My Beloved Concubine Only Wants to Eat Melons

Chapter 55

What? They need to use the blood of a close relative for the medicine?0

Upon hearing this, Yanshu's first reaction was - could Ni Xiangwan's true identity be about to be exposed?0

So she immediately looked towards Madam Mu, wanting to see her reaction.0

However, before she could notice any reaction from Madam Mu, she realized the Emperor was also looking at Madam Mu, just like her.0

She was stunned again.0

Why was the Emperor looking at Madam Mu?0

He didn't know that Ni Xiangwan was actually Madam Mu's own daughter, did he???0

Yuwen Lan: "..."0

Tsk, he had momentarily forgotten about this in his curiosity and almost gave himself away.0

So he quickly tried to act natural and shifted his gaze elsewhere.0

But at this moment, everyone in the hall was stunned.0

The Empress Dowager said anxiously, "This girl was adopted, and it's been over ten years now. Where can we find her blood relatives? Isn't there any other way?"0

Imperial Physician Jiang replied, "I beg your pardon, Your Highness, but this is truly the only option now. Aconite is extremely poisonous, and after all this time, the young lady's blood and internal organs have all been contaminated by the toxin. Without the blood of a close relative as a catalyst to help expel the poison, this young lady will likely remain in a coma, barely breathing. Even if she miraculously wakes up, her mind and motor functions will likely be impaired."0

The Empress Dowager drew in a sharp breath.0

This outcome was similar to what Zhang Shengkang had described earlier.0

So it seemed that if they wanted Ni Xiangwan to fully recover, using the blood of a close relative was indeed the only way.0

Everyone who heard this sighed inwardly, feeling that there was no hope for Miss Ni.0

Alas, how could heaven be so cruel to such a good young lady?0

First, she was abandoned by her birth parents, and just when she finally found such a good adoptive mother in Madam Mu, she suddenly fell victim to such a tricky poison.0

What could be done now?0

The Empress Dowager was also on the verge of despair, feeling extremely guilty and not knowing how to explain this to her good friend.0

However, at this moment, Madam Mu spoke to Imperial Physician Jiang, "Just use my blood then."0

What? Everyone was stunned.0

Yanshu's heart settled, silently sighing that indeed, blood ties triumph over all else. At this critical moment, Madam Mu still couldn't bear to lose her child.0

Yuwen Lan thought the same.0

In such a difficult situation, Madam Mu had finally made the right choice.0

However, apart from these two, the rest who were unaware of the truth were completely baffled.0

The Empress Dowager thought her good friend had become confused in her panic and quickly reminded her, "A'Yu, he said they need the blood of a close relative, it has to be Wan'er's birth parents to work."0

Unexpectedly, Madam Mu replied to her very calmly, "I heard him, Your Highness. Don't worry, just use my blood."0

The Empress Dowager was stunned once again.0

Seeing her friend's calm and determined demeanor, she finally realized something and quickly dismissed all the unnecessary personnel from the room.0

This included Zhang Shengkang, the head of the Imperial Medical Academy.0

Time was of the essence. Hearing Madam Mu speak this way, Imperial Physician Jiang confirmed with her one last time, "This absolutely requires the blood of a close relative. Are you certain, Madam?"0

Madam Mu nodded seriously once more and said, "Yes, this child is my own flesh and blood. You can proceed without worry, Imperial Physician."0

As these words fell, the Empress Dowager finally understood.0

Her eyes were still full of surprise.0

Yanshu also quickly put on an expression of great shock that she was trying hard to conceal.0

However, when she inadvertently glanced at Yuwen Lan, she saw that his expression was very calm.0


Strange, why didn't he look surprised at all?0

This was such major news!!!0

Just as she was thinking this, she heard him speak, "The most urgent matter now is to save the person. Imperial Physician Jiang, please proceed quickly."0

Imperial Physician Jiang immediately responded with a "Yes," and promptly opened his medicine box to take out a dagger. He prepared some gauze and a silver bowl, rolled up his sleeves, and was about to draw blood from Madam Mu.0

