Monarch of Death

Chapter 41

Chapter 41 – 11. Dawn’s Curse

Bodies moved. They walked erratically, staggering their split heads and dragging their elongated intestines. Leaving behind the puddles of blood containing the severed arms and legs, the silence of the night was polluted with screams.




Alleys were full of zombies. The streets were overflowing with corpses. Serati, who was hiding on the roof of a building and watching the scene, let out a lamentation.


There were too many dead bodies. Dozens or hundreds? That wasn’t such a cute number. No matter how small it was, it seemed to be enough for 3,000. Otherwise, everything she saw couldn’t be a corpse.

“What have I done?”

She looked back at the black-haired young man who had brought down hell in reality, now her master. Karnak looked at the city of corpses and smiled proudly.

“Will this be enough?”

“Now, I think we can rescue Mr. Alius and Mr. Riltain.”

“Come to think of it; this is the first time I’m going to rescue another colleague besides you, Barros.”

“Me too. This is the first time I’ve taken care of someone other than the young master.”

Regrets crept in. Maybe this could have been prevented… If he hadn’t said useless words, this much blood might not have flowed… Serati was brainwashed once again.

“…What have I done?”


A legion of corpses rushed in, and beyond that, the dark Ranfeld mansion appeared under the dim moonlight. Countless corpses reached out and started burning the walls.



Corpses stepped on corpses and form huge waves that eroded all sides of the mansion. Like a swarm of ants rushing into sugar, zombies covered all over the place in pitch black. Straf watched the scene from the basement of the mansion.

“What the heck is this…”

Looking at the circumstances, it was clear that this bastard Karnak had done the work. But he didn’t understand.

“That guy was such a powerful necromancer? But obviously, the command power wasn’t much…?”

His dark magic was at a level that even a dozen or so zombies couldn’t handle properly. At least, that’s what Straf understood.

“Did he hide his power?”

It didn’t seem like it. If he had this much strength, he wouldn’t have had to run away earlier.

“Or maybe there’s a really powerful necromancer?”

This made sense. If he brought his companions after running away, then his hypothesis would be correct. Confident in his reasoning, Straf laughed wickedly.

“If I absorb that darkness, my strength will grow even more!”

Straf spread his arms left and right.

“Come, hell. Descend to this land under the darkness of all evil…”

The magic of darkness swayed and flowed through the tentacles. The magic flowing through the tentacles wrapped around the entire mansion, turning it into a huge power.

“The true army of darkness will arise and strike my enemies…”

The pupils of the fallen cleric turned black.

“Then it’s rather a good thing.”

Such a powerful necromancer must have tremendous power. Dozens of tentacles shot out from the hideous meat wall that covered the cellar wall.

“This is the command of the king who rules over death…”

A bizarre sound began to echo from above the Ranfeld Mansion.

Kuk kuk kuk kuk kuk kuk!

* * *
The first trumpets of darkness rang the sky.


Holes appeared all over the night sky. Darkness uttered an empty cry and poured out all kinds of monsters. Monsters with arms, legs, heads, and wings that looked like broken pieces of clay. They were negative-type monsters of the lowest level in hell. They spewed cacophony and charged at the zombie horde.



A second trumpet of darkness followed.

The ground shook, and countless tentacles sprang up. Numerous tentacles coil around the corpse, crushing, slashing, and crushing them. Blood and flesh splattered and splattered again.

The sound of the trumpet continued endlessly.

Woo woo woo!

Third, fourth, fifth…

The trumpet continued to sound. Each time the landscape melted, and hell unfolded. It was a nightmare that could no longer be called a landscape of the present world. Moving corpses and distorted monsters roamed among the fleshy trees and bone petals, vomiting blood and screaming repeatedly.

Ugh ugh…

Ugh ugh…

It was a crucible of terrible confusion. Throughout the mansion, groans, explosions, and metal mingled to heat up the night sky noisily. Karnak, who was watching the situation, made a slightly surprised expression.

