Miss Beautiful C.E.O and her system

Chapter 35: Yang Qingyue

Captain Yang and her fellow officer exited the hospital trance, deep in thought. Now the routine accidt investigation had turned complicated.

Although hit-and-run cases always likely became inttional homicides in the d, Ling Qingyu's narration told a differt story. Officer Yang had noticed something was off wh the CCTV in that particular area stopped working for days.

Now, since her guess was correct, what should she do? She already realized the tire law forcemt had moles inside. Corruption was for certain as anything related to the underg world never surfaced.

She didn't ev trust her supervisor at the momt. Officer Yang wasn't originally from Province N and her transfer work was due to her family. Although on duty in this province for a short duration of time, she discovered numerous discrepancies in the police work.

Many higher ranks avoided communicating with her and most of the staff in the workspace followed suit so that they wer't se in the minds of higher authorities as sore in the eyes.

Officer Yang mostly worked alone but as always there would be a light ev under extreme darkness; like-minded people gathered a her and a team was unconsciously formed.

Solving many cases and beginning to regain public trust, despite only a portion, Officer Yang was satisfied. At least she managed to bring the police's reputation back. The male officer on the side was also her team member.

Nobody objected to her movemt to draw all the capable and diligt officers at the station to her team. Ev the high echelon ignored her footwork.

One was because the power behind her dissuaded them from tripping her work. Two, no matter how much they tried to trip her, she never stumbled, always finding a way from various angles.

Those all related to the underg force wanted her to leave this province by her initiative—piling up more work for her, prioritizing her to solve near-impossible cases.

Officer Yang knew she had to do something before her work of saving police prestige was wasted. Her initial plan was no longer viable; she needed more allies—a strong at best.

These low-level officers wer't much help for her fighting against the corrupt system in Province N.

A shoulder nudge from her coworker awoke her; she glared at the man who raised his hands up and smiled back. Officer Yang shook her head, amused.

The two strutted back toward their police sedan in the parking space. She sat on the passger side and some radio chatters almost nauseated her because she couldn't capture the message.

Likewise, the male officer in the driver's seat also noticed the situation and only started the ignition.

"Captain?" He asked.

Captain Yang grabbed the speaker and pressed the button. "C to Dispatch say again your last."

A few seconds later. "C, possible multiple cases of homicide and gang rivalry, units currtly route."

"In the same precinct?"

"Negative C, across multiple districts."

"Still on the hit-and-run right now, do you want me to divert?"

"Yes, please. The more the better."

"On the way." Captain Yang put back the device and looked at her colleague beside giving her an unlovable expression. "What's the matter?"

"Oh gosh, Captain Yang. For the sake of us, why do you want overtime?" The male whined exaggeratedly causing Officer Yang to roll her eyes. "I thought we should finish this hit-and-run case."

"I highly doubt we can achieve anything, to be honest. And my sixth sse tells me this trip might just give me a hint." Wh he was about to op her mouth to express disagreemt. "Do not doubt a woman's sixth sse? And don't ever argue with a woman cuz you're never going to win?"

The male officer drooped his shoulders with a disappointed sigh and drove the car to the destination. Fine, why would he bother to complain? Arguing against superior was one mistake and the superior was a woman was another. He didn't want to make more.

Captain Yang chuckled at his behavior; she knew her subordinate wasn't really mad. It was a usual banter betwe the two to ease the stressful atmosphere. Her eyes were still on the hospital, thinking deeply.

Was it a coincidce after a few days of accidt? Was Ling Qingyu involved? Those who were like Ling Qingyu in high positions couldn't attribute their behaviors to average citizs.

The sir blared as the vehicle departed from the hospital, attracting the eyes of pedestrians a for a while.


Ling Qingyu stood near the window, watching the police car sped away. In contrast to the usual sickly appearance, she was well and strong, her hands pushing against the wall as she leaned forward.

"You're really choosing her?" A monotonous voice sounded from behind.

Ling Qingyu didn't turn a as her eyes were still on the leaving police car. "Hmm. At least my sse told me she's trustworthy, what do you think?"

"I never believe someone from the first appearance. I trust the data more." Tang Ziyi replied.

"Th search it up. Investigate her past and backg."

"On it already. I'm organizing the details as we speak. You can survey them afterward."

"Wh did you begin?"

"After she left, I work on it since I got a feeling you'll be requesting in the future. It seems my instinct is correct."

"Congrats on you… What do you think about her?" Ling Qingyu asked about the main point of the discussion. Although she could already choose this female police officer as a breakthrough on her own initiative, she joyed discussing with experts a. At least, she could assure herself she had looked into it from various angles.

"She's definitely the one." Tang Ziyi agreed while Ling Qingyu heard clicks of keyboards rummaging behind her. "It's done."

"Show me, Sister Ziyi." Tang Ziyi handed over her laptop, similar function to a tablet, to Ling Qingyu. She grabbed the device and scrolled over the lists. "Thank you for your hard work."

"Um.hmm…" Tang Ziyi uttered.

The scre showed the biography of a policewoman who she just met. Technology was indeed terrifying. In the wrong hands…Ling Qingyu prayed it never happed.

Yang Qingyue, aged 5, .69 meters tall.

Rank — Captain (Superintdt First Class)

Joined police force at 9, merits & years of experice eligible for further promotion

Huge family backg from the capital, the force wasn't to be underestimated.

Education, completed studying for a graduate degree.

Ling Qingyu read the files further and understood Yang Qingyue's situation. Based on her merits and backg, she should've be promoted long ago. Why still stuck?

Her family pressured what she disliked or was it her age, Ling Qingyu supported the former hypothesis. She would be meeting more in the future.

"I choose her th. Sd her the evidce and files we've collected to her email. Don't sd all. Little by little, Sister Ziyi should guide her." Ling Qingyu said while she walked back to her bed, returning the laptop.

Tang Ziyi didn't say anything and proceeded with Ling Qingyu's order.

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