Modern Weapons Cheat in Another World

Volume 2 - Ch 2


After saving the knights from the monster bugs. Kazuya and the knights moved towards the nearest town. They decided to set up camp 20 kilometers from it.

Weve been under Kazuyas care for a while.


After finishing her meal, Phyllis shows a depressed face whilst gripping her stainless steel cup.

Phyllis carriage had been completely destroyed as it had been used to protect the knights during the bug raid. On top of that, she also lost her supply carriages and a fair number of horses.

Moreover, they couldnt replenish the food they had lost and because of the fact that they had to deal with the corpses, they would arriveat the town at dusk.

Therefore Kazuya made the decision to share their supplies with the knights.

That was the reason Phyllis was in such a depressed state.

Dont worry about it, its not a problem

If you say so. Im in your debt again, Kazuya

Kazuya decided to change the subject in order to dissipate Phyllis dark aura.

Does ittaste good?

Oh? Well the food called curry is something I have never eaten before, yet it tastes very good. The chocolate you served after the meal was also delicious

I thought it might suit your taste

The food Kazuya share with the others was curry and chocolate.

Phyllis seemed hesitant to eat the curry at first. However, after the first mouthful, she eventually gave in.

After the curry, chocolate was issued for dessert. This seemed to please the knights greatly.

As the meal drew to a close, the second in command of the knights asked Where did you get this food!? with a face full of excitement and expectation. However, Kazuya answered ambiguously, simply stating that only they could acquire it. To which, the knights face visibly fell.

After the meal had actually ended, a peaceful atmosphere descended upon the party.

Through the dinnertime conversations, Kazuya had gradually became friends with Beretta and Phyllis, to the point where they called each other by their names.(When Kazuya first tried calling Phyllis and Beretta by their first names, he felt a sudden chill running down his spine. Only to find Chitose staring at Phyllis with dark eyes)

A bonfire had been set up in the center of the camp, as the soldiers and knights surrounded it. Kazuya took this opportunity to learn more about Phyllis.

Speaking of which, why were you riding in that carriage? Where were you headed?

Kazuya said so whilst looking at the carriage.

.I cant say anymore information than this. But we were on a mission, the person inside the carriage isa noble

It was probably that the circumstances were complicated, so Kazuya decided not to probe any further.

Why is Kazuya in such a place? Hasnt the place Kazuya come from become a den for monsters?

Well, well


Although its true that the forest has become a den for monsters, Kazuya cannot simply say that he has a fortified base on the outskirts of it, inside the kingdom. So his answer was deliberately ambiguous.

The night is growing old, we should probably get to sleep

To save himself from blurting out any secrets, Kazuya decided to cut the conversation short and retreat to bed.

right. We shall do that, good night Kazuya

Rest well, Kazuya

Phyllis and Beretta said their words of goodbye as Kazuya left for bed.

You should rest too

Yes, master

After the appearances of Beretta and Phyllis were no longer visible, Kazuya and Chitose both decided to get some rest.

.uuuu.oh..I cant sleep..

Kazuya still felt restless as he lay in his bed and so decided to leave the tent and get something to drink.

Its slightly chilly.oh?

Exiting the tent, Kazuya spotted a shadow opening the door of the carriage and leaping out into the bush.

Whos that?

Kazuya removed his P38 from his lower back and moved towards the shadows last known position.

After about ten meters of travelling silently through the bush, he came up behind the shadow and began to speak.

You know its dangerous if you dont tell the lookout where youre going


The person in question was wearing a white dress. It made her childishness very prominent.

.Kazuyas appearance was badly timed.


Please dont look!!


Uuuustop it!.

There was a noticeable sound coming from the girl that did not die down.

Kazuya wanted to leave that place, however he knew that the knights were doing their rounds and didnt want to get caught. Instead, he faced away.

After a long time, the sound finally died down.


Kazuya passed a pocket tissue pack to the girl, who took out 2-3 sheets.

