Modern Weapons Cheat in Another World

Volume 4 - Ch 16

Underground in the dimly lit passageways, were the maze-like catacombs of Fortress City Ballard.

In a time during the construction of the cities fortress, the underground passageways were often used and well maintained, but as time went on, knowledge of the passageways dwindled and became known to a select number of people. It became a great refuge for critters like mice and spiders.

Cornered at a dead end of the secret passage, three women were now in quite a pinch.

Am I out of bullets!? Was that it, was that the last one?.. Do I not have anymore ammo left!?

Firing the last 9x19mm bullet chambered in her 9mm Pistol towards the monster which had popped out its head, the round had pierced its skull.

Having emptied her weapon upon the beast, it collapses before the hole from which it had dug itself from. Having rolled on the ground in an effort to survive, Lt. Suzumiya realized her predicament, grasping at her body for a spare magazine. Only to turn up short, remembering she had used it all in her previous fights. Gritting her teeth she gazed forward with regret.

Captain Im so sorry, it seems I wont make it back to you.

Ah, um, Im out, Im out of bullets!!

Its all my fault.. Im so sorry. Its all because of me, you..Im sorry

Lt. Suzumiya cradles her injured right arm with her left as PFC Tina Vermeer cries out with desperation having run out of bullets. The rowdy girl begins apologizing repeatedly as the two Parabellum girls shield her from the front.

Make sure everyone is ready, when we receive the order to withdraw.

Right about now would be the time when Captain wouldve given the order for 5th Company to withdraw.

When Lt. Suzumiya found out that PFC Vermeer and the girl in Red Armour had not gone to the evacuation area, she had grabbed a GPS tracker and went to go search for the two girls on her own.

That was my first mistake, I thought I could bring those two back, because PFC Vermeers signal was just close by.

Had I contacted Haruto, he wouldve came here and brought PFC Vermeer back with no problems, I shouldve called him.

But I hate it, I didnt want to turn it into a bigger issue, so I wanted to get those two back with my own hands.

Chasing after PFC Vermeer using the GPS tracker, I managed to find her and the girl in the secret passage when the road collapse due to the roving monsters. I was able to join them as we fought past monsters in order to reach the church, but we ended up losing our way when the passage collapsed and we became cornered at this dead end.

Huh?! Theyre here!!

A ravenous monster comes rushing over, as it makes its way past the corpses of other dead creatures, baring its gaping wide mouth, ready to devour the three girls.

.Deep sigh

Whether it was out of reflex, or because their was no turning back now, Lt. Suzumiya held up her combat knife with her injured left arm, dyed in blood.

Ah, Ill join too..

Seeing as Lt. Suzumiya raised her combat knife, the girl in red armor draws the sword from her waist in response.

Hold on, do you think you can swing your sword in a place like this?

Ah.but.I thought

If youre going to use it, wield it properly, get ready to stab it!!

..I understand

Lifting her sword in striking posture, the girl in red armor steadied her hips while following LT. Suzumiyas advice.

What about me!? When did I turn into dead weight.

Hah, here it comes!!

Just when PFC Vermeer let out some depressing out of place words, that became the signal for the monster to strike. As Lt. Suzumiya shouted out to counter it.


The ceilling immediately collapses, crushing the monster that had jumped trying to devour the girls.

Right as the ceiling collapse, all three girls heard a familiar voice.


What the!?

How did, why is!?

Unable to see what was before them, while dust and debris clouded their vision, the three girls hacked and coughed with puzzled faces.

But beyond their sight, hidden by the cloud of dust, gunfire from a Type 89 Assault rifle roars louder than the shrieks of incoming monsters.

How is this. This cant be real..

It must be a lie..

It couldnt be.

As the medley of gunfire settled, one man appeared beyond the cloud of dust.

In full view, covered in various wounds all over his body, appearing right when they were in a difficult pinch, the three girls couldnt deny the beating in their hearts. As the man before them looked really hot, considering the situation it was quite flattering.

Crap, this fricken hurts, Man that was crazy. Huh? Lets go were leaving

Making a troubled face, due to the injuries he suffered from the fall Haruto suddenly notices the heated passionate gazes from the three individuals standing on the sidelines.


Woah!! Argh, ow, stop, augh, that hurts!! Suzumiya, youre hurting me!!

The moment Haruto had called out to them, Lieutenant Suzumiya immediately ran and jumped towards him like a kite gliding through air.

