Mind Demon's Path of Domination

Chapter 169: Meeting the foes, seeing their depth

Mark stretched and yawned as he left the hut where he had'd his first time with Yasna. She followed him out, now wearing a clean set of beast skin robes and fresh. Coincidtally ough, the hut he had tered had be her own house.

The hamster was still on his head.

It had be his Dungeon wh he had be having a blast with Yasna. If it wasn't a, he would have be incinerated by the Will of the Savage World.

He briefly scanned the facilities of the hut—it was the average standard of housing in this world. It was cramped, mud-floored, and there was not ev an attached bathroom. He had asked Yasna—they appartly had one some distance away and she had to walk every morning towards it.

"Indeed, this world is not too advanced," he said, cupping his jaws.

Dona was waiting for him outside, sitting on a pile of firewood as she ate something that looked like sweet buns. There were ts of unconscious m suring her.

"What did they do?" he asked.

"They were waiting to ambush you wh you come out, setting up traps and all." Dona took another sweet bun from her bucket and pushed it into her mouth. She sniffed and looked at Yasna.

Yasna stared back unflinchingly.

"You smell like me, so she is staring at you," Mark said and took a sweet bun for himself. "Don't worry, my Dona isn't a violt girl."

Dona snorted. "I can be violt if I don't like her."

Mark smiled. "And if you give her sweets, she will like you."

To that, Dona didn't say anything. She had searched the tire village and she had only gott a bucket full of sweet buns. There was some sweet soup a but it tasted too trashy compared to the food she had gott in the Hunter World.

She craved some real food.

Mark expanded his Soul Sse across the tire village and began to absorb the people here one by one into his World Space. Yasna stared as one person after the other—conscious and unconscious—vanished.

They wer't just some unknown people, she was familiar with each face. Everyone was someone she knew, someone of her clan.

Mark smiled. He had se some people with guine worry in their faces, too, wh he scooped up Yasna and tered her hut. Ev now, some of them were heaving sighs of relief wh they saw him coming out with an unharmed Yasna.

"Mark, are they really safe?" she asked anxiously.

"Don't worry about that," Dona said, "Are there more sweet things here?"

Yasna stared at Mark ev more anxiously.

"Don't worry, they are just put into a differt world. I will sd you there, too." Mark mused. "And if possible, you should calm all the villagers. There are people from another village there, too. Get all of them under control. Tell them you are my woman and of them would dare to disobey you."

Yasna rubbed her nose. Another world? She had to get people under control?

She turned to look at the red-skinned demoness who was looking at her with squinted eyes. Was this woman as strong as Mark, too? Dona, huh?

So, demons wer't nameless monsters as she had thought. At least, not all of them. They had faces, names, and lives. Well, whatever. Now, they will also be part of her life. Luckily, the man who had tak her purity had a human charm to his body and didn't look like some monster.

She clutched her own shoulders. Her life was changing. It was like that day wh the tiger attacked her in the woods wh she was little. Wh she had survived the ferocious attack and killed the tiger that scarred her, she had felt the same feeling she felt today.

From this momt on, her life wouldn't be like anything she had expericed before.

This was that familiar feeling of change.

"So what am I to do next?" she asked.

Truly, she was exhausted. Any woman would be after having their first time, and one as unexpected as her own was ev more tiring. As exciting as it was.

Mark looked into the horizon. "You should go rest now. I am headed for the city of savages and will be busy from now on. As I said, get the villagers under control and don't let them panic. I will check it in a while."

After a second, Yasna nodded.

Mark st her into his World Space. Not into some hut, but into the house he had made for Yuri some days ago using Alchemic Shapeshifting. There was a comfortable bed-like setup there. Yasna fell directly on it and the brave woman dozed off before she knew it.

"She didn't tell me about sweets." Dona pouted.

Mark scooped her up into a princess carry and she clutched her mud-made bucket filled with sweet buns.

"Let's not play a anymore," he said. "Let's give these savages… a visit."

Dream Wings.

Wings slowly moved out of his back and cast a long shadow a the area. His wings were big, in fact, too big. As a Middle Demon, he had a wingspan of 0 meters. If he let those huge wings out completely, he would move out of the safe zone a Dona and the hamster.

The dungeons a them only expanded for 5 meters.

He spread the wings just wide ough and flew at his full speed. The landscape blurred past him and he felt Dona clutch her buns, eating one after the other quickly. She didn't want to reach the emy's base before she had her fill.

The sound of the sound barrier being brok echoed as Mark's speed surged ev further.

Dona growled as some of her buns turned into ash. Luckily for the hamster, Mark had thrown it into his World Space just before he flew. Soon, Mark came to a sudd halt and looked down. He hadn't reached the city but he had se his target.

Floating in the air, he looked down. Five m stood below him, long-limbed, dark-skinned, and wearing a tribal mask. They had a tall body and seemed bursting with strgth.

All five of them had a differt ability and they seemed like a perfect team. They were merely Tier —Silver Savages—but Mark's face grew gloomy as he stared at them. Indeed, his mission wasn't going to be so simple.

His violet scre shimmered as he gauged them. But one thing took most of his atttion.


[Mask of the Savage]

[As long as their Masks are not brok, they can revive themselves ev if they get beheaded.]

[All abilities are hanced by a Minor Tier.]

All of these Savages were Tier Pinnacle creatures and normally, they shouldn't ev be able to harm Mark's Defsive Magic Aura. But their masks gave them a Minor Tier boost to all their abilities.

That meant that a Tier Low level savage's attack could hurt a Tier Medium creature. And a Pinnacle Tier savage can affect a Tier Low-level creature. And as his soul sse moved through them, he realized that these Masks were not an accessory.

The mask was, indeed, their face.

It was part of their body!

The masked m looked up at him and Dona and one of them howled. "Two Demons outside a dungeon. KILL!"

One of them materialized a spear out of nowhere. It was the savage's ability, and if he got hit by that, Mark knew his Defsive Magic Aura would be brok. It was a powerful Tier Low-level attack ev if the savage was a mere Tier !

And that was ough to destroy a Middle Demon's Defsive Magic Aura!

The savage threw the spear at immse speed and ev Mark had trouble following it with his gaze but he fell through the sky downwards and avoided it without much effort. He had to kill them anyway and it wouldn't be impossible.

Other demons wouldn't be able to leave their dungeons, but he can!

The savage smirked.

The spear disappeared and appeared next to Mark. Mark's face changed but before the spear could hit him, a defsive field of fire covered both him and Dona. The spear was burned to ashes before it could hit Mark.

Tier Low-Level Demonic Trick—Fire Shield!

Mark stared down coldly. The spear that had moved past him had just... teleported beside him. Had Dona not blocked it, his Aura would have be brok.

"A nice trick," he said.

There was no other savage too close at the momt, but Mark still felt incredibly wary. He had be a bit too arrogant and rushed wh he had examined them. Since they were Tier , he had underestimated them; believing that they wouldn't be able to escape or harm him no matter what.

But since they were equivalt to Tier Low level creatures instead of Tier Pinnacle, if all five of them worked together against him, some of them had a chance of escaping.

If he still underestimated them, that is.

And if they escaped, they would let other savages know that a demon existed who could walk out of dungeons. And that would be trouble.

These five were not impossible to handle but if there was a Tier Pinnacle savage a, Mark knew, he would be in big trouble. After all, a Tier Pinnacle savage should theoretically… be able to harm a Tier 3 Low-Level Upper Demon.

He would be in big trouble against someone that strong.

This world's citizs, they were far more deadly than the Hunters had ever be.

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