Milfs: Dual Cultivation

Chapter 107: Sex with The Crazy Witch?

That someone outside the door with strong killing intent was no other than a crazy witch... Yes! That bitch!

She was angry, jealousy coursing through her blood.

What was this? Who was this brat? How can he fuck anyone and everyone? And not her?

And what's more...

She can hear those moans loud and clear because her special ability allows her to bypass the runes that works as a sound barrier.

Her eyes looked bloodthirsty as she kicked the door, force opening it... The door flying few meters and collided with the walls.

As she looked inside, her blood started to boil.

A woman with spread legs was below the bed, Lady Xing on the bed... Two of her women were on the couch, one at the side and one on top of Xian Tian.

Seeing all of them naked she was jealous, Xian Tian had filled all their womb while her own husband was dead, dead as heck.

"Y-You..." Looking at Xian Tian she greeted her teeth, her pussy itching hard.

"You filthy brat!" the witch shrieked, her eyes wild with jealousy and rage. "How dare you ignore me and make out with every other woman... Hghhh! I have been working in this house, carrying water every morning, cleaning the floors, and windows and you dare not fuck me...UNACCEPTABLE!"

She stomped into the room, her long black robes billowing behind her. The occupants froze, suddenly aware of the palpable malevolence emanating from the intruder.

Xian Tian's eyes widened in alarm.

"W-Why are you here?" he stammered, hastily pulling a sheet over himself and the ladies.

The witch let out a high-pitched cackle. "I am the great Li Cheng, mistress of the dark arts! And you..." Her gaze settled hungrily on Xian Tian's covered form. "You will be mine today!!! I, Li Cheng shall taste that cock!!! My pussy will know your cock, my womb will bear your seed!!!"

She thrust out her palm, conjuring a swirling vortex of arcane energy.



Madam Zhao and Miss Zhao screamed as it hurtled towards Xian Tian...

However, Xian Tian merely raised his palm and erased the energy.

"What's the meaning of this?" Xian Tian asked.

"Meaning? What meaning? I want you to fuck me too... Look at my pussy, it's dropping wet..." She says vanishing her clothes with a flick of her fingers.

"Look at my juicy pussy, don't you wanna taste it?" She asked, her voice a little sad.

Xian Tian stared dumbfoundedly at the sight before him - the disheveled witch, her womanhood on full display, glistening with arousal.

He cleared his throat awkwardly, unsure how to proceed.

"Uhh, Madam Li, I'm quite flattered, truly. But as you can see, I'm rather...occupied at the moment..." He gestured to the bevy of beauties surrounding him. "Perhaps we could...arrange a rain check?"

The witch's eyes narrowed dangerously, her lips pursing into a pout. "A rain check? Do you take me for a fool, you virile young stud? I've been pining for your touch for days!" She stomped her foot petulantly.

"Oh, come now, Madam. There's no need to be so...dramatic," Xian Tian chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. "I'm sure we can come to some sort of...mutually beneficial arrangement."

Suddenly, the witch's expression shifted, a sly grin spreading across her face. "Mutually beneficial, you say? Well, in that case..." She sauntered closer, hips swaying seductively. "Perhaps we could...explore our options. Together."

However, just then, someone spoke.

"together? No! No! No! If you wanna sleep with Xian Tian, you have to pay me 800 spirit stones!"

That's right, the speaker was none other than Lady Xing.

"800 spirit stones? Tch! I can even pay 8,000 Spirit stones," Li Cheng said after all, she had collected quite the sum from stealing here and there.

Hearing this Lady Xing smiled and looked at Xian Tian.

"Xian Tian, fuck her until she is unconscious..." She said giving that hand gesture where she had formed a hole with her left hand and inserted the middle finger of her right hand.

Seeing this, Xian Tian frowned.

What's going on? He was confused not to mention, his balls were little heavy at the moment, he needed some rest, not to mention, that his aura was also somewhat messed up.

It seems his Qi flow has started to get reversed and if this continues, he might become cripple and lose his spirit root.

Senior Dragon had told him don't fuck more than once a day this morning but now he is here... Fucking some bitches without any care.