“Isn’t that the Seven Trumpeter of the Four Dragons? You know how to do it. Where did you learn it?”

In his previous life, only Karnak knew that technique. Because he secretly stole and reproduced the ancient necromancy arts that had been rotting for hundreds of years within the secret storage of the Hatoba Church.

“That’s right, that human was originally a priest of the Hatoba Church, right? Then there is nothing strange about it.”

That said, there was a high possibility that the other knowledge and wisdom that Karnak had monopolized in his previous life were now taken by others. Unlike back then, all sorts of miscellaneous necromancers were prevalent in this time zone.

‘This, I guess my trick could hit me. I need to prepare in advance.’

Anyway, this was something to take care of later.

“Let’s move slowly.”

Karnak beckoned. Until now, he had spread the veil of darkness to avoid surveillance and hid on the roof of a building near the mansion. But there was a battle hiding in that chaos, and they should be able to move to Ranfeld Mansion.

“I have to save my comrades in this gap.”

Infamous Scans

Translator: Anom
Proofreader: Orange
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Serati, who had been standing there blankly, also came to her senses.


That was not the time for regrets. They must have to save Alius and Riltain. She calmed down and asked, grasping the situation.

“Isn’t it time yet?”

The battle had just begun. It was strategically advantageous to move when the battle had progressed to some extent and confusion had increased.

Karnak shook his head, “If you wait too long, he’ll find out.”


‘Caught? What?’

“They will say it’s only their hallucinations.”

Surprised, Serati looked at the thousands of zombies swarming the Ranfeld mansion.

“… Were that all hallucinations?”

Karnak shrugged, “Not all, but about 200 are real.”

Then again, she was ashamed.

“Hey! How can I kill thousands of people with only necromancy now?”

She still didn’t understand what was embarrassing about it, but she thought she was ashamed anyway.

As if making excuses, he continued. “There’s nothing I can’t kill as long as I have enough time…”

If you wanted to increase the zombie army by thousands, the members of the Ranfeld team were not enough. No matter how much the Ranfeld family controlled the entire city, it would not be enough to release thousands of people for just a search party. In other words, even ordinary citizens of Trist City had to touch it.

“No matter how much malevolent I am, I know that it is a real evil! Or, in this situation, is that even an acceptable range?”

Serati, who was dumbfounded, nodded her head absent-mindedly.

“Well, good work! Of course, you can’t go that far!”

It felt like a part of her heart was brightened.

‘He wasn’t that much of a villain!’

Of course, killing 200 people in one night is a huge massacre. However, the weight of the crime was different between killing someone to kill and killing someone who had nothing to do with it.

“As expected, you should only kill the villains. In my experience, if you kill good people as well, the aftermath is not great.”

“I knew that,” Karnak nodded.

“Villains don’t take revenge.”

Serati asked back, not understanding.

“The villain doesn’t take revenge?”

Usually, what villains always say was ‘Let’s see!’, ‘I will definitely take revenge!’ Wasn’t it etc.?

“It’s just what I said, but most of them would give up cleanly if they were defeated. In reality, no guy would risk his own life for revenge.”

On the other hand, the death of a good person was different. When good people die, other good people rose like wildfire. And when it had the matter of ‘justice’, it turned into a formidable force that was not afraid of even death.

Karnak, who was the Death King, had desperately tasted that power. Of course, he suppressed all of that power and conquered the world, but he lost so much in return.

‘Nothing, I shouldn’t live like before.’

With a new resolution, Karnak called Barros and Serati.

“Come on, let’s go and rescue our comrades.”

* * *
A battle ensued on all sides. Everywhere you looked, corpses and monsters were endlessly spread out. It was numbers spread out on the ground.

Three people were walking through that earthly hell. It was Karnak, Barros, and Serati who opened the veil of darkness. Passing between zombies and monsters, Serati stuck out her tongue.

“Is this really an illusion?”

A zombie jumped out right next to it. Then, it rose again with a scream and attacked the strange monster. Even the tattered intestines, forearms, and blue skin were so vivid.

