Molting the Mortal Coil

Chapter 114: To catch a Spider

Chapter 114: To catch a Spider

Array Formations were truly versatile and all encompassing. He had first started out as an Alchemist and it was there he first learned some array symbols. In the Lang Clan they were treated as foot soldiers, so skilled professions were an afterthought, they were only taught some of the basics for supporting duties like hunting, butchering, and cooking to be more self sufficient. After being exposed to array formations as an Alchemist, Sage tried his hand at Blacksmithing and experienced the same profound array symbols again. Their usage was very different in both cases, but still important to each job. When he finally started training to become a Formation Master he was exposed to their true and profound depth.

Formations were similar to math. They were the foundation for every magical object, medicine, and most of the locations too. Just like how all the machines and amenities on earth involved math in some way, so did everything here involve Arrays. The major difference was that arrays here could be very powerful on their own. Math could illustrate the core truths of the world, but arrays could change the world.

With ample time to set up a formation, Sage started to craft the most powerful, but least common sort of formation. Most permanent arrays were built into the structures of big sects or other groups, inscribed into special stones inlaid with rare metals or minerals. Dozens of arrays would be layered on top of each other and built into the foundation of a structure, trying to stack up as much power as possible. A shield to protect a legacy for as many generations in the future as they could manage. Array Plates were the fast and loose way to have an array, giving up everything to create an array as quickly as possible in a portable fashion.

The least common, but also most powerful array was not a permanent installation, nor was it a portable device. It was a temporary thing, drawing upon the heavens and earth, the sun and the moon, the mountains and seas, the wind and the weather. The true difficulty of being a Formation Master was learning to measure, adapt and take advantage of hundreds of different variables to set up an Array Formation using the exact conditions in any place at any specific time or condition. The better they could account for the variables the longer an array would last and the more powerful it would be.

In this case, Sage didnt need it to last too long, a few days would probably be enough, but a week or two would be safer. Since he was building a trapping array the strength also wasnt a major concern, but the wide area it covered meant more variables to track. Sage spent the first hour simply traveling around the area observing the terrain. Measuring the height of the hills and mountains. The dips in the ground, the arrangement of the crystal trees, the cloudy mist above, the presence of the strange liquids and different rocks. With enough time he could build a perfect array here, but the presence of so many unusual objects and the lack of the sun and skies would stop him. Since he couldnt make it perfect, it was better to just fulfill his goals with a bit of a safety net of extra strength.

The array took a bit longer than expected. The second hour was used to calculate the specifics of the array. A full two hours spent planning was double his initial estimation, but thankfully the third hour was enough to complete the array as he had assumed. He moved some rocks and bent tree branches, the simple shifts in position forming the natural elements present into array symbols. By inscribing just a few more symbols a formation was formed. Traveling around an area with a radius of two miles, Sage eventually finished the formation. Starting and ending on the small hilltop where Rocky still stood. When he placed the final resource, the area covered by the array grew darker. The light from the sky dimming and then a few moments later growing bright once more.

The Four Cornered Forgetfulness Formation was not a high leveled array, mainly because of its limited effects. At the same time it was common because of its ease of use. Like its name, it only required four supporting materials that would act as a focus for the power of the array. The array worked by inducing a strong sense of forgetfulness when someone approached the border of the array. They would forget what they were doing and even where they were going, their memories gradually returning as they head back towards the center of the array.

It was both strong, and limited at the same time. For the unaware, it was very powerful at keeping them trapped within. The effect didnt harm those trapped within, nor did it directly contend against them. At the same time, those who knew it existed and that were intent on defeating it could easily come up with dozens of ways to withstand the array and simply walk right out. Even something as simple as writing down a note to oneself on a map would easily break through the formation, yet for someone that was unaware and not driven to travel could be trapped within it for years.

Sage always carried many different materials and low level resources in his Storage Ring specifically to do this sort of thing. Hed long since learned how to use all the low level resources that were inside his Storage Ring when he first got it. Since then hed used or replaced the ones he didnt need and added the ones necessary to support his various professions. With the array active and in place, Sage informed Rocky, Its ready.

The two of them waited at the border of the array for a while to ensure it worked. They watched a Crystal Spider walk towards the edge and then slow down. A few moments later it started to wander aimlessly before finally facing towards the center of the forest and starting to move normally once again. Nodding to Rocky, Sage waited patiently as the cloaked person dove into the ground and disappeared from sight. An hour later, Rocky returned in the same manner.

Its done. The route has been sealed down to a hundred feet deep. Once we wipe them all out, we can continue our mission.

Wipe them out, huh? Ive been looking for a chance to test my new strength.

Like most said, and as Sage had experienced in the past, true danger and combat was the quickest way to increase ones prowess. He hadnt had a real chance to test his mettle in conflict yet. Hmm theres no normal trees around here, so that ups the difficulty.

Sage released the trio of Mantids, letting them loose in the area outside the formation. Guiding them to a Crystal Spider he separated with Rocky and guided the Mantids to kill a Spider before using its body to make a special scent marker. Giving a bit of the mix to each Mantid, they were guided to hunt the creatures with the same scent. A moment later, he let them loose.

Sage still had more insects and his twin soul as a backup, so he had some confidence to take on the spiders. Most of the Crystal Spiders seemed to be in the early stages of stage 3, level 31 to 33 from what he could tell. Thankfully, his prior training had improved his own level to 36. After his serpent transformation he seemed to have increased in talent, and the new Cultivation Art seemed much more powerful than the old, helping him to quickly breakthrough to stage 5 as soon as he learned it. The following year of training brought him through another stage, showing how much of a difference having a good Cultivation Technique could make.

Sage pulled out his Rope-Dart and gave it a few test swings. He hadnt used it since his serpent transformation, but now that he was under the Human Seal he was using it to add an extra layer of safety. Once hed battled a few spiders and learned their tricks he would switch to his new techniques to gain some experience with them.

Time to fight!

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