Yuwen Lan glanced over and saw Yanshu stretching her neck to get a better look. He couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you squeamish about blood?"0

Yanshu: "..."0

Tsk, she had almost forgotten about that.0

But she didn't want to leave, and said with a troubled expression, "But..."0

But how could she miss this???0

Using human blood in medicine to save someone!!!0

It would be such a waste not to witness such miraculous medical skills firsthand!!!0

However, it was too late. Hearing this, the Empress Dowager immediately said, "Yipin, you should step out for a while, lest you faint and cause trouble."0

Yanshu: "..."0

Tsk tsk tsk, she couldn't even watch the excitement.0

She could only respond with a "Yes" and glance silently at the Emperor, preparing to leave.0

But then she heard the Empress Dowager say to the Emperor, "Your Majesty has had a long day. It's getting late, you should return to rest. There are important matters of state to attend to in the morning, don't overtire yourself."0

Yuwen Lan also responded with a "Very well," and then instructed Fu Hai, "Stay here to help. If anything happens, report to me immediately."0

Fu Hai quickly agreed.0

Yanshu inwardly thought, [He can't watch either? Well, I feel a bit better now.]0

Yuwen Lan: "..."0

After leaving the Palace of Benevolent Peace, Yanshu's mind was still on that matter -0

The Empress Dowager suddenly learning about the true relationship between Madam Mu and Ni Xiangwan, yet not asking many questions or blaming her, it seems these two best friends really do have a strong bond.0

But, would Madam Mu's blood work?0

...If it doesn't, would they need to find Ni Xiangwan's birth father?0

Tsk, if that happens, wouldn't this matter become even bigger?0

Yuwen Lan listened and silently nodded - it was indeed very possible.0

Then he heard her worry, [But all along it's only been General Zong quietly guarding Madam Mu, and Madam Mu doesn't even know where he is. Can they suddenly find him? Even if they can, that person would have to rush from Mingzhou to the capital. Would there be enough time?]0

Yuwen Lan: "..."0

She really does love to worry.0

Even if Madam Mu doesn't know where that person is, doesn't he know?0

So he spoke up, "It's late, let's go back and rest."0

He was about to help her onto the imperial carriage.0

Unexpectedly, she said, "It's only just past 8 PM, still a while before bedtime. I imagine there must be quite a pile of memorials in the imperial study. Your Majesty should hurry back to review them, we mustn't delay important matters."0

Yuwen Lan: "???"0

He frowned, "Who was it that called me out earlier? Now you're rushing me back to read memorials? Use me and toss me aside?"0

She immediately blushed and hurriedly said, "How can Your Majesty say such things? How could I use you and toss you aside?"0

Ahem, we haven't even used you tonight yet...0

Yuwen Lan: "..."0

Ahem, if she still wanted to use him tonight, why was she sending him back to Qianming Palace?0

Wasn't a spring night worth a thousand gold?0

He raised an eyebrow and smiled, saying softly, "I go to Qianming Palace? What about you? Won't you be lonely going back alone?"0

But she replied righteously, "For the sake of national affairs, I can endure. Besides, won't Your Majesty return after reviewing the memorials?"0

Tsk, mainly she was eager to know how Imperial Physician Jiang would treat Ni Xiangwan.0

Even if she couldn't watch in person, she could still get the gossip in her own palace.0

Moreover, she had a feeling that at this rate, that book about the widow and the loyal dog might be published soon. She needed to hurry and polish it up a bit more.0

After all, poor Zou Mozhong was still hiding in the Hanlin Academy, unable to return home.0

Thinking of this, she bowed to Yuwen Lan and said, "This concubine will retire first."0

Then she quickly walked towards Ganlu Palace.0

Yuwen Lan: "..."0

She only thought about Zou Mozhong not being able to go home, didn't she think about him at all?0

Meanwhile, in the Palace of Benevolent Peace, although the Empress Dowager still had many questions, she held them back for now and stayed by Madam Mu's side to watch Imperial Physician Jiang treat Ni Xiangwan.0

