Mission: Seduce the Master!

Chapter 273: Jealousy... Zhang Mei?

A week. That was how long it took Xie Qing to overcome the Heavly Sorrow that had be tormting him reltlessly. It was impossible to count the number of lightning strikes that had hit his mortal body, causing him so much pain and suffering.

Fortunately for him, the clouds dispersed, and the thunder grew quieter and quieter until it disappeared completely.


A deep breath filled with suffering and helplessness was heard from Xie Qing, who now looked like charcoal.

He tried to stand up—at least, he attempted to. His body trembled, and th he fell back to the same spot. Every bone in his body ached, and ev the slightest movemt of his little finger caused him unbearable pain.

"Damn lightning. I must have done something terrible in my past life," Xie Qing thought to himself with self-pity and closed his eyes, feeling exhausted. "Can't I ev control my younger brother? Damn, this is so tiring."

And while he was healing, three people suddly appeared behind him—Liu Yang, Zhang Mei, and Xu Mei.


Ev the two wom who were particularly resilit to brutal sces couldn't help but frown at the sight of his miserable state, let alone Xu Mei, who almost fainted at the sight of Xie Qing.


Xu Mei's heart seemed to leap out of her chest, and her face turned pale. Running to her disciple... no, her beloved, she hugged him tightly, and tears began to flow from her eyes, her nose sniffling cutely, expressing the depth of her suffering.

"Everything... is... fine…" was all Xie Qing could say in a hoarse voice, gtly stroking Xu Mei's back.

Although the touch couldn't be called gtle, as his hands had long since withered and looked like bones. Ev so, for Xu Mei, it was the most soothing and warm touch.

"Sister Liu!" the woman cried out with a sobbing voice, addressing Liu Yang, who nodded briefly.

Among them, there was probably no better doctor than Liu Yang. Therefore, Xu Mei, ev though she was very reluctant, stepped away from her beloved and allowed her frid to begin the treatmt.

Zhang Mei, surprisingly, did not quarrel with Xu Mei this time but instead showed tderness and couraged her frid.

Liu Yang examined Xie Qing's body and sighed in relief, placing her hand on her chest wh she saw that nothing serious had happed and the man's life was not in danger.

"Everything is fine, it's mainly just external injuries that can be removed with pills in a few hours," Liu Yang made her diagnosis and looked at Xu Mei with a gtle smile, whose face began to regain its color little by little. "So don't worry. I won't leave your hubby in trouble."

"T-thank you very much, Sister Liu."


Liu Yang teasingly smirked wh she saw Xu Mei blush at the word "hubby," but she didn't dy it completely. She returned to the treatmt.

"Can you undress? I'm afraid you'll need to take off all your clothes… if this rag can be called clothes, of course," Liu Yang said and blushed slightly.


Xie Qing made a guttural sound and th nodded. Liu Yang looked at Xu Mei.

"Undress him."


"Undress him," Liu Yang repeated, seeing the incredulous look on the woman's face, and said sharply, "Quickly! Am I supposed to apply the ointmt through his clothes?!"

"Oh, right!"

Xu Mei blushed. In fact, she had some concerns, considering that there were too many pottial rivals a her. However, hearing Liu Yang's sharp words, she quickly got to work.

Soon, the tattered clothes were thrown aside, and Xie Qing lay on a special cot completely naked. His tire body was burned, but…

Liu Yang looked at his manhood with disbelief and some curiosity.

"How… did it ev survive?" she blushed and struggled to look away. "And that size… oh… how does 'it' ev fit inside Xiao Mei?"

The woman looked at Xu Mei's groin and blushed ev more as her imagination ran wild. She shook her head.

"I need to focus on the treatmt!"

…In fact, not only Liu Yang was charmed and puzzled by the state of Xie Qing's gitals, which were perhaps the only intact part of his body. Zhang Mei frowned, but it was just an attempt to control her facial expression.

"It's still so big… and how the hell did his pis survive wh the rest of his body is in such a miserable state?" she looked at Xu Mei, who, seeing the intactness of Xie Qing's pride, smiled conttedly.