He gulps down feeling the process of Qi flow reversing even faster.

Dhup! Dup!

Dhup! Dup!

His heart starts to beat faster and faster, sweat coming out his ass.

Xian Tian had promised to himself that he won't fuck much once things get settled but what's going on? Women are increasing and increasing, if this continues, Xian Tian might never gets rest.

"L-Lady Xing, I don't think I can...indulge any further today. My body needs to rest and recover," he pleaded, hoping she would understand.

The witch, Li Cheng, narrowed her eyes and let out an indignant huff. "Ufffff!!! Her is it... After all I've done for this household, you dare deny me" She gestured dramatically at her exposed sex. "Look at how wet and needy I am! I demand you take me this instant!"

Lady Xing tsked and shook her head. "Tsk tsk, Xian Tian. You can't just leave our dear Madam Li unsatisfied. It simply won't do... She even said she would pay is 8000 spirit stones," She turned to Li Cheng with a syrupy smile. "Tell you what - I'll make you a deal. If you can best Xian Tian in a contest of...endurance, then you may have him for the rest of the night. How's that sound?"

Li Cheng's face lit up, a malicious grin spreading across her features. "Endurance, you say? Oh, I'll show that virile young stud the true meaning of endurance!" She cackled wickedly, rubbing her hands together in anticipation.

Xian Tian swallowed hard, already dreading what was to come.

How was he going to get out of this one?

Guess he can't... He won't.

"Now, now, let's not be too hasty here," he interjected, raising his hands in a placating gesture.

"I understand you both have...needs that need attending to. However, as I've said, my body is not quite up for the task at the moment. Perhaps we could come to some other arrangement that satisfies everyone?"

He glanced around the room nervously, hoping to find a solution that didn't involve being ravished by the insatiable witch.

Li Cheng let out an exaggerated pout, crossing her arms under her ample bosom. "An 'arrangement'? Hmph. I grow weary of your excuses, Yougn Boy. Either you service me here and now, or I'll..." Her eyes narrowed dangerously.

"...I'll make you regret it."

Lady Xing raised a hand, silencing the witch's threat. "Now, now, Madam Li. Let's not be too hasty. I'm sure we can find a way to...accommodate you," She turned to Xian Tian, a sly smile on her lips. "Unless, of course, our dear Xian Tian has a better idea?"

'Maybe! Just Maybe... Once I fuck her, and take a huge rest, I might be free from Qi reversing...' Xian Tian thought to himself.

After all, it was one extra sex... He could enjoy himself.



Tianzhen was in her own room, when she suddenly heard a loud bang, that came from Xian Tian's room.

"Huh? What is this? Is this attack?" She seems scared and confused.

She instantly got jo from her croseed legged position and made the way to Xina Tian's room.

As she made her way, she could hear some words like "Take me now... My pussy this and that,"

Her face slightly twisted while she looked inside the room with a confused look.

"M-Mother!?... What are you doing here, mother? And why are you naked? Also, Madam Zhao and Miss zhao... Ahh! Why are you guys naked and sleeping with Xian Tian," She asked feeling confused, not understanding what was going on.

She even looked at Crazy Witch and her naked body.

Seeing her daughter, Lady Xing frowned, she was a sinful guilty women enjoying the just with her Daughter's hubby.

"Ah! We are currently doing horny and bonk in Xian Tian... Making sure he won't get lusty over other women," Lady Xing defended herself unable to bring herself to tell the truth.

"Yes! Yes! I am also here to help him in horny and bonk test," Madam Zhao added.

Seeing this, Crazy Witch looked confused but she also played along.

"Yes! Yes! Xian Tian said he gets horny after seeing every women or being with a hole, so, we are currently helping him control his lust..." Li Cheng said.

"Ooh!" Tainzhen breathed a sigh of relief while she looked at Xian Tian and smiled.

"I will stay here too... " She said which caused Li cheng's brows to frown.

'Eh? If this girl stays here doesn't that mean, she won't get to fuck?"

Fucked Li Cheng is, unfuck must herself, she.

Meanwhile, Xian Tian breathed air of relief.


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