Modern Weapons Cheat in Another World

Volume 1 - Ch 6


Chitose and Kazuya had begun a meeting with the other officers to decide on their future.

Now, there were a few problems. How exactly do you decide your future?

Thats exactly how it is, master

you shouldnt read other peoples minds without permission, Chitose

I know everything that master is thinking

After the attack it seems that Chitose yandere side had become more prominent.



Oh, did my level rise?

To confirm whether or not Kazuyas level had risen, he opened his menu screen.


[Gods trial Number 1]

The first trial has been cleared.


Your level has risen to 19.

The limitation on your ability has been reduced.

[Amount of armaments that can be summoned:]

Infantrymen:1,000 (One battalion)

Artillery: 200(TLN: Changed ordnance to artillery)

Vehicles: 450

Aircraft: 250

Warships: 50

When these arms are summoned, the number of people needed to operate it will also be summoned

Logistical personnel (combat engineer, maintenance soldier, communication soldier, supply soldier, medic) is not included in soldier summoning, and summoned separately. The amount of logistic personnel that can be summoned is the amount needed to maintain a division.

There is no limitation on summoning small arms and heavy arms that can be operated by 2 or 3 soldiers.


Kazuyas level had risen considerably since he killed so many monsters.

With less strict restrictions on hisability, he felt he could truly make a real military base.

Wait a moment

This forest is on the border between the Canary kingdom and the Elsass magic empire. We should relocate our base soon.

Ah, Chitose?

Well, talking about a new base

is she really reading my mind?

Kazuya began to feel fear towards Chitoses mind reading abilities.

After Kazuya had consulted with Chitose and the others. It was decided that a large scale base was to be set up on a deserted island, 400km from the previous base.

Kazuya summons a destroyer and travels to the uninhabited island.

When he arrives, he uses his ability to the fullest and beginsdevelopment.

The speed at which he was building the base could be called nothing but a cheat.

As Kazuya walks the length of the island, he begins to summon the necessary facilities. Including a naval base, airport and command centre. On top of that, he summons anti aircraft positions, artillery positions, radar sites and flak towers. As well as military equipment such as the V2 rocket withsilo.

Moreover, he summons various other non-military related facilities, such as amusement centres.

Also, built under the soil there were storehouses and bomb shelters. Above ground he builds production facilities for arms and ammunition, he cant always rely on his ability.

its done

Thank you very much, master

Originally, building such a large base would take a copious amount of time and money. However, the construction of this one had taken no time at all.

Shall we build a defensive position on the continent?

Thats a good idea

After completing the base, Kazuya begins to establish a military outpost

I will build a smaller version of our stronghold here, it will make it more convenient(TLN: He refers to the large island base he just built as a stronghold)

The empire and the kingdom might make a move here, if i build it too big

Most military outposts are built similarly to strongholds. Although the necessary equipment is summoned, it is camouflaged so as not to be seen even from the air.

By the way, according to the new rules on Kazuyas ability. He could now operate 2 bases at once. Also, he now had 500soldiersin each base, with a total of10,000 logistic personnel. There was a severe lack of weapons, and because of the limitation on Kazuyas ability, the production factorys were in a state of constant operation.(TLN: 10,000 logistic personnel. This seems about right considering medics, gun builders, transport, operations centre staff and radar etc literally 10 logistic personnel to every 1 soldier.)

The situation is a little bad..

Yes, currently even with our large numbers, we do not have the necessary strength to fight back if we are suddenly attacked

Kazuya looked over the report on the distribution of weapons and ammunition between the two bases.

The soldiers dont have enough weapons as expected.

Currently, their main method of defense was the warships.

Now then, what should we do.?

Kazuya began to rack his brains on what to do about the weapons and ammunition shortage.

20 military vehicles are waiting in an ordered line for departure.

The sortie is complete, Commander Chitose

Is see..then master

Ah, are you going?

About two months had passed since Kazuya came to this world.

After saving up the ammo and weapons produced by the factories, expanding the stronghold and subduing the demons around the outpost. Kazuya had no intentions to be confined to the base forever.

