Milfs: Dual Cultivation

Chapter 35: Crazy Witch!

Lady Xing's eyes narrowed as she gazed upon the approaching figure of Crazy Witch -Li Cheng.

Though the older woman's power was not unmatched, her cunning and mystical abilities made her a formidable opponent, which was already a headache for Lady Xing.

Nonetheless, Lady Xing couldn't help but admire the Crazy Witch's statuesque beauty, even as she prepared for battle.

Li Cheng's long, flowing white hair framed her striking features, her piercing blue eyes filled with both mischief and malice.

The Crazy Witch's bountiful curves were barely contained by her loose, flowing robes, her ample bosom and flared hips promising untold delights.

"Well, well, if it isn't my old friends Lady Xing and this... She must be your Dao sister ( wife-in-law)," the Crazy Witch purred, her full lips curving into a wicked smile, while she raised her eyebrows glancing at Lady Yun.

"I see you've been enjoying the company of Your Dao companion. How...fortunate for you."

The next moment, Li Cheng raised her hands and the entire sky turned dark.

"Li Cheng... Throughout the past, you have always managed to escape but right now, it's different... I will give you three breath, kowtow 10 times and beg for forgiveness," Lady Xing uttered, mystic runes flowing across her hand.

Lady Xing and Li Cheng were master level cultivators.

Master-level cultivators are divided into;

-Yin-Yang core formation realm ( forms a core - capable of using domain )

-Yin-Yang harmony realm

-Spirit formation realm ( able to seprate soul from body )

-Soul wandering realm

-Nascent soul realm. ( eternal soul )

Lady Xing is currently at Yin Yang core formation realm while Li Cheng is at the Yin-Yang harmony realm.

The Crazy Witch's lips curled into a mocking smile, unintimidated by Lady Xing's ultimatum.

"Kowtow and beg for forgiveness? My dear, you must be joking, do I look like I would do that?" She raised a hand, dark energy crackling at her fingertips.

"I think it's time we settled this once and for all,"

Lady Xing tensed, her body thrumming with power as she prepared to defend not only Xian Tian, but Lady Yun as well. It's clear, Li Cheng's attack will destroy everything here.

The Crazy Witch had always been a thorn in her side, a relentless adversary who refused to back down.

This time, she would not escape.

The air grew thick with spiritual energy as the two master-level cultivators faced off, their auras clashing like thunderous waves.

Lady Xing knew that Li Cheng's Yin-Yang harmony realm granted her a distinct advantage, but she was determined to overcome it with her own skill.


"Let's fight..." Lady Xing's eyes gleamed with a red menacing aura.

Come forth! Eternal void slumber... Domain expansion!


The air around Lady Xing began to shift and swirl, as if the very air itself was being woven into a fabric of pure darkness.

A low, ominous hum filled the air, the sound of an ancient power awakening from its slumber.

Suddenly, an enormous vortex of black and purple energy erupted from Lady Yun's body, growing larger and larger until it formed a massive, swirling sphere that enveloped the entire surroundings.

The air was thick with a sense of inevitability, like the weight of an ancient, primordial force... The primordial void, containing no matters.

Li Cheng's eyes widened, while her body felt Hervey under the effect of Lady Xing's domain, "Y-You... You managed to manifest a domain? Impossible!"

Lady Xing stood at the center of the sphere, her eyes glowing with an intense, abyssal light, ignoring Li Cheng's words.

"Hahaha... Good! Very good! But a domain alone isn't enough to stop me,"

The Crazy Witch's eyes narrowed as she felt the oppressive weight of Lady Xing's primordial void domain. Though it was a formidable technique, Li Cheng was no mere novice.

A faint smirk played across her full, crimson lips as she began to gather her own spiritual power.

"You think to entrap me within this void, Lady Xing? How quaint," Li Cheng's voice dripped with condescension as she raised one elegant hand. "But I have my own tricks up my sleeve,"


Closing her eyes in concentration, the Crazy Witch summoned forth an intense aura of yin energy. The very air around her seemed to darken and chill, as if the shadows themselves were bending to her will.

Suddenly, a massive spectral form ( magical avatar ) materialized behind her - a colossal yin dragon, its ethereal body writhing and twisting as if alive.

"Behold, the pinnacle of yin cultivation! My Yin Dragon Infernal Descent!" Li Cheng declared, her eyes flashing with unholy power.


The massive dragon opened its maw, a swirling vortex of dark energy gathering within.

Lady Xing's brow furrowed as she felt the strain of maintaining her domain in the face of this new, formidable attack.

But she would not be cowed - not by this woman who had eluded her for so long.

Raising her hand, she channeled her own vast reserves of energy, preparing to meet the Crazy Witch's attack head-on.


The air crackled with the clash of these two mighty cultivators, the very fabric of reality bending under the weight of their power.


The dragon shot a black ball of energy, while Lady Xing summoned a barrier.


The barrier instantly shattered, while the big black ball hit Lady Xing's face, sending her flying across.

"Pathetic... I haven't even used my domain yet you are already down," Li Cheng roared.

At the same time, the Sect Master and a few elders came to the scene, their auras strong as ever.

"Hmph... It's you again," One of the elders roared.

"My~ My~... " A sly grin spread across Li Cheng's face as she raised her hands, channeling her powerful spiritual energies.

The very air around her seemed to warp and distort, as if the fabric of reality itself was bending to her will.

"Witness the true might of my domain, fools!" she proclaimed, her voice echoing with an ethereal quality.

Suddenly, the world around them shifted, plunging them into a realm of absolute darkness. All sound seemed to be muffled, as if they were submerged in an even more powerful void.

The Sect Master and elders found themselves trapped within an infinite expanse of black, unable to discern up from down.

But even more unsettling was the sensation that they were not alone.

An oppressive, suffocating presence enveloped them, like the weight of countless unseen eyes boring into their very souls.

The air itself seemed to hum with a primal, eldritch energy that set their nerves on edge.

"Welcome to my Yin Abyss Domain," Li Cheng purred, her voice resonating from every direction at once.

"In here, I am the absolute master. Your powers mean nothing...and soon, neither will you, thanks to my recent encounter, my domain has become even stronger,"

Li Cheng's domain was an absolute monster as it could easily nullify most domains and instantly suck spiritual energy, however, she herself loses tons of spiritual energy to maintain it.


A/N; comment down, what type of domain should mc have?

If you like domain powers consider leaving a power stone, Golden ticket, or even gifts —optional.

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