Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 182 - First time ever you are looking so womanish.

Chapter 182 - First time ever you are looking so womanish.

Scott couldn’t help but feel powerless. He didn’t know what to say, all he could do now is to wreck his mind for a chance to escape this conversation.

"Oh shit, I forgot to give medicines to Jean. They should be given after one hour of dinner, I better go now" Scott kissed his mother’s cheek ruefully "I am very sorry mom, this will never ever happen again. I promise" he looked into her tearful eyes and his heart ached for being like that. After Jean came into his life his concern and caring nature became exclusively for her and he forgot to think how his mother would feel.

"It’s Okay, I understand that you didn’t do it intentionally and I am also in mistake there. I should have expressed my feelings rather than hiding them. Go, now and sleep. Jean would be feeling cold without you" Susan smiled at her son but Scott could see that she is still upset. He will make it up to her.

"Thank you mom" Scott didn’t know what to talk further so he sprinted out of the room.

By the time he went into his room Jean is sitting near the window staring at something sadly, Her face is drenched with sweat and her eyes looked little red. How could he forget that she will also have nightmares during her migraine. He had locked her inside the room without considering a possibility that she might get afraid, he didn’t think to that extent...

Scott quickly took her into his arms and coaxed her, repeatedly apologizing her. Jean kissed him lightly and went back to sleep her face stoic yet delicate.

Woman are so hard to understand...what did he do that Jean is angry on him. He totally forgot that he locked the door.

The next day is Friday, so it will be little hectic for all of them. After laying his next trap for his beloved hacker Scott smirked menacingly, this night will be the last peaceful night for him and later only god knows how the fate of this hacker will turn up.

After staring at his woman who curled up with her back facing him he pulled her closer to him and peacefully drifted into deep slumber. Susan came in middle of night and looked at the sleeping couple for a while, her face is void of any emotions but her eyes are filled with strange feelings and she couldn’t comprehend herself what is running in her mind.

The next day Raymond and Scott woke up early to have a marathon race with Nathan. They deliberately asked Kim to join, given with the possibility that Hannah is the spy from inside the company she would easily get to know about this.

If the hacker wants to show the proofs of Ray being close to Summers and that too when they both came out of the same house, this is the best chance he will get. The whole premises of his villa is now under surveillance of Scott’s special team so if any photographer or any other intruder passes by they will follow him in disguise.

Some or other way the hacker will surely be found and if the odds are on their side the exact location of hacker would be found today according to what Scott’s elite team promised.

Jean woke up after past nine only to see her mother in law sitting beside her. Her breakfast was placed on the bedside table while her morning medicines are in her mother’s hand. Susan who noticed that Jean was awake and was hesitant to talk, she shook her head softly.

"Dear, don’t think too much. I understood your distress yesterday and I know how it feels, this is Okay to feel hostile towards your uncle and I will support you no matter what. I am just worried about you when you will face your grandfather in law." Susan patted Jean’s head and squeezed her other hand.

"How’s your migraine are you feeling unwell" Susan could see how red Jean eyes were when she woke up. And couldn’t help but pity for her.

"I am fine mother, just having some nightmares in middle of night. Other than that I think my treatment is effective" Jean smiled and looked around to find Scott, he even dared to close the door don’t he know that she don’t like to be kept in dark. He is surely hiding something from her

"Scott went for morning walk. And Daisy called you earlier, she want you and Seline to come for shopping. Moreover today night is the banquet right, you have to prepare" Susan slowly fed her daughter in law and made her to eat her medicines. She wondered how obedient Jean has became now and she knows that Jean don’t want to trouble Scott or her in this matter.

Her son is right, Jean act accordingly to the people she faces. If she is this capable of controlling her emotions then three is a slight chance that elders might accept her, but only if they could pacify the hate between Grey’s and Elders.

Jean and Seline met Aria and Daisy in one of the exclusive shopping mall. Without knowing to them Scott already have his people following them to find the deeds of Hacker. By afternoon they selected best and suitable dresses from Zenith and all the accessories for the banquet.

Jean decided to go early than others. After knowing that Daniel returned she became exited to meet her cousin and rushed to family mansion at early evening. She wore red mermaid off shoulder dress with V neck and backless body fit type. It is not simple nor over exposed, just perfect for her tall and slim figure. Her hair is dyed black and curled freely way down to her waist and she wore very natural and light makeup. She didn’t wear any necklace but her pendant ear rings and bracelet made her even more alluring.

When compared to others in her family she is the simple one yet the most beautiful and elegant one. All of her cousins came for the banquet after knowing that they will have a pleasure of seeing some legendries CEO’S.

As soon as Daniel saw his sister he ran to her and hugged her tightly. "Oh... Sissy, for the first time ever you are looking so womanish. I didn’t notice but this made you even more gorgeous" he squealed happily as he dragged her with him.

None of their cousins saw him this caring and loving, not even to his own brother. They don’t like Jean because of Vanessa’s exaggeration and they didn’t interact with her much, but now they know exactly who she is..

"Thank you bro, you are also looking handsome" Jean pinched her brothers hand and laughed heartily. She didn’t care about other cousins who are sitting beside her, probably gawking at how alluring she looked.

"Sis, you look different. Why is your face glowing and-" before he bragged about something Jean glared at him.

"Danny honey, what do you want to ask. Don’t beat around bushes because your little sister can sense it" Jean mocked him while she took a sip of her juice. She declined to take wine because of doctor instructions.

"Hmm....are you pregnant" Daniel grinned while Jean coughed uncontrollably at his sudden assault. Daniel patted her back little forcefully to ease out her blow.

While her cousins are stupefied, it make sense why she didn’t take wine.

"Ahh.. How could you ask that. Of course no" she whispered slowly in her brother’s ear grinning.

All her cousins didn’t listen what they are whispering but they started to became more and more envious of Jean. On the first place they didn’t expect Jean to be this beautiful and bold, now she is getting attention of the Elder brother.

More over they have seen the video of Jean with her fiancée and other brothers, they didn’t dare to approach her after seeing how skillful and dangerous she was when she fought with Nathan in that video. But they are extremely jealous, her fiancée looked like a god in disguise of human with his extremely good looking body.

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