Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 191: Ring

Chapter 191: Ring

John was happy to return home to his own bed. He missed this. It was a long journey and now he was back to his own life but after coming home he had a huge headache because his home looked little dirty as nobody had maintained his home. Such a big home would take more than a day to clean.

"Do I need to summon ninjas to clean the whole house? Eh! I will just summon some ninjas which I have never summoned from small villages."

John thus summoned some ninjas belonging to the rain village. His house looked perfectly clean after an hour or so. Now John was happy to see the clean home again.

"I need to hire someone to clean home always. This can't go on like this." John thought. John than called up Kevin to ask about the progress of the movies and even called up CD Projekt RED to ask about the next game which was supposed to be released soon.

He was happy to know that the game would be out by the end of the year too. Now John was thinking which game to release next. John wanted to have an Avengers headquarters in space and he wasn't able to think of a perfect space station to be kept in the orbit of Earth like in the comics. John really wished for an exclusive space station.

His first thought was of Halo's rings but they were huge and might cost him a lot as they were powerful weapons which could all sentient life in the galaxy when fired.

"Wait I can just separate away the weapon part and just bring the Ring. Plus I won't bring out the other parts of the Halo game so people would never know. The Forerunners have built such an awesome Ring which has it's own weather and ecosystem. I need to start making the whole Halo game. It wouldn't cost much since bringing Oa was around a billion. The non living things doesn't cost that much."

John thus started writing the necessary script and drawing to give to CD Projekt RED for development of new game. He was excited for having an exclusive huge headquarter and even live in Halo ring. That would be awesome.

After drawing and writing, John went to sleep as he was tired. The next day he went to the Disney headquarter to see how the work of the movie was going on. Disney had hired a new guy for VFX related shots.

Quentin Beck.

John was surprised to see him working eagerly for Disney. He wondered if he would go on to become Mysterio now specially after joining Disney as here he was paid and given enough recognition as opposed to having rivalry against Tony in future.

"Let it be. If he goes to wrong path I will just beat it out."

John went to meet Kevin and discussed about the movie and the future movies to be made. He had a slight headache when it came to DC because he would be soon in unknown territory and basically would have to stop producing movies related to DC soon and focus more on anime and games.

John then checked the memories of many people like Geralt, Aang and some of the ninjas working in SHIELD. There wasn't much change except for Geralt's memories. He saw Nobu had called all the members of the Hand and they all will soon come together to get the power of longer life from the dead body of the dragon underground in Hell's kitchen.

"Geralt is powerful enough to handle all the five. Matt is there to help. I hope other members of the Defenders don't come to ruin the plot. I will just keep an eye on it. I wonder if Elektra would get involved in all this."

John spent the next few days talking with the game company and talking about the ideas behind the game and it's working. They were excited about getting a new game from John as the previous two games were an absolute hit. They all were looking forward to produce another legendary game.

Soon months went by and it was November. In mid November Emma finally came back and John was more than happy to see her back. John was relieved to see no scars or injuries. Emma too was happy to see John again. They had been away for quite a long time. Both of them spoke about their adventures.

Emma spoke about the racism of the Kree on non-pure bloods and how she had to save many impure blooded Kree. She was happy to save the people and thus earning good will in many places. John spoke about killing Ronan.

"So it was you. No wonder many Kree rejoiced after you killed him. He was the most racist guy according to them." Emma said.

"Kree is going to fall if this goes on. I don't understand what the Supreme Intelligence is even thinking of allowing such atrocities to continue. It is an AI. It was supposed to be smarter than that."


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