Suddly, a thought occurred to Zhang Mei, and she paled, looking at Xu Mei in shock.

"Hey, don't tell me…"

"Huh? Yes, I used the Invincibility Bell relic on him…"


Zhang Mei fell to her knees, her mind in disarray. She wanted to cry, but the tears wouldn't come.

"The Invincibility Bell. There are only twty of them from ancit times, and it can be used for a specific part of the body that will be invincible to most attacks for thousands of years… you had six out of twty, but..." Zhang Mei trembled, and tears almost began to flow from her eyes. "You used one of them to protect his cock?..."

"Huh? I didn't expect you to use such vulgar words!" Xu Mei laughed cheerfully and th nodded. "Yes, what's wrong with that? You know, male pride also needs to be protected. He has several bells on his body, hehe."

"'Hehe'? 'HEHE', damn it?!" Zhang Mei gritted her teeth in anger and th roared, barely restraining herself from strangling Xu Mei. "Are you stupid?! This is a precious artifact, one of a kind, a legacy of antiquity! And you used it to protect your disciple's pis?!"

"Oh, come on, Master also approved it…"


Zhang Mei clched her fist and struck the g. Well, her reaction is understandable, as the Invincibility Bell is considered an artifact of antiquity, and only a few practitioners in the world possess ev one part of it.

In reality, ev she, the leader of a famous sect, did not have a single bell, while Xu Mei had six.

"How… how depressing… to waste an artifact on something like this… my life is meaningless…"

Well, I don't know what to say. Hang in there, okay?



Liu Yang was deaf to the dialogue betwe Zhang Mei and was only focused on the treatmt. As a result, in two and a half hours, she successfully healed all the scars, burns, and the like, restoring the body to its usual appearance.

Xie Qing himself, thanks to taking the appropriate pills, was able to improve his condition.

"Thank you," Xie Qing said sincerely.

Liu Yang politely smiled, but her gaze, for some reason, did not linger on Xie Qing for more than two seconds, and if it did, it was clearly not on his face.


The man was initially puzzled by Liu Yang's mysterious behavior, but wh a cold wind blew…


He siltly took out his clothes and began to dress. Only th could Liu Yang make eye contact with him.

"Xie Qing!"

As soon as he walked a little, a flash suddly appeared before him, and his tire body felt softness, as if sinking into a bed.

"I'm so glad you're okay!"

The gtle and clearly emotional voice of Xu Mei reached Xie Qing's heart, making him smile tderly as he lovingly stroked her back.

Liu Yang and Zhang Mei merely watched from the side. If the first had a gtle smile on her face, the second had a sull expression.

"Hmm?" Liu Yang raised an eyebrow and looked at Zhang Mei, curiously asking, "What's wrong with you? Your mood has worsed."

"…Just some trivial things," Zhang Mei muttered reluctantly under her breath.


Liu Yang politely smiled, understanding that something was bothering the woman, but she decided to wait until she was ready to talk about it herself.

Zhang Mei, observing this peaceful sce, felt uncomfortable.

"What is this… feeling…" she thought.


Xie Qing cracked his neck and looked back. There was a barrier to the devilish worlds.

"It feels like an eternity has passed," the man said aloud and sighed, gtly squeezing the woman's hand.

Xu Mei remained silt. For her, who had waited helplessly for so many days for her beloved to return, those days had be so long that sometimes it drove her mad.

Xie Qing smiled and looked ahead. His face softed as he looked forward.

"It's always nice to come home."

Ahead were…

Li Yuilan, Lu Yin, Huang Jing, Yu Yang, Fang Lan, Lyu Lyu, Xie Meiling, Xie Yu (Xie Qing's cousin), Lian Xin (an elder from the early chapters), Lian Lin (Xie Qing's mtor sister), and the disciples of the Heavly Sword.

Taking a deep breath, Xie Qing smiled.

"I'm back."

It seemed as though an eternity had passed. As if all those days were a dream. Xie Qing suddly felt as if a burd had be lifted from his shoulders.

He had left as a youth, knowing little of the world. And now he was still just a young man, yet to see the world. However, this experice had helped him in many ways.

From this momt on... a new chapter in his life begins.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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