Milfs: Dual Cultivation

Chapter 19: Will you be my Dao Companion?

Xian Tian felt a sense of satisfaction and calmness wash over him, as he lay beside Lady Yun's weary figure.

He couldn't help but marvel at the beauty and grace of the woman he had just been intimate with.

Despite the physical exhaustion, her body still radiated an aura of strength and femininity.

He reached out and gently intertwined his fingers with hers, feeling the softness of her palm against his.

They lay there in silence, holding hands, absorbing the afterglow of their passionate night together.

As the minutes ticked by, Xian Tian couldn't help but wonder what effect their intimate moment might have on her... Will she become more powerful?

The thought of planting his seed within her made his heart thump louder than usual.

It was an exhilarating feeling, knowing that he had sown a part of himself deep within her womb.

His primal duty as a man.

He watched as she snuggled closer to him, her body curving into his like a little wife seeking the protection and comfort of her husband, her masculine provider... Which made him happy.

His question was answered...

As they laid there, Lady Yun's body began to radiate a subtle yet potent Qi, slowly seeping out from her skin.

The Qi seemed to be drawn from deep within her being, stirred up by their intimate union.

Xian Tian watched in fascination as the Qi pulsed around her body, like a silvery aura that seemed to dance just beneath the surface of her skin.

He could sense the Qi was somehow being infused with his own essence, adding a unique and powerful element to the already potent energy.


As the Qi from Xian Tian's essence continued to infuse her own, Lady Yun felt a strange but powerful sensation building deep within her soul.

It was as if something deep within her was being stirred, awakened by the presence of Xian Tian's Yang essence.

The Qi around her body began to strengthen, its silvery glow growing brighter with each moment that passed.

Lady Yun could feel it coursing through her veins, like a river of liquid fire.

Then, suddenly, she felt a sharp twinge in her abdomen.


Lady Yun gasped as a sudden, sharp pain shot through her abdomen.

It was different from any pain she had ever felt before. It was a deep, aching sensation that seemed to radiate from her very core.

Her hand went to her stomach, her fingers gently brushing over her smooth, soft skin. She could feel a strange, fluttering sensation beneath her skin, like a thousand tiny wings beating inside her womb.

As the pain subsided, Lady Yun looked down at her stomach in confusion. She could still feel the strange fluttering sensation as if something was stirring deep within her womb.

Suddenly, the realization hit her, and her eyes widened in shock. Could it be that the energy from Xian Tian's essence mixed with her own had somehow triggered a change within her body?

She lay there, her mind spinning with questions and ideas. Could it be possible that she had conceived a child with Xian Tian, a child born from the mix of their energies?

Not that's impossible how can a child be immediately planted... There is no way, his seed was fertilized within her, right?

However, it may be possible, she thought.

The thought was both thrilling and terrifying.

Lady Yun had never considered the possibility of motherhood, but it seemed that fate had other plans for her.

Not to mention, her Qi pool surged and her sea of consciousness was getting vast.

Xian Tian was really different, even tho she had a Dao partner, she could once again experience womanhood from him and increase her cultivation.

She already managed to reach mid stage of the Qi Foundation realm from his load.


Xian Tian looked at Lady Yun with a mixture of curiosity and concern as he noticed her rubbing her stomach gently.

The pain she had experienced earlier was now replaced by a strange fluttering sensation... like something moving inside her womb.

He watched as she slowly sat up, her expression thoughtful and a bit confused. He could sense that she was deep in thought, trying to make sense of the strange sensations she was experiencing.

After a moment of silence, Lady Yun turned to face him, her eyes locking with his.

"Xian Tian," she said softly, "There's something I need to ask you,"

Xian Tian gave her a nod, his undivided attention on her. He could sense that she was struggling to find the right words, and he waited patiently for her to speak.

Lady Yun took a deep breath, her hand slowly moving to rest on her stomach once more. "I've been thinking about something," she began, "And I want to know how you feel about it,"

Xian Tian could see a hint of hesitation in her expression, and he wondered what could have caused it. He leaned a bit closer to her, resting his weight on one elbow as he looked at her intently.

"Go ahead," he said quietly. "You can tell me whatever it is,"

Lady Yun let out a soft sigh, her fingers tracing circles over her stomach as if she were trying to soothe whatever was inside.

"Xian Tian," she said, "From the moment you and I... consummated our union, something has stirred within me. A change, a power that I have never experienced before..."

Xian Tian's eyes widened as he listened to her words, and he felt a sense of curiosity and intrigue.

He had sensed something different about her as well, but he had been unsure of what it could be.

"Go on," he said, his voice soft yet firm, encouraging her to continue.

Lady Yun took a deep breath, her hand still resting on her stomach. "It's hard to explain," she said, "But it feels as though your essence, your Yang energy, has triggered a change within me. My Qi has grown stronger, my sea of consciousness has expanded-"

She stopped suddenly, a flush creeping up her cheeks as she continued to rub her stomach.

Lady Yun took a deep breath before looking directly into Xian Tian's eyes.

Xian Tian

she started, her voice steady and firm.

"I want to ask you something important..."

Xian Tian could sense the seriousness in her tone, and he sat up straighter, his expression focused on her. "What is it?" he asked, his voice low.

Lady Yun hesitated for a moment, her hand still on her stomach. The words seemed to stick in her throat, but she pushed through the nerves.

"I want to know if... if you would be willing to consider being my dao companion?... I know it's stupid, but, I am willing to make a change if it's you,"



1500 power stone or child will die before he/she is born. 😂😂🤝

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