Aaah~ this is.. thats too lewd If you do something like that, Ill really fall in love right!? Hehe hehehe. Having another friend should be fine right!?

Sending back heated glances towards Haruto, PFC Vermeer held her flushed face, while dealing with her chaotic feelings. Looking towards the other girl standing beside her she could only smile bitterly.

Thank goodness youre alright, Im glad we made it in time

Deep SighBut really. these two are already.

Even after calling out to the girl in red armor, her eyes did not turn away from Haruto, not even shaking her could brake her out of her trance, PFC Vermeer could only laugh bitterly.

This Chapter was translated by Kuro_0ni


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Until Haruto and the three girls could be pulled out from the hole he made with the C-4, Lt. Suzumiya and PFC Vermeer showed regretful expressions as Haruto went on to scold and lecture them.

But after reprimanding the two for their actions, they suddenly felt a bit awkward as Haruto hugged them and expressed that he was glad they were both safe and sound.


Were ready!!

Alright, pull us up!!

Besides the lone girl who watched in silence at the giggling grinning girls, Captain Kirishima had the three pulled up first.

Ready, Puuulllll!!

Oh Shit!! .. That startled me, sorry. Thanks for bringing me up

Oh not at all. our Captains been really reckless lately

Give me some time to catch my breath For a second I thought my heart had stopped beating

Being the last person to be lifted out from underground, the moment Haruto surfaced, he was greeted with bitter comments from his subordinates.

Aww man just like always the Captain managed to snag all three for himself. . Is there no one else that the Captain hasnt got in his sights?

Having seen the appearances of Lt. Suzumiya, PFC Vermeer and the girl in red armor, one of his men muttered disgruntled.

Huh? What are you talking about?

Oh nothing Sir, nothing that concerns you

Whats with all the hostility?

Noticing the sour expressions plastered on his subordinates faces and their deep mutters, Haruto tries to interject only to be shot down with an irritated remark.

In any case, we need to leave. Were getting out of here, everyone lets move

Roger that, Sir!!

Having achieved his goal in rescuing his subordinates, Captain Kirishima didnt feel like lingering around any longer and decided to leave immediately.

Hold on, waaiit!! What about the church, we need to go sa

Raising her voice, the girl in red armor pleaded once

Im sorry. its already too late

Nooo. it cant be Dont lie to me Its a lie. that cant be true. No, no, no, no, no, noooOOOO!!!

Raising his hand and pointing in the distance almost as if it was within arms reach. The Church bell tower was wrapped in flames, concluding that there was nothing left to do.

Watching the Church engulfed in flames was seared into the girls mind, what was supposed to be her last memory longing to be with her brethren. She fell flat on her bottom while despair consumed her, tears stream from her face as she regressed and curled herself up like a child.

Unable to leave the girl behind, Haruto bent down and cradled her in his arms, carrying her silently.

On the way they back to the Type 73 Heavy Duty Truck they recovered Maekawas cold body, before rejoining the rest of their guys.

Oh God..

What happened here?.

What happened over there?

Was this really our command center.

After linking up with the rest of his men in the Type 73 Heavy Duty Truck, they made their way through the city with little resistance. But as they neared their former headquarters, Captain Kirishima couldnt help but tilt his head at all the monster corpses strewn all over the Temporary Command Center. Not only that but every structure had corpses upon corpses piled around them as each building was broken into and destroyed miserably.

They were buying time for the full retreat From the looks of it, the battle must have been intense

With her right arm bandaged up, Lt. Suzumiya surveyed the scene.

.Yeah, it must have been a fierce fight.

Why, does it feel like something isnt..

Looking at the monster corpses lying about full of holes and various pieces of flesh everywhere, Haruto was at a loss for words after hearing Lt. Suzumiyas comment.

Whats this nagging feeling. Maybe itll pass once we make it back..

Witnessing destruction and remnants of everything, the smell of blood and seared remains stimulated his senses. Haruto was racked with an indescribable anxiety deep in his mind as they exited Fort Ballard.

This Chapter was translated by Kuro_0ni


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After rescuing the girl in red armor along with Lieutenant Suzumiya & PFC Vermeer; by the time Captain Kirishima & company made it to Parabellums second line of defense it was already dusk.

At the next forward operating base, the girl they saved was still in a fragile state of mind so PFC Vermeer had taken her to see the medic along with Lt. Suzumiya who was also slightly injured. The rest of the squad was dismissed and were sent to get some rest until their next engagement.

It was around that time that some startling News came about.

