Milfs: Dual Cultivation

Chapter 39: Elder's wife

Xian Tian raised an inquisitive brow at the elder's cryptic words, but dutifully followed him down the winding hallways of the sect.

His heart raced with a mixture of trepidation and intrigue - what could the venerable cultivator have planned to curb his lustful urges?

Show his wife pussy to Xian Tian? Is there such a method to control lust?

As they approached a secluded set of chambers, the distinct fragrance of incense and feminine allure wafted through the air, sending Xian Tian's senses into a delightful frenzy.

'Ahhh~ the sexy scent of horny milf,' Xian Tian thought.

The elder paused before an ornate door, casting him a sidelong glance.

"Now, my boy, prepare yourself. What lies beyond these doors may test the very limits of your fortitude... But didn't worry, with me here, you will accept Bonk," the elder warned, his aged voice laced with a hint of amusement.

Reject horny, accept bonk.

With a gentle push, the door swung open, revealing a lavishly appointed boudoir. And there, reclining upon a plush divan, was a vision of unbridled sensuality - the elder's wife named Lady Huan.

Her raven tresses cascaded in silken waves over porcelain skin, partially obscuring the sultry curve of her bosom. Her robes were artfully draped, teasing glimpses of alabaster flesh that set Xian Tian's blood aflame.

"Eh? T-this? This must be the promising young disciple you spoke of, my dear," Lady Huan purred, her voice like velvet caressing his ears. She rose with effortless grace, her hips swaying hypnotically as she approached, a smile tugged on her lips.

Xian Tian felt his mouth go dry, his every nerve ending alive with anticipation. The elder's cryptic words now made perfect sense - he was to be subjected to the torment of this goddess, he could already feel hard by design her boobs and buttocks jiggle with each step she took.

His breath caught in his throat as Lady Huan glided closer, her every movement infused with the captivating grace of a feline predator, his dick stood like mount Everest, tall and proud, forming a perverted outline through his robe.

Her lush curves were accentuated by the sensual drape of her gossamer robes, tantalizing glimpses of creamy skin fueling the furnace of his desire.

As she neared, the heady scent of her arousal filled his nostrils, and he fought the primal urge to pull her into his arms and bury his face between her big, bouncy, busty ass.

They were like soft pillow, cushionsly and premium.

The elder's wife exuded an aura of unbridled sensuality that threatened to unravel his hard-won discipline.

Xian Tian's gaze hungrily drank in the voluptuous swell of her breasts, the gentle flare of her hips, and the tantalizing glimpse of her shapely legs peeking through the sheer fabric.

He ached to run his calloused hands over every inch of her sumptuous form, to worship the divine curves that threatened to undo him.

With great effort, he tore his eyes away, casting a desperate glance towards the elder. "Honored one, I do not know if I possess the fortitude to withstand such...temptation," he rasped, his voice laden with the strain of his self-control.

Lady Huan chuckled, a melodious sound that sent tingles of anticipation down his spine. "Oh, this is honry and Bonk trial?... If so, you must try. For the sake of your spiritual cultivation, you must learn to master the urges of the other feminine flesh... Always focus on whats in your plate not others,"

She instantly understood why Xian Tian was here.

Horny and Bonk was nothing new, if disciple failed, they would even be sent to horny jail.

It is to make one master his mind and not to look at other's Dao companion with Lust because there is only harm in doing so.

She moved closer, close enough for him to feel the heat radiating from her body. Xian Tian steeled himself, determined to prove his worth,

even as every fiber of his being yearned to surrender to Lady Huan's alluring charms.

He forced his gaze to remain steady, though his heart thundered in his chest like the hooves of a thousand wild horses.

He wanted to push her down, tear her dress and fuck her like a monkey.

Keeping his cool,

"I am ready to face this trial, honored Elder," he declared, his voice surprisingly steady despite the tempest of desire raging within him.

Lady Huan's crimson lips curved into a coy smile, and she slowly trailed a delicate finger down the taut line of his jaw. "Excellent. Then let us begin,"

With a fluid motion, she untied the sash of her robe, letting the gossamer fabric pool at her feet.

Xian Tian's eyes widened as she stood before him in all her unbridled glory, her voluptuous curves and glistening, honey-kissed flesh putting every painting and sculpture he had seen to shame.

The elder cleared his throat, drawing Xian Tian's attention.

"Remember, my boy, you must resist the temptation to touch or pleasure yourself. Your task is to simply... observe,"

Xian Tian nodded mutely, his gaze riveted to the seductive vision before him. Lady Huan's full, pert breasts rose and fell with each shallow breath, the dusky peaks straining against the confines of her robes.

Lower still, the gentle swell of her hips flared into long, shapely legs, the space between them hidden behind a lush thatch of dark curls.

She had a hairy pussy.

Xian Tian swallowed hard, his mouth watering with the primal urge to taste her, to bury himself within her velvet heat.

"My~ My~ You are already hard," Lady Huan spoke, her ocean like eyes shining with mischief.

As soon as those words were out the elder pulled out a, what seems to be a baseball bat from his space ring and slammed it in Xian Tian's head.


In an instant, Xian Tian's erect dick went to sleep.

Looking at Xian Tian with smile, Lady Huan licked her finger and out it in her vital sex organ, slowly rubbing it.

"Ahhhh! ahhhh! Nnnnghhhh!" she moaned as she pleasure herself.

Xian Tian was once again hard.


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