They saw the Imperial Physician first draw some blood from Madam Mu's wrist, then mix it with a decoction of over ten medicinal herbs, and carefully feed it to Ni Xiangwan. Immediately after, he applied acupuncture to the young lady's main acupoints.0

Before long, they saw black blood flowing out from the young lady's nose and mouth.0

This sight was terrifying, and the Empress Dowager quickly asked, "What's happening?"0

Imperial Physician Jiang said, "Your Highness need not worry, this is a sign of the patient expelling the toxins. It means the medicine is taking effect."0

So that's what it was.0

The Empress Dowager and Madam Mu finally relaxed a little.0

However, right after, they heard Imperial Physician Jiang say, "But this young lady's poisoning is severe. I'm afraid we'll need to draw blood several more times. Can Madam endure it?"0

At these words, the Empress Dowager quickly asked with concern, "How many more times?"0

"You must know that Madam Mu is frail. Just watching that blood-drawing scene made one anxious for her."0

Imperial Physician Jiang felt Miss Ni's pulse and frowned, saying, "It will need to be done twice a day. We'll see if it works within three days."0

What? Twice a day? For three days?0

The Empress Dowager anxiously said, "How can this be?"0

A mother's body is only mortal flesh after all. How could she withstand losing so much blood in just three days?0

But then Imperial Physician Jiang said, "That's why I wanted to ask if this young lady has any other close relatives. If so, they could help share the burden with Madam Mu."0

Upon hearing this, Madam Mu finally said, "She has an older brother, but... they have different fathers."0

The imperial physician shook his head, "If they shared both parents it would work, but having different fathers won't do."0

As he finished speaking, the Empress Dowager quickly looked at Madam Mu.0

Before she could speak, Madam Mu said, "It's alright, I can handle it myself. It's just a bit of blood. I've already failed her so much, even if all the blood is drained from my body it wouldn't matter."0

Seeing her like this, the Empress Dowager could only swallow her words.0

This was her affair after all. If she herself was unwilling, others couldn't force the issue.0

And so, a night passed. Before dawn broke, Imperial Physician Jiang needed to draw blood again.0

Although Madam Mu endured it without crying out in pain, by the time a bowl of blood was drawn, her face had turned pale and she was about to faint.0

Seeing this, Imperial Physician Jiang shook his head and said, "Is this young lady's birth father no longer in this world? Relying on Madam's blood alone, I'm afraid she won't be able to hold on long enough to revive the young lady."0

Hearing these words, the Empress Dowager finally couldn't hold back, "At this point, why care about such things? Quickly tell me where that man is, and I'll send someone to bring him here! You say you've failed Xiangwan so much, do you want both of you to die together?"0

As her words fell, Madam Mu let out a long sigh and finally said, "Yes, then please help me find someone, Your Majesty..."0

The next morning, as soon as Yanshu woke up, she received a message from the system: [The Empress Dowager has already sent people to Mingzhou to find General Zong.]0

Yanshu's eyes immediately lit up. [What's going on? Did Madam Mu tell the Empress Dowager about this?]0

The system replied: [That's right. Because her own blood wasn't enough to save her daughter, she had no choice but to ask the Empress Dowager to help find the child's father.]0

Yanshu finally understood, but at the same time felt worried. [What if General Zong refuses to come? And Mingzhou is so far from the capital, even if he's willing to come, will he make it in time?]0

The system: [No problem, Zong Xinghai has already set out from Mingzhou.]0


Yanshu was stunned. [How is that possible? The Empress Dowager only started looking for him this morning. It would take two days just to send a message from the capital to Mingzhou!]0

The system: [Before dawn today, an urgent order to transfer him arrived at the Mingzhou coastal defense camp. That General Zong set out immediately and has already traveled dozens of miles.]0

Transfer order?0

Yanshu was stunned again. Why did the capital issue a transfer order last night?0

Could the Emperor predict the future?0

But that's not right. Even if he could predict the future, how would he know that Ni Xiangwan's birth father was General Zong?0

How could he transfer exactly the right person?0

Yanshu was confused all day, until night fell and Yuwen Lan entered the palace.0

Yanshu greeted him with a bow, her mind full of questions. Just then, the palace servants finished setting out the meal, so she sat down at the table with him, still puzzled.0

