang Shengkang was so good at concealing his true nature, appearing to be a man of high moral standing. Who would suspect him?

System: [Also, according to current laws, this crime isn't punishable by death. At most, that disciple will spend a few years in prison and receive some beatings before being released. He has a wife and children, so he wouldn't cut off his source of income for this. Moreover, Zhang Shengkang will surely give him a large sum of money as compensation.]

Yanshu sighed, thinking to herself that this old fox Zhang was truly cunning and calculating.

At that moment in Qianming Palace, Yuwen Lan listened to the report from the Capital Official and had the same thoughts as Yanshu.

Zhang Shengkang had been entrenched in the Imperial Medical Academy for over twenty years; his schemes ran deep. It seemed that this incident alone wasn't enough to bring him down.

Moreover, even if Yanshu were to make public the events of the past, he would likely still manage to escape unscathed.

Not to mention, the events from over twenty years ago were now known to very few people. Where could they find solid evidence?

Under such circumstances, if they rashly released public opinion, he could easily dismiss it as slander.

And the Empress Dowager would likely protect him as well.

However, just at that moment, Fu Hai came in to report, "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager requests your presence at the Palace of Benevolent Peace. She says she has matters to discuss with you."

Yuwen Lan paused.

What a coincidence?

He made a sound of acknowledgment, rose, and left the hall for the Palace of Benevolent Peace.

Upon arrival, Yuwen Lan saw that besides the Empress Dowager, Zhang Shengkang was also present in the hall.

At this moment, Zhang was hanging his head, looking very serious, as if something major had occurred.

Yuwen Lan glanced around, first greeted the Empress Dowager, then sat down on the warm couch.

The Empress Dowager said, "Imperial Physician Zhang just came to see me, saying he wanted to beg forgiveness from me and Your Majesty. So I asked Your Majesty to come and hear him out together."

Yuwen Lan made a sound of acknowledgment and looked at Zhang Shengkang, "What offense has Imperial Physician Zhang committed?"

Zhang Shengkang immediately knelt down and said, "I have failed in teaching my disciples. One of my disciples, due to poor business, framed another doctor, intending to ruin his reputation with no regard for patients' lives. When I heard the news from the Capital Official this morning, I felt deeply ashamed and responsible. Although I was unaware of this matter, the main culprit is still my disciple. I have let down Your Majesty and the Empress Dowager's trust, and I humbly request punishment from both of you."

His words were very sincere, as if he were truly an upright and selfless physician.

Hearing this, before Yuwen Lan could speak, the Empress Dowager said, "Hearing this, that disciple is indeed hateful! As his teacher, you have indeed failed to teach him properly, and bear great responsibility."

Zhang Shengkang bowed his head in agreement.

The Empress Dowager then changed her tone, saying, "However, considering that you spend your days serving me in the palace and are responsible for various affairs of the Imperial Medical Academy, you are indeed stretched thin. So, we can't entirely blame you. This time, we'll let you off the hook."

She then looked at Yuwen Lan and said, "What does Your Majesty think?"

In this situation, what else could Yuwen Lan say?

The Empress Dowager clearly intended to protect him, and this man had indeed played his part well.

So he said, "Mother is magnanimous, but this incident has caused quite a stir in the city. Many people already know of their master-disciple relationship. If we don't hold anyone accountable at all, it might be difficult to explain to the public. How about this,"

He looked at Zhang Shengkang again and said, "Since this matter concerns patients' safety and has had a terrible impact, that person's clinic will be shut down immediately, and he will be severely punished. As for you, you'll be fined half a year's salary and demoted half a rank. In the future, you must be strict with yourself and even stricter in managing your subordinates."

Zhang Shengkang quickly agreed and kowtowed.

The Empress Dowager nodded beside him and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

After the emperor left the Palace of Benevolent Peace, Yanshu, in her own palace, finished receiving the gossip from the system.

Needless to say, failing to bring down Zhang Shengkang this time was frustrating.

She furrowed her brow and said, [The Empress Dowager used to seem to despise evil. Why is she protecting Zhang Shengkang so much this time?]

System: [After all, Zhang Shengkang is an insider of the Empress Dowager. When the Empress Dowager lost her child, she was so depressed that she almost fell seriously ill and died. It was Zhang Shengkang who saved her with all his efforts. Today, Zhang Shengkang can become the chief physician, which is entirely due to the Empress Dowager's promotion. Since the Emperor took power, the Empress Dowager has gradually lost many of her supporters, especially now that the Duke of Cheng'en's Mansion is practically useless. The Empress Dowager will definitely keep as many as she can.]

[Moreover, all these years, it has been Zhang Shengkang who has been in charge of her health. Whenever she has a headache, only Zhang Shengkang can cure it.]

Yanshu exclaimed anxiously, [That was because there were no better alternatives in the past. Now that Imperial Physician Jiang is so outstanding, even saving the young lady of the Ni family, the Empress Dowager has seen it with her own eyes. Why can't she replace Zhang Shengkang with Imperial Physician Jiang?]

