Miss Beautiful C.E.O and her system

Chapter 30: Persuading the three girls

Ling Qingyu coughed out nonstop after hearing what Tang Ziyi said next. She never expected this big goddess to have this side. Exhibiting other's sexual life to the colleague was a social death.

It wasn't until Xiao Yue came up and patted her back, the congestion inside subsided. Now she could already imagine the villainous police chief wiping his ass and that might deviate the atttion to her side, just what she wanted.

'System, do they really complete the job?' Ling Qingyu asked siltly.

[Checking…wait a second. They both accomplished what you ordered exactly. Congratulations.]

Ling Qingyu breathed out, still in shock. It was never she distrust Tang Ziyi and Xiao Yue; the tire operation wt too smoothly that she couldn't believe herself.

However, since the system had already substantiated this fact, her mind turned into a differt direction.

"Sister Ziyi and Sister Yue, do you have any tails on who's behind the sces?"

"Unfortunately no," Xiao Yue replied.

"Not yet, but that doesn't mean impossible. It might take some time before we find any lead," Tang Ziyi added her views. Ling Qingyu nodded in delight; it was best to have something to follow.

Now her atttion was on the girls and she asked both warrioress to change their style of clothing. Tang Ziyi voiced her support as they should change their dresses, tering the toilet inside the room followed by Xiao Yue.

Ling Qingyu's forehead twitched at the two behavior. Although there wasn't anything wrong with the two girls in the same room, the atmosphere betwe them somehow piqued her interest.

But she regained her ergy wh she glanced at the poor girls and her heart felt heavy. Never in the past life, had she met such scarios directly and possessed the ability to change someone's life.

She was about to become a beacon of light in these girls' eyes; all of this depded on her decisions.

She looked at one obvious girl who had injuries all over her and asked for her opinion. Now that they were away from the public eye, she put away the clothes that covered her body.

"So, what're you doing after this? What's in your mind?"

There was a long pause while the girl stared at her in the eyes and looked away afterward. And again the stare and the break contact. Her trust wavered and she didn't know who to rely on ev if Ling Qingyu was a female.

Well, hmm. That's debatable. Anyway, Ling Qingyu was patit, waiting for the answer, while she shouted outside. "Sister Su, would you mind looking for Doctor Mo Yunxi? Thank you. Say my name and that I want to meet her alone."

Su Ruomei outside oped a slight gap as she heard my call and closed it immediately afterward.

"Thank you for bringing us out of this bad, whatever hell." The girl slowly said, her voice croaking. "I would like to press charge and act as a witness too for the case."

She tried to appear strong but her sobbing tremor already sold herself. Ling Qingyu applauded this girl's courage to go through legal means and she supported it, if she were the previous Ling Qingyu who hadn't fused with her predecessor's memory.

Now, she was definitely against going through such a notion, wh she had a differt method so that this girl would be saved from other harm.

"I'm gonna sue that bastard and spread the news in public. I bet with the public atttion, they could be put into jail." The girl clched her fist as she exclaimed these words.

Ling Qingyu sighed at her innocce. The way the rich world worked was scary if anyone realized several undercurrts surging a. She decided to break her vision—short-term pain was better than long-term's.

"So, you thought, going publicly is the best option here." Ling Qingyu saw the girl nod while her frids' expressions showed agreemt; she explained what was at stake here. "Let's say you sued them and confessed everything in public. You think the public pressure is sufficit to put these culprits into jail."

Ling Qingyu continued: "Imagine many unknown people saying out that it could be you seducing instead like wom td to do this to obtain money. In public opinion, your oppont would likely bring out many 'frids' who are familiar with you speaking against you and tarnishing your reputation. Like this girl used to sleep a for money.

And this girl tried to seduce the rich once and failed and so on. Although these ar't true, people don't know it and don't care that much. Most lean on wherever the rhythm goes. Your plan might backfire. They'll create a mess until public atttion wt away and deal with you quietly."

The girl still argued: "I have two of my frids here and many witnesses in the company. As long as they speak out…"

Her voice trailed off losing confidce in her workspace and colleagues because they were the ones who betrayed the three girls.

"Your frids could be sold off as your accomplice and you know what your coworker did at the nightclub. Not to mtion, how many would come forward to support you wh their finance is at risk?" Ling Qingyu was merciless in teaching the realities and she hadn't finished.

"They can ev let someone be a scapegoat and the real perpetrators are let loose. Your plan is too superfluous!"

Noticing her tone was severe, the girl stammered out. "You mean….my….method isn't good. Th, can I ask for the videos from the tall and strong sister who helped us? In that video, all their words and everything are recorded. I think it's ough to bring them down. And I guess at least you can help me with that."

"Brilliant idea indeed. The law will serve them well with that evidce that they can no longer flip the table over. But why must you continue this path wh there's a better option where you can avoid staining your reputation."

"How?!" The girl shrieked wh she understood there was indeed a way. Ling Qingyu's description of the possible evts really scared the three of them and dissuaded their previous plan. What Ling Qingyu said had hit them hard.

"I have a milder approach but will put down all culprits and bring justice to you and all those girls who ar't able to. I'm sure they ar't first-time offders. It may take time but you have to trust me." Ling Qingyu pointed out the way.

The other girl interrupted her. "How can we believe in you? It seems there's no interest for you in helping us. I know we should be grateful for your help but…"

Ling Qingyu waved her hand and said. "I understand your mood. And I'm not those rich who only has eyes for interest. Don't think every rich person behaves the same. Not to mtion…I hate these kinds of animals who abuse power."

Ev though the woman in front was hospitalized and her aura remained steadfast. Her every word out of the mouth echoed with vigor in their ears and the momtum grew as she spoke more.

"I help you not because of sympathy or kindness but because I'm a human being…Ling Qingyu.…Ling…Qing…yu."

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