Mission: Seduce the Master!

Chapter 257: Lian Qingyi [I]

Thank you, swcowboy, for the donation. I will try to release additional chapters by September 12.

Your support is very important to me!


Let's clarify the situation. At the very moment the altar exploded, Lian Qingyi felt the capital beginning to crumble. Her first thought was to protect her building and then understand the situation.

To her great surprise, she discovered that countless formations, which even she found difficult to break, had been completely wiped out. It seemed that whoever was behind this was quite capable.

And as she was casually leaving the city, her gaze fell upon none other than Xie Qing. How did she recognize him if the guy was disguised? It was simple.

The contract. Thanks to her keen senses, she was able to easily detect that this guy was the one who had deceived her. And she wouldn't have saved him even if she had known. The reason was simple.

If the master dies, the pet will suffer greatly. Usually, in such cases, the subordinate dies almost immediately after the master's death, but due to the difference in cultivation, Lian Qingyi could survive.

And so. Seeing his situation, she was forced to save him. It was a risky move, considering her opponent was none other than Hao Shen, known for his cruelty and strength.

However, the opponent was in a weakened state due to his injuries. That was why the girl managed to escape his clutches.

And at this moment, the woman sat before Xie Qing, who was meditating. His wounds were very serious, and if not treated in time, complications could easily arise.

"Hmm. This guy is quite battered. It's no surprise. His opponent was originally Xiao He, a notorious killer known throughout the devilish community. It's even more surprising how he managed to kill him…" Lian Qingyi thought and narrowed her eyes. "Most likely, the explosion is related to him.

Hao Shen will never let him go. He will kill him, even if it costs him his life. That's how important the altar is to them."

Lian Qingyi knew a bit about the altar. Simply put, it was built from special materials and formations, capable of extracting demonic blood, which helps transform into something else.

Not into a demon, of course, but there's a chance to become its hybrid. And this allows even the weakest cultivator to become strong almost instantly.

"And this idiot actually destroyed the altar… I heard from my spies that the altar of the Sect of Bone Circle was also destroyed. I assume it's connected to this brat."

Lian Qingyi didn't even know how to react to this news. Should she admire him or scold him for his recklessness? She didn't know what to do. However, there was one undeniable fact – she needed to protect this idiot, or else her soul would suffer a serious blow.

Out of curiosity, the woman looked closer. Her eyes began to take on a pink hue. And, as expected…

"Thick Negative Karma. How is this possible? I thought righteous cultivators actively avoided such things. And yet, he is covered in such thick Negative Karma that even Hao Shen doesn't possess. This is strange!"

For something like this to happen… this was a first in her memory. Moreover, this Negative Karma didn't seem to bother him at all, and the young man didn't even notice its presence.

"I'm done," a deep male voice sounded. It was Xie Qing, who had awakened from a brief meditation. He didn't make any unnecessary movements for fear of reopening his wounds. Looking at Lian Qingyi, he asked, "Why?"

"Why?" Lian Qingyi echoed and snorted, adding to his question, "Why did I save you? Well, on a whim, you understand? Today I was in a good mood, and anyone would make me lose it at the sight of an insect's corpse."

"Oh, come on," Xie Qing grimaced, filtering out her rude words, and then continued with a smile, "Probably because our lives are connected? I just clearly felt the contract during my meditation. And, as far as I know, if I die, you won't be in good shape either."


Lian Qingyi gritted her teeth when Xie Qing hit the nail on the head. This made her irritation flare up again, but thanks to her experience, she managed to restrain her anger and, sighing, rubbed her chin.

"Anyway. You're a reckless idiot. Did you really think you could escape Hao Shen's clutches? Let me remind you, he's a cultivator at the peak of this world and can crush you with one finger. And you even dared to insult him. I don't know if you're brave or stupid…" Lian Qingyi said with an indifferent expression, twirling her hair around her finger.

"I don't care. What do I have to be afraid of? I didn't have to beg for forgiveness," Xie Qing snorted and tried to stand up, but immediately stopped. His face contorted slightly.

"What, does it hurt?" Lian Qingyi smirked, apparently enjoying his suffering.


Xie Qing grimaced. But truth be told, his action was quite reckless. However, what could he do? Running away was not an option, and begging for forgiveness was too pathetic.

So, he had no choice but to resist. Unfortunately, Hao Shen was not particularly friendly. Although, after Xie Qing's words, how could he be friendly…

"Phew. Do you have any healing ointment? The last time I was beaten like this… um… wait, I seem to be getting beaten quite often lately…"

"Yes, yes…"

Lian Qingyi snorted. She waved her hand, and dozens of pills flew into Xie Qing's hand. The scent of herbs filled the room, carried by the wind coming from the house.

"Thank you. You're actually kind," Xie Qing remarked sarcastically and began to consume the pills.

"Watch it, or I might change my mind, idiot," Lian Qingyi snorted.

Xie Qing smiled weakly and began to meditate. After two hours, he opened his eyes and sighed. Only minor injuries had healed, and the rest would take at least a year to recover.

Fighting against a cultivator at the level of Transcendence was definitely beyond Xie Qing's current abilities. Even handling those who had reached Divine Transformation was a challenge for him.

With each new level, the difficulty increased, and the power gap was undeniable—the evidence was clear.

Xie Qing sighed and closed his eyes, while Lian Qingyi went somewhere else.

"I don't even know where I am," the young man thought, rubbing his chin. "Unfortunately, I can't even move right now. I can only hope that this vixen won't harm me…"


The next morning, Xie Qing opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was Lian Qingyi's indifferent face looming over him. He blinked several times and rubbed his eyes, but the scene remained unchanged.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" he finally said, slowly getting up.

His wounds screamed in pain at that moment, but the young man was tolerant enough to suppress his cries.

"Me? I have a ton of work to do, you know. But because of a certain troublemaker, I had to put them off, hmph!" the woman said with a displeased tone.

"Oh, of course, graciously forgive me," Xie Qing said dryly and turned his head to look out the window. He remained silent for a moment, then quietly said, "...thank you."

Lian Qingyi fell silent and looked at him with some surprise. Her gaze fell on his ears, which were barely noticeable but had turned slightly red. A faint smirk appeared on the woman's face.

"How shy you are. I thought you were one of those alpha males who aren't embarrassed by anything."

"I'm starting to regret thanking you…" Xie Qing's annoyed voice sounded as he shook his head.


After a few minutes, Xie Qing stopped sulking and began questioning Lian Qingyi.

"Where are we?"

"Hmm? We're in my secret base," Lian Qingyi replied casually, leaning back in her chair. "Even Hao Shen won't find us here. So you can be at ease. I'll take care of your safety."

Xie Qing fell silent for a moment, then looked at her with a calm gaze.

"What do you want, fox? I already know you've figured out my true identity. So speak up while I'm in the mood."

"Heh. It's a pleasure dealing with smart people," Lian Qingyi smiled, then arched her back, looking at the young man with an alluring gaze. "A few conditions and I'm willing to help you and provide protection for the duration of your stay here."

"Go ahead."

Xie Qing waved his hand. In any case, he never expected to be saved for free. So, it actually made him feel better when Lian Qingyi decided to present her conditions.

The woman, completely unabashed, said, "First, I want to absorb your Negative Karma during this period."

"My what?" Xie Qing raised an eyebrow, then waved his hand, deciding to discuss it later. "Fine."

"The second condition…" Lian Qingyi's eyes sparkled, and she smiled predatorily. "I want those on your side to help me kill Hao Shen. And, of course, hand his body over to me."


Xie Qing lost his smile and looked at Lian Qingyi.

"Now, tell me more."

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