The red faced girl gingerly received the tissues a rustling sound could be heard. can face this way now

When Kazuya turned around slowly, he was met by a girl with a bright red face.

Im sorry. I really am.

Its ok, i shouldnt have got off of the carriage without telling someone.

Aside from the girls bright red face, she had odd eyes of blue and green that shone like jewels.(TLN: Heterochromia ftw!)

If you say so, Im saved

After that, the atmosphere turned silent.

What could possibly be said at such a time!?

As the silence continued, Kazuya panicked.

As it turned out, the girl could no longer bear the silence either and so spoke first.

Well, uhare you not afraid of me?

Oh, why?

..because Im a taboo child

.is that bad? Can I hear the details about that?

It wasnt possible for Kazuya to leave this child alone as she showed a grievous face.

If you want to know

From what Kazuya heard from the girl, having odd eyes is seen as being the bringer of calamity. Furthermore, those with odd eyes have rampant magical power and as it isnt possible to manage the magic it often goes out of control, causing them to be persecuted and detested.

Is that so..


After hearing the story Kazuya showed an indifferent reaction, however the girl clutched the ground strongly.

Well, I dont really see having odd eyes as being a symbol of calamities. Also, I wonder why people would persecute such a cute girl like you are the first person to say such a thing

That was the first time she had heard that since she was born.

After hearing the words of Kazuya, the girl produced a smile and she blushed slightly. For a different reason than the one before.

By the way, what is your name?

Forgive my impoliteness. I am Kazuya Nagato, Im serving as the leader of the adventuring party known as Parabellum

Nagato..Kazuya? Thats an unusual name

Really? I dont know much about that. By the way, is it ok for you to be gone this long? Im not certain, but if you have a maid or a servant looking after you, wont they be worried?

Since Phyllis said that she was escorting a noble, Kazuya made an educated guess that she would be accompanied by a maid.

Huh? I

The girl tried to say something, but she closed her mouth suddenly.

Oh? Did you say something?

I want to stay here. Besides, that guy in the carriage, once he falls asleep its extremely difficult to wake him up. So isnt it ok if i stay out a little longer?


..this girl must have spent a long time inside of the carriage, she probably wants a change of pace.

Kazuya thought so and decided to allow the girl to stay outside.

Kazuya moved himself and the girl to the banks of a small lake, away from their previous position.

The full moon shone beams of light that are reflected off of the surface of the water.


The girl was sitting with her eyes shining across the lake. It looked almost like a painting.

It should be okay here


There were 2 tree stumps on the edge of the lake, Kazuya sat down on one whilst the girl sat down on the other. that I think about it. I never got your name, what should I call you?


Is something wrong?

When Kazuya asks the girl for her name, she begins to panic for some reason.

My name..Iris. Please call me Iris.

Ok, Iris

When Kazuya called the girl by her name, a vibrant smile appeared on the girls face as she seemed to be overcome with emotion.

Well then, would you like to hear some stories?


Then, Kazuya began to read classic fairy tales from his previous world. Iris seemed completely engrossed in the stories.

The stories onii-san tells me are interesting

Seeing Iris smiling face made Kazuya happy, as he was the one who made her smile.

shall we go back soon?

Cant I stay a little more, dont you want me here?

Isnt your body getting cold?

.then..if I do this, its ok

Saying so, Iris descended from her tree stump. Walked over to Kazuya and sat on his knees embracing him.

..this child is far too defenseless.

As Kazuya was surprised by Iris sudden behaviour, he became rigid.

Ehehe..its warm

Iris said so as sherubbed her cheeks against Kazuyas chest.

Thats good, my lady

Kazuya jokes, his previous rigidness seemingly disappears as he strokes Iris blonde, silky hair.


Iris narrows her eyes in pleasure.

Hmm, she seems to enjoy it, I guess ill keep doing it.

Time passes slowly as Kazuya and Iris stay like that for a while.

Kuchun! you want to return now?


Using Iris cute sneeze as a signal, Kazuya decides to return back.


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