What do you mean Lieutenant Colonel Furutaka was captured!?.. How did that happen!?

WheezeCa-captain, cant,cough, b-breath..

Having linked up with Sergeant Tatebayashi after he had delivered the Serpent tribesmen to a special contact on base Currently SGT Tatebayashi was having a hard time as he was held by the collar of his superior.

SIR!! Captain calm down!! He cant breath!!

Youre choking him!! Youre choking the Sergeant, put him down!!

Oh!! Im sorry, I didnt realize it..

After several of his men called out to him, Captain Kirishima realized his error as he tried to ease off.

Sorry. can you tell me more

Hackcoughcoughcoughcough..coughalright so Like what youve told me before, I had taken Captains note and had given it to a high ranking person associated with the Eye, that person also went on to take care of the Seprent tribe.

While I was there, I overheard that Lt. Col. Furutaka was staying back in Fort Ballard waiting for some idiot bastardcoughfor several soldiers. who disobeyed the withdrawal order. But as a result she was caught by the enemy and taken prisoner.

But Im not sure how accurate that information is, because thats just what I overheard. I dont know the rest of the details. The thing is Lt. Col. Furutaka and her men were taken to some castle which is under control of the Imperial Army

Damn it!!

This is all my fault!!

Thats a lie. thats crazy.. theres no way that happened!? Youre joking right, this is all a joke, you guys are just pulling my leg.

But as soon as his subordinate finished giving his report, Haruto looked around at the rest of his mens faces and realized that what they said was true.

All of you did well, you guys can get some rest

Huh!? But Sir, what about you!?

Ill be heading to Tactical Operations Center and request for a rescue party for Lt. Colonel Furutaka

Could this have been that anxious feeling I had at that time?

Tormented by impatience and anxiety from the situation, Haruto had sent his subordinates away as he headed to the Operations Center.

. He left

So, what are we going to do?

What do you mean, what are we going to do? We just have to go rest somewhere and wait for orders

As the rest of 5th Companys soldiers were standing around, they all looked at each other with quizzical expressions.

.. Hey, you guys. Do you really think theyll approve of a rescue operation for Lt. Colonel Furutaka at a time like this?

Warrant Chief Kobayashi who was next in line decided to answer the companys concerns.

It might be impossible. The Behemoth is closing in our location and theres no limit to its attacks either

All our forces which entered the Empire are putting all their efforts into the destroying the Behemoth they wont be able to spare extra

In that case. What do you think the Captain will do, when he learns they wont be sending anyone to rescue the Lt. Colonel?


Getting the men to think about the situation, Chief Kobayashi managed to enlighten 5th company about what might happen in the near future.

Thats just how it is. So just wait somewhere and be ready


As their Captain was away 5th Company began to move in anticipation of what would come.


Staggering lifelessly, Haruto was lost in thought as he headed towards his Companys assigned quarters, which was lent out to them temporarily.

. If thats the case, then Ill have to go into enemy territory all by myself.

I know where that place is. I just need a means to get over there and infiltrate the castle.

But. If I were to go by land route, itd take too much time. I have to somehow acquire a means of transport from somewhere.

But the longer I take thinking about this, the more danger Isuzu will be in. Arrrgh fuck, dammit what do I do?!

Haruto had rushed into the Forward Operating Bases Headquarters and asked if they issued a rescue mission for Lieutenant Colonel Isuzu Furutaka and her men who were captured. But the Base Commander blatantly informed him that no such thing would occur.

Aaargh, I just need to get a hold of an airplane to save her.

Since Ill be doing this, only I should be going.. No one else needs to know, I just need to keep my mouth shut about this. I dont want them to join me and be all cheery like well follow you , Sir

I cant get them involved with this.

But doing this, Ill be violating orders for a second time. Hahahaha, I guess when things are over, Ill face the firing line.

Haruto smiled bitterly, despite thinking about how things will end for him.

Well, at the end of all of this, at least I will be able to smile

Brooding over what to tell his subordinates, Haruto stood outside the door to 5th Companys quarters, he slapped both his cheeks to quell his anxious mood, opening the door nonchalantly.


.Uh Hi?

The moment Captain Kirishima entered 5th Companys temporary quarters every 9mm gun and Type 89 assault rifle in the room was pointed straight at him.

Stand down!! its just the Captain everyone put your stuff away. Its alright sir, nothing going on sir

Yeah put down your weapons Captains back

Roger dodger, back to work

Oh we thought we got caught and you were the military police

What the. what the hell are you guys doing!?