At first, Yuwen Lan didn't notice anything amiss. He glanced at the table and saw cherry pork, chrysanthemum fish, crab roe tofu, braised lion's head meatballs, salted pork soup with bamboo shoots, and other dishes - all her favorites.0

He picked up his chopsticks and started eating, expecting to hear her usual exclamations of delight at the delicious food. But instead, he heard her thinking, [How should I ask him about this?]0

[First, I can't reveal that I know the father of the Ni family's young lady is General Zong. Second, I can't let on that I already know he issued an order to transfer General Zong to the capital. And I definitely can't mention that the Empress Dowager was urgently looking for General Zong to come to the capital this morning.]0

Because logically speaking, these were all things that she, as an imperial consort, shouldn't know about.0

Ugh, it's so frustrating!0

She was so anxious she couldn't even taste her favorite lion's head meatballs.0

But just then, Yuwen Lan suddenly spoke up, "By the way, this morning the Empress Dowager sent someone to Mingzhou to find a person."0

Yanshu was startled.0

Was he going to share information with her?0

Her eyes darted around, and she quickly put on a curious expression, saying, "Who is it?"0

Yuwen Lan replied, "A person called Du Xinghai."0

Yanshu quickly let out another "Ah" and asked, "What does the Empress Dowager want with this person?"0

Yuwen Lan deliberately lowered his voice, "Can you guess?"0

Yanshu hurriedly pretended to think, "Mingzhou... isn't that where the Marquis of Zhenhai's Mansion is located? Could this person be related to Madam Mu?"0

Yuwen Lan nodded, "I think so too."0

He leaned in closer and lowered his voice again, saying, "It's highly likely... this person is the birth father of the Ni family's young lady."0

Yanshu quickly put on a surprised expression and played along, "Why does Your Majesty say that?"0

In her heart, she thought, "Tsk tsk, so the Emperor looks serious on the surface, but he's actually such a gossip!"0

Then she heard Yuwen Lan say, "Isn't that Ni family girl currently needing blood from relatives to treat her illness? I heard this morning that after drawing blood twice, Madam Mu's body couldn't handle it anymore. So why else would the Empress Dowager be in such a hurry to find someone?"0

Yanshu immediately feigned realization and said, "Your Majesty's words make sense. But Mingzhou is quite far from the capital. By the time they find the person and bring him to the capital, wouldn't it take several days? Can Miss Ni hold on that long?"0

Yuwen Lan smoothly continued, "As it happens, yesterday the Ministry of Works wanted to transfer someone from the Mingzhou coastal defense to the capital to discuss rebuilding the sea walls. Someone recommended this person to me, so I issued an imperial edict last night to transfer him to the capital."0

Yanshu paused.0

So it was because of the sea wall repairs that he transferred this Zong Xinghai to the capital?0

Thinking about it, it made sense. That person had been guarding the coast for years, so he must be very familiar with tides and waves. It wasn't wrong to consult him about the situation.0

Tsk, looking at it this way, it really was quite a coincidence.0

At this point, the questions that had plagued her all day were finally dispelled. She immediately felt relieved and regained her appetite, quickly picking up her chopsticks to eat.0

Wow, she hadn't expected the cherry pork to be so perfectly sweet and salty today, tender and delicious, really whetting her appetite!0

Mmm, the crab roe tofu was also fragrant and delicious, soft and smooth.0

Wow, this chrysanthemum fish was cooked just to her liking, crispy on the outside and tender inside, with a perfect sweet and sour taste. If it had been served any later it wouldn't have tasted as good.0

Watching her devour a bowl of rice in no time, Yuwen Lan finally felt relieved and picked up his chopsticks to eat as well.0

How could he let a little foodie go without eating?0

That would be a real sin.0

After finishing dinner, seeing it was getting late, the two washed up and got into bed.0

Ahem, as Yanshu had predicted yesterday, a pile of memorials had accumulated in the imperial study. By the time Yuwen Lan finished reading them and returned, Yanshu was already asleep.0