System: [How can the Empress Dowager trust just anyone? Moreover, in the Empress Dowager's view, this time it really has nothing to do with Zhang Shengkang. Zhang Shengkang is skilled in medicine and, as long as he remains loyal to her, she will definitely protect him.]

Yanshu: "..."

Alas, although the logic is understood, it still makes one feel uncomfortable.

After thinking for a while, she picked up her pen and decided to rewrite a new script.

She didn't believe that there was a crack that couldn't be pried open in the world.

No matter how much the Empress Dowager trusted him, if she knew that the person by her side was treacherous, she would inevitably harbor doubts and gradually become disgusted.

For several days, the Empress Dowager was also in a heavy mood.

Taking advantage of the absence of others in the hall, Nanny Zhuang stepped forward to advise, "Since Madam Mu returned to Mingzhou, Your Majesty has spoken less and less."

The Empress Dowager closed her eyes and sighed, "There are so many troubles that one doesn't even feel like speaking."

Nanny Zhuang gently massaged the Empress Dowager's temples and said, "The palace is becoming increasingly desolate. Consort Yishu has been serving Your Majesty for so long, yet there is still no news of a child. Why doesn't Your Majesty invite more ladies into the palace to bear children for the Emperor and keep you company? With more people, it will always be more lively."

The Empress Dowager sighed again upon hearing this.

What's the use of having more people?

The root cause of the Emperor's problem has not been resolved. Even if ten thousand beauties were brought in, what would be the point?

Yet he himself doesn't seem to be in a hurry?

After pondering for half a day, the Empress Dowager suddenly opened her eyes and instructed Nanny Zhuang, "Go and do something for me."


As evening approached, Yanshu was about to get up from her desk to stretch her muscles.

Just as she put down her pen, she heard the System say, [New information: The Empress Dowager can't wait any longer and plans to have Zhang Shengkang treat the Emperor's impotence.]

Yanshu: […]

Poor Empress Dowager, she still doesn't know that the Emperor has recovered.

And he has recovered very well. Last night, after she had sent away her relatives, they spent half the night together, almost reviewing all the paintings that had been put aside for a few days.

Of course, with the new gossip at hand, now is not the time to reminisce about last night. She quickly asked the System, [What does the Empress Dowager plan to do? The Emperor doesn't trust Zhang Shengkang at all now; he won't let Zhang Shengkang near him for a pulse diagnosis.]

System: [Maybe this time he will let him near.]

Yanshu: [??? Why?]

System: [The Emperor used to have diarrhea whenever he drank goat's milk as a child. Just now, the Empress Dowager had someone add some goat's milk to the pastries and sent them over.]

Yanshu: [???]

...The Empress Dowager is indeed ruthless enough to make Zhang Shengkang diagnose the Emperor's condition!

How could she stand by and watch?

So she quickly got up and headed towards Qianming Palace.

When Yanshu arrived at Qianming Palace, she saw a plate of taro paste cakes on the tea table in the study, and the oblivious Yuwen Lan was eating one.

He even asked her, "Why are you here?"

Fu Hai was also in the hall, so Yanshu could only say, "I wanted to ask if Your Majesty would like to dine at Ganlu Palace tonight... Where did these pastries come from?"

Yuwen Lan, while eating, replied, "They were sent by the Empress Dowager. I was just hungry, so I ate a few pieces."

He even asked her, "Do you want to try some?"

Mother, he's already eaten a few pieces?

Yanshu silently wiped a cold sweat for him and asked, "Your Majesty... are you feeling alright?"


Yuwen Lan was about to answer her when, after just two words, he suddenly paused.

Yanshu accurately caught the change in his expression and quickly asked, "What's wrong, Your Majesty?"

Before the words were finished, Yuwen Lan had already put down the pastry and rushed to the bathroom, leaving only a hurried sentence, "Wait a moment."

He even remembered to close the bathroom door.

Seeing this, Fu Hai hurried to follow and serve, but Yanshu stopped him, saying, "Chief Eunuch Fu, please step aside for a moment. I have something to report to the Emperor."

Fu Hai paused and had to comply, retreating.

Yanshu then also went to the bathroom door and said, "I have something urgent to report."

From inside the door came Yuwen Lan's slightly uncomfortable voice, "Just wait a moment..."

Yanshu, however, said, "The matter is urgent; it will be too late if we wait."

The person inside had no choice but to say, "Alright, just say it like that."

...As a monarch, it was the first time in his life to listen to a report while in the bathroom.

But then he heard Yanshu say, "The Empress Dowager had someone put some goat's milk in the taro paste cakes you just ate..."


Yuwen Lan was stunned.

Yanshu hurriedly added, "Didn't you always have diarrhea when you drank goat's milk as a child? The Empress Dowager plans to use this opportunity to have Zhang Shengkang come over to treat you!!!"

Yuwen Lan: "..."

Alright, he understood now.

Putting aside all the various feelings of helplessness for the moment, he immediately ordered, "Summon Imperial Physician Jiang!"

Yanshu complied and was about to go out to instruct Fu Hai.

But just as she lifted her foot, she suddenly paused—

If Imperial Physician Jiang came to diagnose him, wouldn't he recognize that the Emperor was the one who had previously sought treatment for impotence at his home?

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