The temporary quarters that Harutos men were using transformed into something like a man cave.

Various computers had lined the walls, jerry-rigged into the bases mainframe, off to the sides firearms and ammunition cases were all over the room and within the rooms center was a large sand table display of the entire base, with several areas marked with Xs.

What are you.. what is this?

Preparing for a mutiny?

Shocked with everything, Haruto became speechless after hearing his subordinates response.

Besides what were doing Captain, Arent you going to join us? Well help you


I figured that much.

Well take your silence as confirmation

Yeah figures. Its pretty much useless to stop at this point. Weve already gone past the point of no return so were all in the same boat

Theres really not much to say to sugarcoat things

Hey whatever the Captain doesnt like, we dont like too, heck well follow you to the bottom of hell if we have to

Were all going to hell together!!

You guys. really . you all are a stupid bunch of idiots..

Looking down trying to hide his facial expression, Haruto mutters to himself as some of his subordinates reply unison.

Thank you Sir for the compliment!!

Captain Krishima looks up to the sight of his men all ready to brave danger with their puffed up chests and smiling faces.

You guys are too much. Since thats the case, fine. Whats the strategy that you guys came up with so far?

Alright~, Sir

Turning to Harutio with a wide smile Chief Kobayashi began to explain.

The plan is simple. Well divide our forces into three platoons. 1st Platoon will have a majority of the new guys and will create a commotion. Theyll cause a scene near the fringes of the base. Next well have 2nd Platoon move and take over the Air traffic control tower and the anti-air defense controls. And as for 3rd Platoon, which will include the Captain and some senior members, youll go out and rescue the Colonel and her people

What are we using for transport?

There is a C-130J from the 11th Engineering Test Company, which is scheduled to take off in about an hour

I see, then lets do this

It was just when Captain Kirishima finalized going over the plan with Chief Kobayashi.

I wont let you do that!!


BAMM!! The door was broken from its hinges as a group of Elite guardsmen poured in.

Dont move, put your weapons on the ground!!

Hands up, Hands up!! Throw your weapons on the ground now!!

Soldiers holding their weapons at the ready, began yelling at each other to drop their weapons.

Adolf..I see, this is your doing

The Elite Guardsmen led by Colonel Adolf Edeltrout come storming in the room in order to stop Colonel Haruto Kirishima

Hm? You dont seem so happy about this, but Im just fulfilling my duty

Colonel Edeltrout smiles pompously while holding his Luger P08 towards Harutos head.

Tatebayashi, was this the Elite Guardsmen who you gave the letter to?

Yes sir. Did I give it to the wrong one?

More than wrong, hes the worst one

Oh whoops Im sorry Sir

Speaking to Sergeant Tatebayashi, Colonel Kirishima draws a finger towards his neck meaning they were dead, and that SGT Tatebayashis choice wasnt the best.

Hey, its not a good idea to just ignore me

Colonel Edeltrouts veins bulged on his forehead, annoyed that he was left to the background.

Oh, I didnt know you were there, sorry. So whats going on?

Like balancing on a tightrope, Haruto tries to buy some more time in order to think of a way out of their current predicament.

Ah, I see how it is, well then. Colonel Haruto Kirishima, you and your company are charged with treason, mutiny and sedition; we are here to detain you and your men. Now come along and follow me quietly

Oh wait what, I didnt get that.. Can you please speak up more

Hey dont test me, you wouldnt want me to get aggressive here, would you?

Dont lie, your face says it all, smiling like you want it to happen

..Kukukuh, well youre not wrong. What can I say, Im not remorseful for that, nor am I the type to mask my intentions Kukukulaugh

The two were on bad terms similar to like cats and dogs, Colonel Edeltrout floated his superiority over Haruto, as he was the one in charge of his fate.

The situation doesnt look too good.

For an Elite Guardsmen, hes not showing any signs of letting up.

Haruto was anxiously trying to figure something out, while Adolf let up a small chuckle.

The reason being was Elite Guardsmen led by Adolf carried G36K Carbines, a variant of the G36 Assault rifle with a shorter barrel length, it was designed for mobility and special purpose missions.

At the rate things are going, hell be tied up by Adolfs men and be unable to save Lieutenant Colonel Furutaka.

Is there any way to flip the situation around?

Haruto racked his brains high and low for a plan out of this life or death predicament, but by the end of it he couldnt think of anything.

Now now, Ive grown tired of your time-consuming efforts, best you surrender now, quietly

Damn it!!

