Miss Beautiful C.E.O and her system

Chapter 17: The plan

On the congested traffic road, packed with cars, a black Cadillac sped past, swerving left and right, receiving curses and honks from other vehicles.

The initial commotion due to a disturbance caused by a single car was gone soon after. The atmosphere inside the black Cadillac was differt.

Tang Ziyi drove with one hand while the other arm leaned on the cupboard in the middle. She wore a pair of sunglasses and calmly manipulated the steering wheels as if the previous commotion was nothing.

On the other hand, Xiao Yue gripped the handrail on the ceiling with both of her hands. Her eyes showed nervousness and looked at Tang Ziyi from time to time.

Although her knowledge wasn't sufficit, watching the speedometer rose heighted her fragile heart. The speed was too fast; whever she looked at the bored Tang Ziyi, her eyes were filled with complaint.

Was this the so-called reckless driving? She admitted ev though Sister Ziyi's driving was fast, the comfort level didn't decrease. So, was this still reckless? She had no idea. Maybe this must be the reason why her father didn't allow her to drive.

"Sister Ziyi, why don't you slow down? We've lots of time." Xiao Yue asked quivering. Her heart almost jumped out of her throat wh she saw Tang Ziyi turn her head slightly to look at her.

She shrieked. "Look at the road! Sister Tang Ziyi, don't make me cry!"

Tang Ziyi smirked at her comrade's cute reaction. Of course, her vision was still on the road but she never thought, turning her head slightly triggered Xiao Yue. Should she say this speed was nothing to her who usually speed a lot whever she drove alone?

But seeing her frid getting more and more frighted, she decided against it. In order to light up the mood, Tang Ziyi asked: "What was your original goal wh you start practicing martial arts?"

"I didn't want to be left out in the backyard, having nothing to do. That wasn't me. I thought what do I have to do to become a differt woman; Because waiting for my husband and serving him wasn't my theme. So I want a differce."

"What about you Sister Ziyi?"

"Me?… I just like martial art and surpassing my previous self. Wh I felt strong, I thought I could change the dark world into a better place by myself. And I understood later what could one person accomplish?"

"At least I already lost in front of you in terms of martial arts." Xiao Yue said while rolling her eyes at Tang Ziyi's remark. Tang Ziyi noticed Xiao Yue slowly getting used to her driving style and conversed with her more.

The topic began with the reason why they trained and what was their purpose of living to the point where they wt confused after achieving these goals.

"I'm stubborn to think I made the wrong choice. Will I be happy if I got married and simply served my husband? My mother and my frids urged me but I always refused and d up getting lonely." Xiao Yue gazed out the window while the sces drifted by.

"So, Sister Ziyi, do you think I did anything wrong?"

"Nonsse," Tang Ziyi gave her a eye. "If not for you, your mothers, your frids, your cherished loved ones would never survive. It all comes down to one thing; you gain something; you lose something. Everything has a price."

"Your comfort really…Who doesn't know that?" Xiao Yue snorted. "It's just my happiness seems like something is missing."

"I know how you felt because I was there too. You're lonely…Yes ev though you accomplished what most couldn't. You need someone who can stand alongside you. I can bury these feelings but you couldn't." Tang Ziyi's both hands were on the steering wheel. Her hand clched the more she talked.

Tang Ziyi continued: "But right now we have similar experices and similar mindsets. Walking on the same road, I don't think I'll become lonely anymore."

Xiao Yue didn't say anything but nodded in agreemt. The two wom had found common characters betwe each other.

The car stopped at the intersection under red light. Tang Ziyi looked at Xiao Yue who also returned the same gaze; both of them had upgraded their relationship.

"To be frank, I tered the mercary world because I want to make a change for the world. To bring light to the dark. To extinguish evil. But I'm alone. In this world, I have you and Ling Qingyu plus the mysterious existce, we'll never be alone."

Xiao Yue also added: "I believe our ideal might be fulfilled in this world. Although Ling Qingyu appeared unreliable, there must be a reason the mysterious chose her."

The car moved again following the gre light. After several curves and intersections, Tang Ziyi parked the car at the side.

"What now?" Xiao Yue was just following Tang Ziyi; she had no idea what they were planning to do.

"To kidnap someone's young master and make some use of his idtity." Tang Ziyi reached behind to take out the laptop and gave it to Xiao Yue. "Don't worry no innocce is involved here. Read on some of my investigations, I believe you'll support me."

"I didn't say I disagree." Xiao Yue rebutted and scanned the information. She had watched how Tang Ziyi used these things.

"You can touch the scre like your phone. It has the same option." Tang Ziyi quickly advised in case Xiao Yue had some difficulties.

Reading out the personal information, Xiao Yue's eyes turned colder each minute passed by and Tang Ziyi wasn't surprised by this change of air. Her blood also pumped with rage whever she read but she was able to control her minute expression.

"Don't say we're merely kidnapping this guy?" Xiao Yue's voice was cold.

"Nope, he won't live for long under our sight."

"What do we do?"

"Vehicle interdiction."

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