Add to that the matter of the Ni family's young lady, and Yuwen Lan wasn't in the mood either, so he obediently slept through the night.0

Today, seeing that everything was turning for the better, he naturally couldn't let the opportunity pass...0

After a bout of passionate lovemaking, Yanshu drifted off into a comfortable sleep.0

She didn't know how long she had slept when she vaguely heard Fu Hai's voice outside the hall, "Your Majesty, that General Zong from Mingzhou has just arrived."0


Mingzhou, General Zong?0

Weren't these the very words she was concerned about?0

Yanshu's eyes snapped open, instantly wide awake.0

Looking to the side, she saw the Emperor still sleeping with his eyes closed, seemingly not yet awake.0

She anxiously reached out and pushed him gently twice, calling softly, "Your Majesty..."0

But he didn't respond.0

She rolled her eyes and decided to say, "Your Majesty, Miss Ni's birth father has arrived..."0

As soon as she said this, she saw him finally open his eyes.0

Yanshu: "..."0

Indeed, the essence of human nature is to be curious about gossip, and the Emperor was no exception.0

She quickly repeated, "Your Majesty, Eunuch Fu is saying outside that General Zong has just arrived."0

Yuwen Lan finally came to his senses and called out to the door, "Tell him to wait in the Palace of Benevolent Peace. I'll be there shortly."0

Fu Hai acknowledged and hurried off to make arrangements.0

Yuwen Lan then sat up in bed, about to lift the covers and get up.0

Yanshu quickly said, "May this concubine accompany Your Majesty?"0

"Since we were both open with each other last night, there's no need to pretend we don't know. I just want to see what General Zong's loyal younger admirer looks like," she said.0

Yuwen Lan raised an eyebrow at her. "This man is coming to draw blood from our daughter. Aren't you afraid you'll faint at the sight of blood?"0

Yanshu quickly replied with a smile, "I'll look away when he's about to draw blood."0

Yuwen Lan continued, "He's still an outside official."0

Yanshu persisted, "Then I'll hide to the side where he can't see me."0

Inwardly, she was screaming in frustration. What's with all these questions?! This is the classic scene of a father and daughter meeting for the first time, and former lovers reuniting! If I miss it, I won't be able to eat or sleep properly!0

Yuwen Lan: "..."0

She even enjoys watching this kind of excitement? He thought she only liked watching arguments and fights...0

Before he could say anything, she moved closer and clung to his arm, shaking it. "Your Majesty... please... I really can't bear to be apart from you..."0

Yuwen Lan: "..."0

Tch, even though he knew every word was false, it was still very gratifying.0

Besides, if she kept shaking him like this, they might never leave...0

So he said, "Alright, let's go together then."0

With that, he casually reached into her embrace a couple of times before finally getting out of bed.0

Yanshu immediately agreed and hurriedly got dressed and fixed her hair. Soon after, they set off together for the Palace of Benevolent Peace.0

After arriving and paying their respects to the Empress Dowager, they heard a palace servant announce that General Zong had also arrived.0

To maintain her daughter's treatment, Madam Mu had already endured having her blood drawn four times, and her body was on the verge of collapse. The Empress Dowager, who was very anxious at this point, immediately ordered him to come in quickly.0

Yanshu also hurried to the inner chamber where Madam Mu and her daughter were to avoid being seen.0

However, she still peeked through the crack in the door towards the main hall.0

In a moment, she saw a sturdy man enter the hall and kneel to pay respects to the Emperor and Empress Dowager. "Your subject Zong Xinghai pays respects to Your Majesty and the Empress Dowager."0

So this is the loyal younger admirer!0

Yanshu was excited and tried to get a good look. She saw that he had a full beard and his face was tanned a reddish-brown.0


This was quite different from what she had imagined.0

But thinking about it, it made sense. Having received an urgent summons, he had set out immediately, able to reach the capital so quickly. He must have been riding non-stop day and night, so how could he have had time to shave?0

Moreover, a man who had been guarding the sea borders for years naturally wouldn't have fair skin.0

Especially since more than ten years had passed, the young wolf pup in his early twenties was now a middle-aged man.0

