Miss Beautiful C.E.O and her system

Chapter 37: Her weird financial reward

Ling Qingyu rubbed her hands in anticipation. This amount of wealth was unheard of—all in cash, no assets—although it was nothing compared to the wealth of a country.

Suddly, in her hands, a black card with a gold edge popped out. She had no idea what kind of card she received but the appearance was indeed stunning. A bank card without any description or logos.

Was it really legal to use it? Ling Qingyu had a huge doubt; she ev suspected the card might counter a problem during its use.

She already promised the dean the money; she begged the system in her mind not to joke a.

[This system is serious! No fault, no prank, nothing. 0 perct truth.]

'Th why is there no idtification on the card.'

[It's like a master room card. Suitable and eligible anywhere.]

'But this one is a serious bank card with real money transactions.'

[Yes, noisy huh…Just consider this card as a sophisticated technology. It will work for sure. Besides, along with the card came an application software in your phone. You should check it out.]


No reply. It seemed her distrust disgusted the system. Well, it couldn't be helped wh dealing with the unknown. She had full trust but she didn't want to be tripped by the system in some situation.

Confirmation was for the sake of her mind. Anyway, she was sure to converse with the system again. In the worst case, she would lick till the system got embarrassed.

Ling Qingyu listed to the system's advice and searched for her phone inside the bag, Secretary Zhao brought over. Turning over her belonging, she held the phone before her face.

Why did her phone seem differt from what it used to? Did the system modify the device?

She checked all the data and everything was in place perfectly. Nothing disappeared, nothing changed.

Scrolling over the apps, she found a surreal one and clicked on it. The loading scre appeared and the software asked for her fingerprint, which she followed the command.

She gasped wh she saw everything inside. So many numbers and names that Ling Qingyu felt nauseous.

'System, please explain.'


'Please! My super duper excellt system, I need your guidance.'

'Please! Please!'

[huh…okay…stop…this superb system will show you how it's done.]

The system sighed prettiously and explained numerous steps; it was succinct and simple as long as the user wasn't intimidated by large junks of data.

'Did you change my phone?' It wasn't a question but an affirmation.

[Yes. Modified it a bit, faster internet speed and more privacy.]

'Okay, but I'm confused. Why not in just one card and one bank account, instead of so many accounts that I have to trace?'

[If you want your account froz and attract high-level atttion, go ahead.]

'Hehe,' Ling Qingyu didn't say anymore and she understood the system's methodicalness. Despite so many accounts, the software was user-fridly so she felt no big differce from using one account.

She checked her suring and everyone's conctration was on their own stuff. Tang Ziyi resumed her computer's work, while the rest chattered. The three newcomer girls volunteered to clean the leftover.

No one noticed her strange demeanor and Ling Qingyu's heart felt relieved. Her excitemt had caused her to lose sse of the suring.

A big lump hanging in her heart fell after the money for donation was easily available to her. The system's product never lied.

Wh the time to sleep approached, everyone disappeared from the room except Tang Ziyi whose eyes' never disconnected from her laptop.

"Hmm, Sister Ziyi. You can continue later on. It's not like there's a timeline." Ling Qingyu felt bad watching her pressed on.

"Don't worry. I know myself. It's too far from being tired." Tang Ziyi replied without looking.

Ling Qingyu raised her eyebrows, disbelieving Tang Ziyi's remarks. According to her description of today's evt, the activities were high ergy consuming and Ling Qingyu lacked strgth just from listing to their narration.

Was Tang Ziyi bragging or did she not ev sweat?

"I mean you need to have sustainable ergy to guard me right? So, you better rest first."

"Fine. I'll rest in 5 minutes. Let me first finish this." Tang Ziyi conceded to Ling Qingyu's persuasion.

Ling Qingyu didn't say more. Everyone was an adult. She lay on the bed and reached for the television remote control.

Turning the TV on, she scanned across various channels—one news channel caught her interest.

The title read 'Tse Province N Police situation: Burnt body found inside a super racing car & gang battles occurred with multiple dead and injured."

The announcer seemed to have just received the evt since there was no further description, except for the police investigating deeper for the idtity. For the gang case, the police chief himself wt on stage, answering sharp questions from the news media.

He was skilled in diverting the topics and guaranteed the public safety level would not be impacted. The public should trust the police to do its job. No one was above any law; justice would be served.

Ling Qingyu scoffed at the interview and likely many citizs would too. Gangs were a big problem in Province N for average people.

Police couldn't handle them well due to having a mole inside or a corrupted leader at the top. Everybody was aware of it but there was nothing they could do without sufficit evidce.

Ev if human evidce was available, nobody dared to volunteer. A few brave souls were out of luck, in accidts for example.

Since Ling Qingyu had this wealth and influce in this life, her previous life's dream could be fulfilled—creating a peaceful orderly world without a huge gap betwe classes.

She knew it was hard but at least she liked her personal growth while trying this out. First, she must cleanse the city and th spread it a. This police chief would be her primary target.

Tang Ziyi was probably working on it. Ling Qingyu asked her a simple question. "Are these yours?"

Tang Ziyi raised her head wh she heard the voice and watched the sces on the TV. She simply voiced. "Yeah."

"You better include that police chief on the target. I don't like his face and attitude."

"Count on it, he's the number one on the list."

"Good. Hope Captain Yang can work this out."

"Don't underestimate her." Tang Ziyi chuckled.

"Oh, what makes you say it? Though she is the person I chose but…"

"You'll know soon…..Alright, done. St everything to her. Let's wait for her action."

"How long do you think?"

"Probably within a week."

The undercurrt surged throughout the night. Most knowledgeable were unable to sleep; the average people wer't aware of the high tides suring them. But Ling Qingyu slept soundly, feeling extremely safe with her companions a.

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