Modern Weapons Cheat in Another World

Volume 2 - Ch 14


The size..

Karen who walks onto the flight deck ofNimitz mutters so. Captain Harris who hears this, begins explaining the specifications ofNimitz proudly.

The full length of the ship is around 333 metres. Its total width is 41 metres. Its load displacement is 100,000 tonnes. Maximum speed 30 knots. It can hold 6,000 people including pilots. Due to it being a large ship, it can also hold 90 aircraft

Captain Harris laughs at he looks at the state of Karen and the others who show surprised faces. He begins to show the group the other parts of the ship.

Kazuya had also planned to show off another ship straight after Nimitz

..Its wonderful

Karen leaks a voice unconsciously.

From the Nimitz it was possible to see the mainland of Parabellum. The naval port boasts a vast open space. Currently, many ships were docked as sparks were flying from engineers continuing with renovations.

Passing the naval port and entering the city of Parabellum, all the roads were paved as modern buildings came into view.

Kazuya glanced at Karen and saw that she had wide eyes, much like that of an excited child.

Hey, Kazuya. I saw that a while ago, just what is that big building?

Karen said, whilst turning her eyes to look at something.

That? Its a flak tower

Flak tower?

It makes up a cornerstone of Parabellums anti-aircraft network. It is installed with CIWS Phalanx, RIM-116 RAM etc That battery over there is the OTO Melara 127mm. The entire tower is made from reinforced concrete, in times of emergencies, it can make a good shelter

Yeah. So basically its a place of refuge?

Sorry. Im bad at explanations

Please dont worry about it

Questions from Karen came in one after another after that. Before they even knew it, they were at the headquarters for Parabellum.

Well, Im going to stop here since I have things to do. Major General Ibuki will be your guide

Well..I understand

Karen says goodbye to Kazuya, showing a somewhat lonely expression as Chitose and Kazuya enter the command centre.

After finally getting to his office, Kazuya remembered something.

Now that I think about it, I completely forgot. Did we already send Zara to the Imperial Capital?(TLN: The girl he originally set out to save xD)

Yes. After the battle at the fort city, we sent her to the capital with an escort of 5 soldiers. The guards reported that Beretta was glad to see that her sister was safe

Really? Thats good

Whilst listening to Chitose, Kazuya continued to work without stopping his hand.

after this..whats wrong Chitose? Why are you laughing?

Fufu. Its nothing (Finally, master is accustomed toit being just the two of us)

After Kazuya asked Chitose that question, she replied generically whilst showing a small smile.

How was the tour around Parabellum?

Im astonished. Everything was so surprising

After Karen had finished visiting all the facilities in Parabellum, both she and Kazuya shared a meal back at the headquarters. He was listening to her impressions of the base.

More than anything, you seem to have enjoyed yourself

Well, it was very fun. Though I say that, the other aristocrats were too surprised to even speak

Was it that surprising?


After finishing their meal, they sat down on the sofa and shared an after meal tea. Karen put her tea cup on the table as she corrected her appearance.

May I speak honestly?

Ah, yes

I know its bad, but can we be alone before I talk?

? I see

After Kazuya made eye contact with the waiter, he bowed his head and left the room promptly.

But, there was one person who didnt leave the room, staying behind Kazuya.

.Vice President Chitose, will you leave the room as well please?(TLN: Might switch between excellency and president depending on the situation. The President is the actual translation, but it can also mean excellency)

I will not leave master alone with another woman!!

As long as I am not in Masters way, I will not leave his side

I wont let you get close to him. Even though I say that, I havent been by masters side recently because Ive been so busy!!

Cold sweat begins to form on Kazuyas brow as he feels the atmosphere change.

This is.why are there sparksbetween these two people? Oi Oi.?

.Kazuya. I wonder if youll tell me what you think?

Uhh..shouldnt Chitose be here as well? She is pretty much like the other half of my body(TLN: Some weird expression, hes just saying shes so useful that shes like his other hand)

Chitose, whom Kazuya called the other half of his body, begins trembling with joy.

No!! But, its an important thing, just the two of us!!

Karen showed a haughty look as she emphasised the Just the two of us part. A blue vein floats on Chitose forehead.

I see. Please leave the room, Chitose

Haa, I understand

According to Kazuyas instructions, Chitose salutes then slowly leaves the room. She passes Karen and whispers fiercely.

(Shit!! I should have got rid of you from the start!! You bitch!!)

(Ha!! Whatever, you think you can get close to master? He called me the other part of his body, are you jealous?)

(Kuu!Just hurry up and leave!!)

(Im not leaving because you said so. It was Masters order!!)