So his appearance was understandable.0

Especially looking at him again, he did have quite a masculine air about him.0

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but glance at Madam Mu again, only to see that she had furrowed her brows, looking very conflicted.0

Just then, she heard the Empress Dowager say, "There's no time for small talk. I need your blood to save someone now. Quickly bare your wrist for the Imperial Physician to draw blood."0

Yanshu: "..."0

The Empress Dowager truly lived up to her title - she was so direct.0

The Emperor stepped in to smooth things over, saying, "Don't worry, it's only a small amount."0

Of course, even if it wasn't just a little blood but his very life that was required, Zong Xinghai was in no position to refuse at this moment.0

He immediately agreed, rolled up his sleeve, and allowed Imperial Physician Jiang, who had been waiting nearby, to draw a bowl of blood.0

This time, Yanshu didn't try to be brave and very consciously averted her gaze.0

After all, she still wanted to watch the exciting scene of the long-separated reunion, ahem.0

Imperial Physician Jiang worked efficiently, quickly preparing the medicine and administering it to the young Miss Ni.0

About the time it takes to drink a cup of tea later, Ni Xiangwan, who had been unconscious for nearly two days and nights, suddenly moved her fingers and slowly opened her eyes.0

Yanshu silently exclaimed "Oh my god!" while Madam Mu burst into tears of joy, "Wan'er... you're finally awake!"0

Seeing this, the Empress Dowager also relaxed a bit.0

She then turned to the man before her and said, "The patient inside is related to you, which is why we needed your blood to save her life. We may need to draw blood a few more times, so I'm telling you this upfront. Are you willing?"0

As soon as she finished speaking, Zong Xinghai immediately replied, "Your subject is willing."0

After a pause, he tentatively asked, "May your subject inquire... is the lady alright?"0

At these words, the Empress Dowager paused, Yuwen Lan raised an eyebrow, and Yanshu inwardly exclaimed, "Holy shit, he figured it out already?"0

She heard the system calmly explain, "It's not hard to guess. This man is an orphan and has been alone for so many years. When the Empress Dowager suddenly says the patient inside is related to him, how could he not think about it? The only person in this world he's ever had a relationship with is Madam Mu. And since he doesn't know he has a child, he naturally assumes it must be Madam Mu."0

Yanshu accurately grasped the key point, "A man in his thirties who's only been with Madam Mu once? And just that one time? Tsk tsk tsk, he's quite the pure and loyal puppy. On par with the Emperor."0

However... the Emperor was previously limited by his abilities, but now that he's become like this, who knows what he'll be like in the future?0

If he turns into a rotten cucumber in the future, she'd kick him to the curb and live off her own money.0

So, one must always be prepared for the worst and work hard to earn money.0

Yuwen Lan, who unexpectedly overheard this outside, was bewildered. "???"0

What does she mean by 'rotten cucumber'?0

Why would she kick him?0

And why, when she was watching other people's business, did she suddenly bring him into it?0

And with such a... fierce tone?0

Just then, they saw Madam Mu suddenly emerge from the inner chamber and say to the travel-worn man, "I'm fine."0

At these words, everyone's attention turned to the two of them.0

Yanshu raised an eyebrow. Had Madam Mu been unable to contain her longing and decided to meet him? Ah ah ah, what an exciting scene had just unfolded so unexpectedly!!!0

Sure enough, Zong Xinghai froze for a moment, then suddenly knelt down and said, "My lady... this subordinate has wronged you..." His words were accompanied by tears.0

Yanshu couldn't help but feel her eyes sting with emotion. How touching, how touching.0

But then, they heard Madam Mu say, "Don't say that. Back then... I was willing too. Now, I have something to tell you."0

Yanshu paused again.0

— Holy crap, is Madam Mu going to tell him about the child?0

For a moment, she almost forgot to breathe.0

Then, sure enough, they heard Madam Mu say, "You and I... we have a child."0

As these words fell, the Emperor and Empress Dowager both turned to look at General Zong.0

Even Imperial Physician Jiang, who was guarding the patient in the inner chamber, pricked up his ears.0

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