Chapter 92: Trip

Although millions of people died in the Academy Domain, the Academy walls itself was bustling with happiness as the studt walked a with a smiles on their faces.

The studts were able to digest their gains from putting their lives on the line with no place to actually hide or run.

This was one of the advantages of fighting, improving after some battles, and gaining insight into your art skill or techniques.

Which further improves your combat power ev if you don't increase your mana rank.

This is why battle maniac always improves faster than other people, simply because they bet their lives on the line to get where they actually are.

The studts were also able to convert their demon corpse into points, and these were demons, not corpse of beast and monsters so the studts got more points.

Ev the initial 5 perct which didn't improve earlier got some points and they rushed to purhcase resources after seeing the power their classmates displayed during the attack.

Anthony's name had also spread throughout the Academy, many people looked at him with reverce, wondering if they could ever reach that level of power, they had confidce to get to the SS rank like Anthony, but the battle prowess was another matter.

Of course some girls already started making moves and inviting Anthony for lunches but Anthony declined all of them.

He was desperate for a girl doesn't mean he was that desperate to accept whatever that comes his way.

Besides of these girls truly loved him, they only liked him for money and power, he wasn't ready to waste his time with fake a relationship, he had a lot of things to do.

Anthony had also received many titles ranging from truly absurd ones to ridiculous ones.

'Child of Mana' 'The World's hope' 'Demon Bane' 'Invincible' 'Ice Emperor' 'Sword Monarch' 'Heav's illegitimate child'.

Of course all these names were just names giv to him by his fellow studts, not that the world recognised it.

But on the Mana-net he was recognised as the world monster talted in history.

As the buzz about Anthony and the points were ongoing, people were also buzzing about another thing.

The Academy has sponsored a trip to the floating island, a three days trip, while also giving a one week free time.

But the three days trip was included in that one week free period.

The floating island is one of the tourist ctres, where a lot of people gathered for sightseeing and spding of money.

And things here were outrageously expsive, SSS rankers could go broke just by buying a single item here.

This is because, the island mostly accepts mana crystals and rarely uses quarks.

And ordinary people hardly came here, so there was simply no need for quarks amongst those who could fight for resources.

The Academy was already paying for this three days trip, which would cost a ridiculous amount of mana crystals because they are sding over sev hundred studts on a vacation.

But as an institution that has stood for millions of years, the money spt didn't ev affect 0.0 perct of their Dean's wealth talkless of the Academy's wealth itself.

Ev the gate or ticket fee to gain access into floating island already detered most poor people and the slightly rich ones.

So those you see on the floating island were truly rich.

Ev if you paid for the trance ticket and don't actually buy anything, the hostel cost alone was outrageous.

So no matter what you do or how hard to you try not to spd, the floating island was sure to rip your pockets apart regardless.

Some studts converted their points to Mana crystals and quarks so that they could spd.

Although the Academy was sponsoring, and providing food and other paymts, it didn't mean they would buy them whatever they wanted or pointed at.

Although it was a three days trip, many ladies packed clothes they could wear for a month for reasons the m don't understand.

Anthony too didn't understand, because wom in his former world also did this for reason unknown to m.

Anthony walked to his walk-in closet and just packed a four days worth of clothes and other necessities and he was done.

He already has many mana crystals so anything he didn't have he could buy it there, or buy it from the system shop.

As Anthony was done packing, he sat down, he remembered that someone was spying on him during the invasion, he decided to find out who it was.

He immediately activated the Authority Of Information and he could instantly see the world from a bird's view and he felt all knowing.

He immediately diverted his atttion trying to pry information about the person that spied on him, but everything was foggy as he couldn't ev see anything as he was too weak right now.

Th he activated the All seeing eyes and tried gazing into the past in other to get more information.

But after activating the All seeing eyes, and tried using it's abilities like he did with the one that cursed him wh he was a baby, he still failed.

Anthony just sighed and gave up, if he wants to find out he just has to improve his cultivation.

Anthony sighed again and chose to forget about it, although his All seeing eyes was very strong, it wasn't at the stage were it could bypass just anyone, especially people with their own skill to counter his eyes or at least contd, example are people like Kevin.

'It seems that man that cursed me was too weak, maybe just at the Master rank that's why i was able to get his information easily'.

Anthony thought as he touched his chin.

Anthony th suddly frowned and stood up from his seat and wt to his door to op it.

Immediately he oped his door, Rider already raised his hand to knock, but stopped since Anthony oped the door.

"Are you going somewhere" Rider asked

"Why are you showing up here more frequtly, don't you have things to do" Anthony countered with his own question.

'Girls should be the ones visiting me, not you muscle for brain m' Anthony thought.

"Well, since you ar't going anywhere we might as well intrude and chat"

Bringer said as he walked in as usual like he owned the Academy.

They all sat down at the living room together and Anthony served them t litre of orange juice each.

They were literally Titans so their stomach was really outrageous and could hold that much liquid.

Anthony himself dared not drink such amount.

"So why are you both here" Anthony asked again.

"We just came to see the illegitimate child of the heavs, he might be able to put in a good word for us with the heavs and increase our talts, besides connection is everything, having a connection with child of the heav is a huge score"

Rider said an amusing yet subtle mocking voice.

Anthony snorted in his mind.

'I'm the child of someone higher than the heavs'

Anthony thought in his mind.

[Ding....??? says he has no child, he isn't going to pay for any child support]

Anthony ignored it, he was already used to ??? antics, and joblessness.

Anthony th replied to Rider with a smile on his face

"How much are you will to pay in other to have connection with the Son of Heav"

Rider looked at Anthony amused as he thought.

'Isn't he taking this role too seriously'

Th Bringer said as he drank his juice with happiness in his eyes.

"We just came to see if you have 0 heads or something, your display was too shocking during the evt"

"You already know I train too much, besides, what's really shocking is that red ergy of yours, quiet an interesting and dangerous power if you ask me"

Anthony said as he ate his cherries.

Bringer sighed and explained what that was.

"That's just a talt I was born it, it's an ergy, like mana, but unique to only me, I don't know what it is, and the tire Titan clan tried to look for any information on it or something related but we found "

"So I just call it red ergy, as I hav't named it, so I have myself to learn from only and no one to guide me, besides it's quite destructive like you said, so I'm always careful wh using it"

This was Bringer's Talt, called 'Energy Manipulation'.

Bringer didn't know what kind of ergy it was or where it came from, but he could always feel the connection to the ergy since he was born, and became able to weild it at five years old.

Bringer had tried manipulating other forms of ergies but he couldn't and could only manipulate the red one he felt connected to.

All his progress on this power depds on him as nobody has this same talt.

This ergy isn't influced by mana at all, which is why Bringer was able to weild it at five years old and not t years old.

So anything limiting Bringer's limit on his talt was himself.

But this has giv him headaches as he had no clue or referce or anything.

Although other Energy Manipulation talt or skill exist in the world, they wer't unique to those particular people as other people possessed the same talt as them.

Anthony was impressed by such talt, what Bringer could do was too many if he utilitied it well.

Th Anthony looked at Rider with a questioning gaze.

Rider as if understanding his gaze, simply shook his head and said.

"I don't possess any special talt like my brother, my brother stole it all and left me empty handed"

Bringer's lips twitched at his brother's words.

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