Mind Demon's Path of Domination

Chapter 176: Interrogation and realization

"So, a human who ingests the Heart Blood thing of the Gold Savages transforms into Bronze and Silver Savages? Tell the demon the answer."

"Yes. If you get more Heart Blood, you can become a Silver Savage but if you were unlucky, you can only be a Bronze Savage because the Gold Savages won't give you ough HeartBlood to turn your own Heart into silver."

"How does your power work?"

"The stronger my heart is, the stronger my body will be. As for my power, the defsive Savage Magic—Glass Dome, you have to learn to use it by training on it. Any savage can train it, but only a Gold Savage can train two Savage Magic at the same time. As for Bronze and Silver Savages, we can only train one Savage Magic in our lifetime."

Now, it made sse that he saw many Savages with similar powers.

There was a lot to learn about the savages. It was a whole other path to study, and Mark was lost in the interrogation for a long hour. One question after the other, he asked, and wh it was over, the savage was a blank-eyed unmoving thing.

Mark wondered if it would ever regain its true mind. And if so, would it have gained a resistance to Heart Input?

He threw the man on top of a boulder and used Alchemic Shapeshifting on the boulder, making the boulder accept the body of the mindless man inside it. Keeping the head outside, Mark made the boulder act as a prison a the savage's body.

Curious about something, he checked an average savage's stats.


[Silver Savage]

[Tier ]

[Physique: 0 (Pinnacle)]

[Mind: 0 (Pinnacle)]

[Savage Magic: Glass Dome.]

[Resistances: None.]


[Mask of the Savage]

[As long as their Masks are not brok, they can revive themselves ev if they get beheaded.]

[All abilities are hanced by a Minor Tier.]


"Don't feed him anything," Mark said, "if he ever wakes up, he will be too famished to move against us."

Yuri asked, "So what did he say? You took so long."

She didn't know the language. Mark took a deep breath and quickly explained what she had to know—it might become useful. After that, he looked at Dona who was lazily sprawled on the g, and with a smile, left his World Space.

Mark's consciousness appeared back in his body in the underwater cavern.

The small hamster was nibbling on his fingers wh he came to, and Mark petted it. Should I let the Boss Demon make a Dungeon here? It's an underwater cavern, so I doubt they could easily reach here to kill the Boss.

If somehow, he could help the Boss expand that Dungeon into a Mega Dungeon, he would have a chance to conquer this tire world. No, that's too time-consuming and if I really do become a threat to this world, the Gold Savages would storm me together like the Hunters stormed the Boss Demon together.

Th again, Mark waved his hand and a pitch-black demon appeared beside him. Since the Boss Demon had a Dungeon Heart seed inside it, it didn't have to worry about the World Will finding it.

"From now on, I might have to ter a battle at any time. If you are summoned, don't immediately make a lot of noise unless I allow it."

He reabsorbed the Boss into his World Space and brought out something else this time. It was a huge corpse of a gre-skinned goblin-like creature. This was the corpse he bought from the Rat Businessman.

The corpse of a Tier 3 Upper Demon.

Mark touched its face.

Alchemic Shapeshifting.

Nothing happed! It wasn't hurt at all.

Upper Demons have a more advanced version of Defsive Magic Aura—theirs was completely unbreakable. A Middle Demon's Defsive Magic Aura can be brok by a Tier Low-level attack, and th, they can be hurt by lower-tiered creatures.

An Upper Demon's version of it, on the other hand, can not be brok and thus, lower-tiered creatures, no matter what kind of abilities they use, cannot hurt them.

"Invulnerable Physique. An Upper Demon does have the right to be arrogant, since truly, they are invincible against an army of lower-tier creatures," Reol'ran said, her voice curious. "You are no differt Mark, you can't hurt an Upper Demon no matter what your tricks are."

"But don't you see it, milady?"

"I do see it."

If he could ter into a Dream Gamble with a mortal, and th help them become a savage. Wh he wins the Dream Gamble, he can ask them to give him the Mask of the Savage. Having that mask made all abilities perform one Lower Tier higher.

It was a cheat.

He had come here to improve his chances to win in a Battle Royale and if he had that, he would be able to hurt ev Upper Demons, not to mtion a mere… Battle Royale of Middle Demons.

For the fun of it, Mark tried to attack the Upper Demon Corpse some more times. Using differt abilities to do it. He ev tried using his Ultimate Demonic Art, and ev after some long minutes, nothing ever hurt it.

Not ev a small chip.

It was th that suddly, Mark's eyes wided. He looked at his own left palm, th at his right palm. He chuckled wryly and immediately sat down, closing his eyes, contemplating.

Wh he tried to fuse one demonic trick to the other, it never worked like he wanted it to. The gem represting the demonic tricks always repelled each other. Why was it so? It was because two demonic tricks just wer't meant to fuse into one and become an Art.

Reol'ran had once told him to find the connection betwe two demonic tricks to make it fuse. It couldn't be forced, he had to be gtle. Until now, he had indeed found some connections betwe them but it had always seemed to not be ough.

For example, both Dream Shock and Heart Input affect the mind in some way. That was a connection. But ev though he knew that it hadn't be able to fuse into an Art. Th, both Dream Gamble and Dream Shock were dream-related, why can't they fuse?

Can't two fire-type abilities combine to create a fire-type Art?

Now, he understood.

It was not the true connection betwe them. Fire-type, water-type, it didn't matter. If two dream-type abilities can combine, what if one dream user attacked another dream user and that dream user used a dream-type defse?

Would the offse and defse fuse? Ev though it was the abilities of two differt people?

Demonic tricks were fundamtally conflicting with each other so as not to let that happ. If they d up fusing with the attacks of emies, a Trick would become useless to its user. So, what did he need to show the demonic tricks that the tricks inside his own World Space were not emies but allies?

Yes, the commonality betwe his demonic tricks wasn't that they were of differt types. The commonality was that it was his demonic tricks. Now, if he could make two demonic tricks know that they were allowed to fuse, he could, he realized, fuse them and turn them into Demonic Arts.

What is a demonic trick in the first place?

He tered a sort of meditative silce and wh he woke up, breathed out all his questions. He had a feeling that he was still missing a lot of the answers, but questions like the fundamtal source of demonic tricks were too far from him, but one thing became crystal clear to him.

"I have to make my demonic tricks realize they are all mine."

And th, he would be able to fuse them and create Arts as much as he wishes.

And now, he had a clear idea of what to do to do that.

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