“No matter how you look at it, it looks real.”

The illusion was a technique that relied heavily on the caster’s imagination.

So she didn’t understand anymore.

“How can human imagination alone create such elaborate illusions? Enough to reproduce all the textures of that blood, intestines, and skin?”

Seeing Serati’s reaction, Karnak was satisfied inside.

“It seems that he hasn’t grasped the reality yet.”

This was the illusion he was confident in, ‘copy and paste’. Realizing a fantasy with only imagination required great concentration and memory. However, if you only cut something that already existed, the difficulty would drop significantly.

There were all most 200 zombies that actually fought, and Karnak enlarged them more than 20 times as illusions, copied them, mixed them up, and released them on the battlefield.

In this case, there must have been countless identical zombies, but there was a reason Serati didn’t notice. Because there were various differences, such as intentionally reversing the left and right, reducing and increasing the size, and slowing down the speed of movement.

If he did this, she wouldn’t notice unless she paid close attention. In addition, since all the corpses were in tatters, the clothes were all rags, which was a plus.

“I’m also doing some directing, right?”

Of course, even if he did this if the monster passed through the illusion, it would be found out soon. However, Karnak’s illusions had one more strength. In his fantasy, even the reaction of falling out is embodied.

“The most important thing when casting magic is the reaction.”

If he swung a sword, it cut, if you kicked it, it fell out. Then got up again and attacked. However, in the case of normal human fantasy, awkwardness was inevitable. It was cut with a knife, but it attacked again with a fine appearance? Notice that this was an illusion. But with zombies, this problem also disappeared.

Was it tattered in the first place? Even if it got hit with a knife in the first place, did it get backed up? It was not for nothing that necromancers used terrifying zombies or skeletons as their main material when they used fantasy.

Of course, the purpose was to bring fear to the enemy, but rather than that, the protagonist of the fantasy must be a tattered corpse to prevent excessive consumption of mental power reproducing the details.

Anyway, even Serati, an Aura user, couldn’t figure out the true nature of this fantasy. Even when he told her it was an illusion. What did he mean?

“That Straf guy hasn’t noticed yet either. I can buy enough time.”

* * *
Karnak’s guess was correct.

“Heh, it seems he has quite a bit of skill, but…”

Straf hadn’t even dreamed that the numerous zombie corps could be an illusion.

“No matter how many zombies there are, they’re not my opponent!”

Pouring out his dark magic, he continued his necromancy. Thanks to that, command power was consumed extremely, but he didn’t care. Because he was winning.

It was noticeable that the number of zombies surrounding the mansion was gradually decreasing. On the other hand, the monsters from hell he called were almost undamaged by the spirit barrier.

At this rate, victory is certain, so why bother? In fact, the real zombies, who were the real ones, just fell out and the illusion disappeared along with it, but Straf didn’t know that fact.

The fact that there was no damage from monsters and barriers was because most of the zombies were in fact illusions, but that fact was also unknown. He was just excited about the idea of ​​consuming the powerful necromancer and increasing his strength.

“Where are you?”

Throws far-sighted sights all over the battlefield to find the target. Karnak and his gang must be hiding somewhere.

“Where are you?”

It was at that time that Straf opened his eyes, saying that he would gather and capture the monsters as soon as he found them.

“Oh, there was a space like this in the basement of the mansion?”

Suddenly a voice was heard.

“Oh, it’s wide. Why did you make the basement so big?”

“It’s supposed to be a wine cellar. We have something like this in the basement of our house.”

“Oh, it’s not that big.”

The voice was not heard by the necromancer. He was hearing it with his two physical ears.


Straf looked back in surprise. He could see three men and women standing at the entrance to a secret basement room with a terrible sight stained with blood.

The curly-haired young man dressed as a wizard opened his mouth with a bright smile. The middle-aged man’s face contorted.

“Are you Straf? You look like this.”

“How are you here?”

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