Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 171: Baited

Chapter 171: Baited

Taking a seat within a small elegant office, I couldn't believe existed in this place. I eyed the warden and the little Kid.

"Now, this is a surprise. Did Roald's family finally intervene?" I curiously inquired as the small boy frown nodding in agreement.

"They have, but the situation has changed, so they sent me here to..."

"Gather data; you must be that good for them to send someone not even pass the Gate of Truth." I coldly replied, cutting the young boy off as he merely nodded in confirmation.

"That is quite the arrogant behavior you have." The warden said as he stroked his well-groomed beard. "Even with the Soval Family backing you, do you really believe you can just be released?"

Curtly chuckling, I shrugged, "Do you really believe I am stuck here? Do you really believe this prison is so secure? I was planning on walking out the doors within eleven days." I arrogantly said as the temperature began to fall.

Feeling my breath turn to ice, my smile grew even brighter as the little Shota spoke, "Do not be baited; he seems to have a talent for testing our patients."

Nodding in agreement, I rested my face upon my knuckles before crossing my legs, sitting like a king would before his subjects. "Now shall we get down to business? What is it you wish to know, and what will you give in return."

With a flash, the middle-aged man frowned as a cunning gleamed shimmered upon his fox-like expression., "We can give you Lisa and rave safe and..."

"Rave is dead. As for Lisa, even you will not anger Shana by killing her. I bet the government of Serm killed rave before even confirming his connection with the higher-ups of Hallr. From what I can gather, Governeer Bo is in hot shit, and he doesn't even realize it. Once Vis learns of this, you can bet shit will hit the fan."

"Warden Jeoma, please allow me to speak... You have done enough," the young boy voiced with annoyance as a cold light filled his innocent-looking eyes. He was clearly annoyed at Jeoma pathetic actions of negotiations.

"As you wish, Lord Orion."

"Good, now before we continue. Arsene Snow, can you confirm you have knowledge of what happened at this prison ten days ago?" Orion asked, raising his golden pendant as I merely smiled, neither confirming nor answering.

"Why don't you try that again? I'm sure next time you will get it right." I lightly said, not taking his actions to heart, but I still was wary of that pendent. This was the second time he asked such a question.

Gritting his teeth, the boy snorted, "What is it you want?"

"Governer Bo's head." I coldly said as the warden slammed his fist against the table-turning it to dust.

"Impossible. "

"Enough, sit down and be quiet," Orion barked in rage as the warden became red in humiliation sitting back down like a good little dog.

"Someone is trained well. Does the little puppy want a treat for doing so well?" I mocked, slapping my thighs. "Come on boy, who's a good boy,

Turning red with humiliation, a flash of killing intent filled Jeoma as he remained quiet, no longer daring to speak.

"You really love making enemies, don't you. but, Arsene, that request is too much." Orion declined without any hesitation.

Rolling my eyes, I suddenly smiled, "Fine, give me your wyvern."


"it's what I want," I uttered with indifference.

"Do you have any idea how much those things cost? Raising them takes thousands of years. It took my family hundreds of thousands of years raising them. It's how we make a living. Giving even one away for free would be like getting rid of millions of profit. " Orion yelled, arising in anger. His small little arm quivering, to hold himself back.

Shrugging, my eyes radiated a demonic hue as I raised my palm without telling them there were about to make a deal with the devil, "The deal is that you give me a Wyvern or Governors Bo's head on a silver plate. If you cannot deliver, I will take anything I desire as collateral."

Staring at me, Orion narrowed his eyes as a cunning light filled his brow. Mostly believing he could get me to speak out without fulfilling his end ." Fine, I will deliver the wyvern to you." he coldly spat, gritting his teeth in anger, shaking my palm.

with a grin, I watched as his soul began to darken unknowingly, "Now, what do you know about what happened."

Snickering, I didn't answer his question as I burst into laughter, "That was never a part of the deal. If I remember correctly, I said, 'The deal is that you give me a Wyvern or Governors Bo's head on a silver plate. If you cannot deliver, I will take anything I desire as collateral.' Never did I mention answering your question?"

Staring at me like I was stupid, Orion glanced at Jeoma, who was also confused, " Are we missing something?"

"I have heard enough; this was a waste of my time. Maybe a few years within this hell will open you up." Orion spat, sending me a vicious smile, "Guess the deal is off."

With a smile of a devil, I arose shugging, "I would not be too sure. You, mortals, are so naive. No need to walk me out; I know the way."

Stepping out of Jeoma office, my mind flashed as I began observing Orion and Jeoma begin to speak through the darkness.

"...His last words were strange. Do you feel weird, my Lord?" Jeoma asked with a hint of anxiety falling to his knees as he looked around the small boy's body.

Waving him off, Orion shook his head, twirling his short black hair, "I'm fine; I already cast a spell to check. Nothing is wrong... Place Brojin in another cell. I wish to speak again to him. He is a member of the Vanir's. So he definitely knows something."

"He is?!!!" Jeoma yelled as I smiled, making my way back to my cell with a smile.

"Yes, and place Arsene in a maximum facility of this disgusting prison. I do not trust him; he is far too confident."

Bellowing in laughter, I severed the connection smiling to myself. Taking out my phone, I began to text with Lilith.

Arsene: Healed yet?

Yura: Yeah, just a little hungry.

Arsene: Lol

Yura: What does Lol mean?

Bursting into laughter, I shook my head, seeing her typing so slowly I knew she was quite new to this.

Arsene: When will you be returning to Hallr?

Yura: In a few days... my 'fiance' is. Pestering me here.

Arsene: Can... can you repeat that?

Yura: ╰(*°▽°*)╯

Gritting my teeth, my eyes began to shine as I immediately called Lilith. I could hear her pearly laughter echo throughout my soul as she refused to pick up. Pushing Soulforce into my body not to destroy my phone, I suddenly thought of her mangled face. Pursing my lips, a cold light flashed as I began putting things together.

Arsene: What's his name.

Yura: I have no idea; I cannot remember for the life of me. Just some loser, he should be heading to Midgard to kill you soon. ?????♀?(?_? )

Rolling my eyes, I sighed, "This girl is bringing me trouble...Then again, I do that even better than anyone else. I wonder if I can make that into a Mortal Dao?"

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