Miss Beautiful C.E.O and her system

Chapter 25: Brutality

Tang Ziyi was a couple of steps in front of Xiao Yue, wh the doors slammed op into another spacious hall and these m began to assault.

Ev against multiple opponts in several dozs, they were unfazed. Both of them had very calm eyes and wrestled their joints and tdons, to prepare for the upcoming fight, shrugging off any tsions built up previously.

Not one of them had the slightest idea to go out of the corridor they were in. Narrowing the angles of the opponts was a better choice while tering the spacious hall was likely to be flanked by others.

Instead of adversaries suring them, they now only had to conctrate on the front. Based on the preliminary judgmt, here had any sort of training.

Against Tang Ziyi and Xiao Yue, who had trained for many years or throughout their life, it became a piece of cake.

As soon as the crowd rolled onto them, Tang Ziyi's strikes wt fast and ruthless. There was no beautiful movemt, but some mere simple honed singular hits, that were likely to be practiced for a thousand times or more.

She wasted no extra ergy. If she could dodge and land a strike at the same time, she didn't bother to parry. If she could hit her emy quicker than being hit, no dodging or parrying traveled through her mind.

Before her opponts' hands touched her, they were already dealt with by her quicker strikes. Numerous powerless wavy hands before they collapsed on the floor.

Her fighting instinct was a machine, sowing terrors among those who confronted her. Her efficit fighting mechanisms were all calculated instinctively.

Naturally, as a weaker gder, she was aware of her vulnerability ev though her height and weight had already diminished these disadvantages, it still existed. She was fighting against m.

Not one but a group! Luckily, they wer't professionals. Her targets were always at those weak points such as throats, groins, inner kneepits, liver, and solar plexus.

While Tang Ziyi faced most of the opponts, she carefully released a handful of them—two or three—toward her backline.

Unlike Tang Ziyi, Xiao Yue's fight looked good on the outside with kicks and forms, parrying, and attacking. Her style was beautiful in contrast to Tang Ziyi's ruffian style.

However, wh Tang Ziyi had already dealt with 5, she only managed to drop one guy. Such was the differce, something which could only be shown by years of fighting experices.

After more than dozs of them had laid down on the floor, immobile and screaming from pain. The fighting paused as the rest of the m retreated a few steps back. There was a space betwe the two sides.

The eyes looking at Tang Ziyi were no longer previous playful mtalities but filled with fears toward her ruthlessness. None of her hits were able to recover within weeks.

At least Xiao Yue behind her appeared more human than this grim reaper. She caught up behind Tang Ziyi and gulped a mouthful of huge breath.

"I initially thought this would be easy." Xiao Yue stammered, apart from giving a weird look at Tang Ziyi's unperturbed ergetic appearance.

"It is. In fact, it's just your fighting experice is too low. Minimize wider movemts and stop wasting ergy, especially kicks unless necessary. You can kick at the lower part but don't aim high. Be more efficit." Tang Ziyi's teaching session annoyed the m in front.

Some of them reached behind their back and took out the knives, raising concerns from Xiao Yue whilst Tang Ziyi's eyes became chilled devoid of any emotion.

To be frank, both desired to also reach behind for their pistols but controlled themselves. Knives battles wer't favored too much because of their force multiplier roles, it actually diminished martial artists' prowess.

Although they had confidce, it was never a good feeling to fd off knives wielding opponts. Fortunately, they wer't incompett.

Inside the hall, sexy waitresses who displayed their figures through their uniforms wt from panic to astonishmt, drawing gasps a. Their visions were used to violce such that the brawl in front didn't haul any screams.

But, as soon as these m pull out the sharp weapons, some screams bellowed and the wom immediately hid away. Except for some waiters searching for a hideaway, most were already involved in the melee.

The results were no differt but Tang Ziyi's attack became more murderous and brutal, especially against the knives-wielding opponts. Xiao Yue noted Sister Ziyi blocked these opponts and left bare fists to herself.

Tang Ziyi used these sharp weapons against themselves. Disarming one of them and used his knife. In the hands of Tang Ziyi, the weapon became a masterpiece.

The formation of these m plummeted and disarray contributed to increasing Tang Ziyi's power.

Thrusts. Slashes. Hooks. Ev chairs, bottles, and any tools were utilized. Simple yet effective. Using the vironmt to her advantage which Xiao Yue had difficulty imitating.

As long as the opponts could be put out of the fight, Tang Ziyi used them without hesitations. No fairness. No game mode. No honor. This was life and death.

Compared to Xiao Yue, Tang Ziyi's capabilities were more suited for these desperadoes.

For those without knives, Tang Ziyi merely slashed their limps or wrist and knocked them out. For those wielding knives, Tang Ziyi's attack turned vicious, sadistic to say the least. All deadly spots such as throat, heart, and inner thighs were included.

All her shots were fatal and aimed to kill these m. And strangely, of the blood spilled on her costume.

Anyone daring to threat the lives of Tang Ziyi's group, she showed more cruelty. One was to deter; another was because she thought they deserved it.

Soon, the fight was over yet the groans seemed thunderous in the sudd silce. More heads popped out from the cover curiously. The bloodshed and moving corpses mowed down by the two wom, no, devils, flabbergasted the remaining people.

Under the ominous fluoresct lights, some flickering after receiving some damage during the brawl, two wom treaded into the spacious hall.

None were spared from their attacks. Ev those who tried to escape were flatted. Their momtum grew with each incoming step and no waitresses, nor any remaining m dared to move an inch.

Tang Ziyi and Xiao Yue ignored them as they strolled past although their atttions were also on the bystander should they make any move. They doubt it likely since prior outright brutality had dissuaded a lot.

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