By the way, because the number of summoned soldiers has increased to the size of a battalion. Chitose, who was a majorhad been promoted to lieutenant colonel.

About your position as my aide..

Eh? .the role as masters aide..have i already been dismissed!?

The atmosphere around Chitose changed dramatically, a frightening smile appeared on her face. The light in her eyes seemed to disappear.

wait! Who is this!? This is a different Chitose!!

Kazuya who didnt understandthe meaning behind Chitose actions, saw her dangerous smile and realised hed messedup.

What is different, master? Are you perhaps, tired of me?

Chitose closes the distance between her and Kazuya whilst speaking emotionless words.


Kazuya tried to move backwards a little to put some distance between him and that terrifying aura. However, the distance between the two people was only staying constant.

Im not tired of you at all! I just thought that since you are such a high rank now with alot more duties, it would be better if i summoned someone else from the lower ranks

Ah! The wall!?

Whilst trying to speak the excuse he just thought of now, Kazuya hit his back against a wall, losing his only chance of escape.

Theres no need to be so anxious

Well, no..uh.Chitose?

Chitose pushes both her hands against the wall, trapping Kazuya with her body.

She brought her face closer to his whilst staring into his pupils.

If thats the case, then am i allowed to keep my promotion whilst being masters aide?

Ah! I understand now, you can keep your promotion and keep working as my aide!!

Kazuya felt fear as he gazed into Chitoses pupils. Her atmosphere had changed so suddenly, he could no longer endure it, and so conceded.

Is that so? That is good, master

Saying that Chitose floated a smile.

After that event Chitose was solidified as both the Lieutenant Colonel and Kazuyas personal aide.

Then please look after the base, Lieutenant ColonelMiller(TLN: Commander was the navy term that i accidentally used, Lieutenant Colonel is the army and correct one)

Please leave it to me!

When there is no Chitose or Kazuya occupying the outpost, LTC Miller would be in command.

Kazuya then issued the order to advance into the secret underground tunnel.

Lets depart

All vehicles, forward!!

The engines of the vehicles groan loudly. In total there was 18 cars in the convoy. 4 Motorcycles with sidecars, 3 M8 tanks, 3 Armed jeeps (M20 75mm recoilless rifle and the M2 Browning were equipped) as well as 8 trucks filled with soldiers and supplies.

Chitose had organised it so that the total number of soldiers in the convoy equalled 60.

At the end of the underground passage, there seemed to be a dead end. However, suddenly the rock face splits open and reveals an elevator, whichraises the vehicles to the surface.

When was Kazuya finished beingraisedabove ground, he found was facing a well maintained highway in the Canary kingdom.

Stick close. We only have limited knowledge about this world, we dont want to cause and unnecessary fights



On the orders of Kazuya, the convoy advances on the nearest city.

Master, is it okay to use these vehicles? The main method of transportation in this world is a carriage. Wont we stand out too much?

Well, there is no other way.As well as bringing 60 soldiers, we also have ammunition, medical supplies and food. It is more efficient to use a vehicle.My ability can also allow me to summon carriages, however they wont offer much protection during battle and i cant summon when im in combat.Because of that, it is safer to travel by car

I see, i thought that was why.

If someone asks, just say it is a magic item. Were going to be using modern weapons, so well stand out anyway

After hearing the explanation from Kazuya, Chitose promptly takes out her walkie talkie as a report had just come in.

..Ah, understood. Master, the B-29s report that three wagons are currently under attack from monsters. How should we proceed?(TLN: B-29s are bomber planes also known as flying fortresses)

Chitose asks Kazuya whilst pointing out the incident site on a map.

.ah.abandoning them would leave a bad taste. Chitose, pass me the walkie talkie

By all means

Kazuya to all vehicles, a wagon is currently under attack from monsters. Prepare for combat


After returning the walkie talkie to Chitose, Kazuya also prepares for action.

In order to save the group in time, Kazuya hurries.

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