Miss Beautiful C.E.O and her system

Chapter 19: Pursuit

Watching Hu Ch from afar exuding a satisfied mood and heading toward his Lamborghini, Tang Ziyi and Xiao Yue had waited for an hour doing nothing but surveillance.

They had no idea what this despicable man had done inside the Massage Shop, nor would they bother. However, if it were to happ in front of them, Hu Ch would suffer a life worse than death.

Unlike in the movies or novels, surveillance job was tedious for anyone. Fortunately, their mission didn't require these.

As they sat on their seats and trying to minimize themselves from other's atttion, they saw Hu Ch's vehicle move. His behavior in the neighborhood caused both Tang Ziyi and Xiao Yue to sneer.

Waiting and glimpsing a if he had other hidd protections, was found. Was it arrogance or self-assurance that Hu Ch didn't ev have bodyguards a?

5 minutes passed, Xiao Yue was getting anxious of losing sight of their target and looked at Tang Ziyi, who remained steadfast. Wh she was about to speak, Tang Ziyi stopped her with a palm gesture.

Sure ough, Tang Ziyi spotted some suspicious characters leaving this area. They seemed more like a backg over-watch rather than protecting a person

Although they checked a, were ever suspicious of Tang Ziyi's vehicle. Until they wt away, Tang Ziyi switched on the ignition and followed Hu Ch's path.

Was Tang Ziyi certain of her guess? Rather not, but she tried to avoid as much as she could.

Xiao Yue understood her companion's cautiousness but they already lost his track. She said sighing, "Ar't we losing him now, ev if we avoid alarming others?"

Tang Ziyi smiled and replied, "Today's era is a technological age. We don't need to do everything ourselves wh we already have an auxiliary help."

"Auxiliary help?" Xiao Yue was confused. Tang Ziyi tapped something on the laptop scre, which displayed Hu Ch's location, along with the possible path they could take to catch up.

If Ling Qingyu was here, she would be astounded by Tang Ziyi's technology and skills. These wer't available in her time.

"I've already uploaded a simple algorithm to make use of the CCTV system to track this guy since we're at the hospital. Otherwise, why should I come here and wait for a long time."

The laptop was attached to the dashboard, easier for the driver and passger to access. Xiao Yue's left finger scrolled a for a while and reread Hu Ch's file, summarized by Tang Ziyi.

Every time she sifted through these files, Xiao Yue's breath agitated, and lost control of her emotion. Rape, torture, forcing other families, drugs, kidnapping, and possibly trafficking despite a lack of evidce. Each word was heinous. Under the prosperous appearance, the dark tides raged the city.

Families destroyed, lives lost. Was the peaceful era really peaceful? Ev without war, humanities were at stake.

Perhaps, Xiao Yue's behavior was too noticeable, Tang Ziyi stretched out her hand and gtly grasped Xiao Yue's arm to console her frid while her other hand was on the steering wheel.

"Thank you, Sister Ziyi."

"We'll make sure today's will be his last's." Tang Ziyi said no more but her statemt assured Xiao Yue.

Both would be flabbergasted a few hours later, they managed to capture the real culprit responsible for Ling Qingyu's accidt before they ev began the mission. Truly hit the jackpot.

As Tang Ziyi drove fast on the road, they caught sight of a yellow Lamborghini, which was racing slightly above the speed limit. Tang Ziyi followed behind about 5 cars distance away.

Not too close, nor in the same lane. If the yellow was at the cter, she would drive on the left or right. Her lane changing wasn't hasty. Whever the map on the laptop displayed there were intersections or turns ahead, she stayed in the same lane as Hu Ch's.

While there was also some reckless driving part of Hu Ch who didn't realize someone was tailing him, Tang Ziyi applied the technique to the extreme.

Xiao Yue saw many eye-oping methods and gave a silt thumbs up to her driver. "Sister Ziyi's methods really cease to amaze my brain."

"If there were more people involved, it would be a real eye-oper." Tang Ziyi replied, prompting a nod from Xiao Yue. There were huge differces betwe doing individually and with a team.

Everyone understood the advantages teamwork brought out. Each individual had their own weaknesses and a team compsated for them.

Xiao Yue's body slammed back on the seat as the Cadillac burst out and she glanced at Tang Ziyi.

"He's leaving the main road. There's the perfect spot for us to do." Tang Ziyi clicked something on the scre.

"What did you do, Sister Ziyi?"

"I just implanted the virus in the city's surveillance system. minutes later, the tire network will be blind for 3 hours, sufficit for us to complete the job. And…" Tang Ziyi pointed the bag behind and Xiao Yue reached for it understandably.

Tang Ziyi took out something and pressed the button on the weird-technologically-advance device. "That's a portable signal jammer, effective for a 0-meter radius; in case someone tried to record or call. Of course, the downside is we're also affected."

Xiao Yue shook her head at the continuous popping out sophisticated devices from Sister Ziyi's hand. She wondered if being a small person in this world was better than warlord at her previous timeline.

The gine roared as the real pursuit began disregarding alarming the target. Soon, the speed reached an astounding level and the distance became narrower. Tang Ziyi naturally controlled the speed to a degree to avoid attracting others' atttion as much as possible.

As the road progressed from urban areas to sparser ones where the sight of nature appeared more where there was only one lane on each side. Only two vehicles still raged on the road. A perfect opportunity.

Tang Ziyi pressed the pedal hard and overtook the Lamborghini, whose driver was still unaware of his suring probably due to joying loud music inside.

She had other plans if the driver suddly accelerated but now the follow-up action became simpler.

After passing by the side and swerving a little in front, freaking out Hu Ch inside to slow down and stop.

Both cars' tires screeched at a sudd halt. A black one angled at a yellow's. Both cars' doors oped at the same time.

Hu Ch's cussing disappeared wh he saw two beautiful ladies coming out.

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