Miss Beautiful C.E.O and her system

Chapter 32: Testing

Doctor Mo Yunxi waited for what Ling Qingyu would ask but only received her gawking eyes. The sight was too hot, she almost blushed. She had no idea why Ling Qingyu stared at her weirdly.

Looking at herself and patting the shirts, Mo Yunxi asked again. Ling Qingyu was embarrassed to be caught red-handed. The female doctor in front always raised her heart rate.

The holy nurturing vibe exuded from her comforted deep to the soul level. She pointed at the three girls. "They need your help, doctor. Please come nearer and I'll tell you more."

Hearing Ling Qingyu asking for help for the three little girls, Mo Yunxi frowned wh she discovered one of them was hurt badly. Her body almost reacted and diagnosed the injured.

Definitely, traumatic wounds from assault. She could see it obviously and someone inttionally hurt her.

But she controlled her urge and moved to Ling Qingyu for further explanation. Since Ling Qingyu's voice was close to whispering, Mo Yunxi bt over a little so that her ears were in line.

Ling Qingyu persevered her conctration as the doctor's fragrance itched her desires. She almost lost control while she dictated the evt and told her plan.

Mo Yunxi paused and nodded afterward, calming Ling Qingyu down to sigh out in relief. She obtained Doctor Mo's agreemt to keep this report from the public for some time before telling the police.

Ling Qingyu promised not to hide from the authorities for long and also explained why she chose this way ev though Mo Yunxi didn't ask for the reason. After understanding the situation, the doctor cracked her neck as her hands gripped the waist, her body trembling in frustration.

For now, Mo Yunxi would td to their injuries and examine their bodies through various tests for more detailed reports.

Mo Yunxi wt out to obtain medicines for disinfection and treatmt; she returned after a while, possibly requesting the nurses nearby.

Shortly after, a nurse came in with a trailer; Mo Yunxi thanked the nurse and st her away from the room. Nothing attracted the atttion of the nurse, as the girl with injuries covered herself up.

Ling Qingyu found Mo Yunxi in doctor's attire charming as her gtless flowed to the poor girl. And her eyes strolled to Tang Ziyi and Xiao Yue leaning beside the toilet's door.

Ling Qingyu didn't notice their existce before and her body almost jumped in shock at their sudd appearance. She saw Tang Ziyi roll her eyes and Xiao Yue snickering.

Perhaps their joke was over as they both sat down on nearby chairs. All who knew what happed today remained silt and joyed relaxation as if the shuddering evt outside didn't belong to them in the first place.

Ling Qingyu actually wanted to praise them out loud and showered them with rewards if there wer't any outsiders here. Although Tang Ziyi and Xiao Yue brought along additional oil bottles, Ling Qingyu didn't abhor their acts.

In fact, it consoled her worries about their characters, since the two's histories might transform them into ruthless beings. Ev though their ruthlessness existed, it was only toward the emies and villainous people.

Rescuing these girls to the point of ev troubling themselves showed their hearts had a warm side. Of course, who was being troubled at the momt must be Ling Qingyu but she didn't mind.

Ling Qingyu chuckled inwardly, glad the character summoned from the system wer't mere tools wom.

[Of course, this system gives you a character card. Or else a robot would be st to you directly.]

'Yes, almighty system. You're the best.' Ling Qingyu wanted to pinch its cheeks if it existed outside and really appeared as a little girl.

[Anyway, the system was amazed at your fast reprisal. Destroying the gangs save many other families from being destroyed and increases our merits. Plus, you served as justice for those who can't. The system absorbs 7, you 3.]

Ling Qingyu didn't complain her system took advantage because she knew she really did nothing. Ev the system didn't realize the prowess of the summoned characters.

'Fine. Ev if you absorb more, I've no complaint.'

[No, the system is conscitious and will not exploit you. And merits are related to luck and fortune. It's very important for your destiny.]

'But I have our super cute almighty system. We're bonded together. That's my greatest luck.'

[Oh! Thank you...Anyway, the system gives you an additional reward so that the system has a clear conscice…Monetary reward trillion yuan.]

Ev firecrackers popped inside her head to celebrate but Ling Qingyu was too flabbergasted to respond.

One trillion equals one thousand billion. Convert that amount to a dollar. She already possessed more than 30 billion dollars. That's more than what Bill Gates had in his hand in the previous world.

Furthermore, this amount was equal to free cash in contrast to other rich people's calculation of net worth. She could ev spd full, unlike the rest.

However, Ling Qingyu was also worried about her sudd income source but her anxiety lessed wh she believed her strongest system would handle it.

[Do you want to retrieve the reward now?]

'No, it's not the best place yet. Later.'

Seeing Mo Yunxi had finished her care, Ling Qingyu asked. "Dr. Mo, has it finished? Is everything fine with the girls?"

"They're fine but you know…" Mo Yunxi gave her a glance which Ling Qingyu understood. Psychological pain took time to heal. "As for the drug, I presume it's just a normal pill. But to be on the safe side, let's test it out."

All the tools were available on the trailer and Mo Yunxi said to the three girls after picking a syringe. "May I?"

The three girls agreed for blood testing. After Mo Yunxi completed the tests, all they had to do was to wait for the results.

"Thank you, Doctor Mo." Ling Qingyu gave her a grateful glance, while the three girls stood up to bow and said.

"Thank you, Doctor Mo." x3

"That's my duty as a doctor. I wish I could do more. Girls, don't worry about anything else, your big sister Ling Qingyu will take care of you three." Mo Yunxi sighed and spoke, causing Ling Qingyu's eyes to shine a strange glitter.

After noticing her expression, Mo Yunxi acted cute and spat out her tongue. "Please, take care of them."

"Of course, but wh did I become a big sister?"

"Just now."

Ling Qingyu snorted at her remarks but she was also a responsible person. Since she had rescued them by chance, she would finish it to the d.

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