Chitose closes the door with a bang. Karen puts down her teacup forcefully.

..did something happen?

Kazuya sees Karen in such a state and asks.

Theres nothing wrong!!..please dont worry about it

Is that so?..

Karen quickly returns to her normal voice after shouting loudly by accident.

Ill come right out and say it. What will Kazuyawhat will Parabellum do now?

Well, first..well visit the Canary Kingdom

Its pathetic, but thanks to your help. We were able to repel the Imperial invasion. If Kazuya withdraws his troops, the imperial army will trample all over us. If you put your whole army into our kingdom for year..then it would be possible for us to hold out. We should be able to reach a conclusion

Well, our military power is too different. So it would be like that

and.was it you who destroyed the demons breeding grounds?

well, I wonder about that

Fufu, then well leave at that for now

Karen returns a smile and a laugh at Kazuya.

Well get back to that laternow, will Kazuya give the Canary kingdom a hand?

We havent decided clearly whether or not well help. However, if we do help. It will be purely defensive and logistical support. It is a different case if more other-worlders come out, however

.Well, my mind is at peace knowing youll at least consider it

At least knowing theyll consider helping set Karens mind at ease. She stroked her chest in relief as if coming up with some determination.

.then, I have to make sure Kazuya will definitely help the Canary kingdom


When Karen said so, she rose from her seat. She sat down on the seat next to Kazuya and leaned against him. Kazuya was confused by her behaviour.

Didnt you saywe havent decided clearly whether or not well help?

Well..I definitelysaid that

Because it will be a problem if help isnt lent at a crucial moment, Ill give you a deposit


Karen stripped off her gothic-style dress and left it on the floor.

Shewas wearing black sexy lingerie, it fit her supple body perfectly. Her skin was glossy, her body was noticeably tense as she exposed herself to Kazuya.

Karens face was dyed completely red with joy and embarrassment as she noticed the gaze of Kazuya. Her outfit was one which would easily ignite a males animal instincts.

..please say something

Oh!!.Its beautiful

Kazuya accidently spilled some words whilst staring at Karen.

Karen who heard Kazuyas real impressions, was dyed an even deeper red.

No No! What is Karen talking about? You should get dressed quickly!

When Kazuya finally realised the situation, he tried to move, but he was pushed back down onto the sofa by Karen.(TLN: Is he a reverse rape magnet?)

Wa! Noisy! Please be quiet, Im giving you my first time (Virginity)!

Please do such a thing with someone you love!!

You, do you think Im giving you my body for the canary kingdom?

Oh? Is it different?

Kazuya was confused. Seeing such an expression, Karen sighed.

Hah~ Its because youre an insensitive block head. It was impossible to tell you my feelings. Ill say it clearly now. I love you!!


Karen grabbed the napeof Kazuyas neck and brought his face closer until their noses were touching. She didnt know when another opportunity like this would occur, also this was her first ever love. She had finally been able to tell him her feelings.

Oh!? Uh, is it good?wellthis is?

The face of Kazuya who finally understood the meaning of those words became visibly red. he tried to say something, but stuttered.

Knock Knock


Karen and Kazuya hear a knock at the door and freeze.

Master, its getting late

When Kazuya heard Chitoses faint voice from the other side of the door, he glanced at the clock. It was already midnight.

..we were interrupted. Well continue this another time. Ill be awaiting your answer. (Kuu!! Just a little longer!!)

Ah, ok

They both began to arrange their clothes whilst their faces were dyed a deep red.

I must be leaving now

Well, see you tomorrow

After saying farewell, Karen turned to doorknob trying to leave, she glanced one more time at Kazuya.

Whats wrong? Did you forget something?

Because you might not believe my confession if its just words. I should show you with direct action.


Karen draws Kazuyas face in close touching his cheek as they exchange a deep kiss.

KISSING NOISES(TLN: Im not translating this. Its just random letters)

Karen put her tongue in Kazuyas mouth and moved it around aggressively.

Chupon~ Karen seemed sorry to stop as a bridge of silver saliva was built between their lips.

Thank you for the meal. Then, see you tomorrow

Karen licked her red lips with her tongue, tasting Kazuyas saliva as she left the room.

To Kazuya, the kiss seemed dreamlike. It was almost as if his soul had been pulled out.

Is master finished now? For some reason, your face is red.

Chitose glanced at Kazuya whose face seemed blurred and blushed.

Tsu!! Its nothing!! We should go to sleep now

Kazuya,who had finally come to his senses, rushed to answer.

Ah!! Please wait a moment!! Master!!

Chitoses suspicions deepened, as she chased after Kazuya who was running towards his bedroom.


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