You son of a bitch, you did that on purpose!!

Realizing Adolfs charade of the situation, Haruto understands hes been duped. It was just around the time when he was about to give up, that an unlikely savior arrived.

Ah, it seems like you are in quite a pinch huh

The sound of sword drawn out, soon ended with the tip of it at Colonel Edeltrouts neck.

Wha, Who, who are you!?

Dont move, if you wish to stay alive

It was the girl in red armor, whom Haruto had saved back at Fort Ballard, she had managed to creep behind the Colonels back and draw her sword to where the tip was just touching his neck, thus saving Haruto from the situation.


I heard the news from Tina. There isnt much time right, let me give you a hand then. You there, drop your weapon. And the rest of you drop your weapons too

Damn you!! . Everyone drop your weapons

Infuriated that he lost the upperhand, Colonel Edeltrout bitterly follows the girls demand. Once the Colonel dropped his Luger P08, the rest of his men discarded their weapons. In a swift motion, Colonel Adolf Edeltrout and his Elite Guardsmen were rounded up and tied at the waist by the Soldiers in 5th Company.

Why are you here?

Once all of the Elite Guardsmen were pacified, Haruto came up to question the girl in red.

Uh, well.. I heard my benefactor was in deep trouble, so I just came by to help

Answering Haruto, the girl looks down, her face turning crimson.

I see Thank you for saving us. Ill take care of things from here

Um~ dont you need directions to where you going?


Harutos forehead creases, confused by the girls question.

I know the entire layout of Palace Korsakov, where your superior and her people are being held prisoner

Huh, who told you? Wait, how do you know that?

How do I know? Thats because Palace Korsakov was where I spent my whole childhood. Ah, thats right, I never introduced myself before. My name is Reminas Gerias Coltrane. First Princess of the Coltrane Kingdom, which no longer exists now But you can call me Reminas

Wide eyed, everyones jaw dropped once Reminas dropped a bombshell story.


Shocked and speechless, everyone tried to digest her story.

Is that true? Are you really a?

About that.theres no one alive now that remembers me so I have no way of proving my identity to you

Towards Harutos surprise, Reminas replied crisply but in a sorrowful tone, while looking down once more, before raising her head.

Anyway I can help you!! I can give you directions, you need that right!? I can be helpful!!

Unghhhh.. Truthfully, I do need someone who knows the inner workings of the palace, but I cant take a civilian with me to somewhere dangerous, not even if she was the former princess of a fallen country.

Sir, just take her offer, shes our best shot at saving the Colonel.

As if reading through Harutos intentions, Chief Kobayashi directly calls him out.

Nnnghh. youre right. With the way things are, this is for the best. Reminas, Im sorry but will you please help me with this

Quelling his internal troubles, Haruto accepts that he needs Reminas assistance.

Yes, anything for my future husband

Once again another bomb went off in front of everyone.


Harutos eyes quiver, scared to even ask, but Reminas just said something really scary.

Ehehe, well you proposed to me at that time didnt you?

Propose? When did that happen?

Haruto begins to think back, while all of 5th Company turn against him, suddenly the tied up Adolf & Elite Guardsmen laugh heartily as Haruto would be torn down from within.

Dont tell me youve forgotten!! I cant even forget it, the way you held me close and how you took me away from Ballards Fortress!!

Woow. The Captain did that. behind everyones back..


Youre just the worst


Go to hell

Just die, die for all the men everywhere

Turning on Haruto, the men of 5th Company hurl their insults one after another.

Wait, wait , hold on a minute!! When you say I held you close you dont mean that one time right, the princess carry thing, its not that right?

Oh you do remember it!! That custom was part of our wedding ceremonies for Royals in the Coltrane Kingdom. But I never thought I would marry anyone, much less be proposed to. It was like we were meant to be married, when you carried me like that

The moment Reminas explanation went around, several of 5th Companys Soldiers relaxed their attitudes towards Haruto.

I had complete trust in you, Sir

See the Captain didnt really mean to, right?

Yeah, that makes sense

I figured that was the case

SighThese guys, really.

Meanwhile Haruto stares back at the rest of his men with a pissed off expression.


Reminas tilts her head in confusion, around the misunderstanding which 5th Company held against their leader.

While trying to resolve the misunderstanding amongst his men, in order to get their help to save Lieutenant Colonel Isuzu Furutaka, before he knew it, Haruto became engaged to a lovestruck maiden.

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