Chapter 31: Subordinate Hunting-2

The boy looked at Anthony for a while with various thoughts going through his mind.

He knew that becoming a subordinate of the heir to the NULL family was a very huge opportunity that many won't even question, but he didn't jump on the offer immediately.

He asked "Why me, I am sure they are other student who are better candidates and have better chance and talent, why would you come to someone crawling on the lower rank"

"It is precisely because of you are crawling on the lower rank that I chose you, it is because of that, that your will is strong enough and won't bend so easily and would be able to recognise an opportunity when you see one"

Anthony replied with a smile on his face.

The boy thought for a while and replied

"Can I think about it for a while, this is a life changing offer, I need sometime to consider"

"No problem, I would only give you two days" after saying that he threw a blue stone to the boy and said

"After deciding and you agree, crush that stone at exactly 1PM two days from now, if you don't accept the stone will disappear on its on, remember two days"

The boy caught the stone and nodded

Anthony asked "what's your name?"

The boy looked at Anthony and smiled while saying "I am sure you already know that"

"It was nice meeting you Spectre" Anthony replied with a smile also and disappeared

The same conversation held place in nine other rooms.

Anthony and his clones returned to his room, he cancelled the skill, looked through his memories and nodded, then went straight to sleep, he didn't even bother changing clothes.

Anthony woke up the next day feeling very refreshed, he went through his normal routine

Everyone was happy about today, because today was the day everybody will be going home for the mid-term break.

Anthony dressed up handsomely as usual and sat on his couch as he got a text from his father, that he was already in the Academy premises, it seems he left early.

Anthony walked out and stood at a random spot where cars could arrive, and in less than five minutes his father's and body guard's car arrived in a convoy.

His father came down from the car and hugged his son

"How have you been my little monster?"

"Father you have to stop calling me that"

"But you are a monster baby"

Anthony Sighed and asked his father about his mother, because she wasn't here which was unlike her.

"Your mother has some business to handle, she would be back in two weeks" he said

They entered the car and drove off to the NULL estate with the guards around them.

"So how was the academy, you indeed made your name resound in the Academy walls" Michael said with a grin

"Haaahh.....The Academy was boring, hardly any challenge or anything, life is too peaceful" Anthony said with sadness in his voice

"I'm sure if you took a mission and assassins were sent after you like the rest you won't be saying this right now" Michael countered

Anthony shook his head, he wanted the assassins to come, so he could fight and feel the thrill like he did with Dreg, if he couldn't win he would run away immediately, there was no reason to court death, that being would definitely laugh at him for dying immediately with all the abilities he has.

Within a few hours they got home without any issues along the way.

Anthony walked into the house, and saw the butler standing at the door as always and greeted him as soon as he saw him

"Good afternoon uncle, how have you been"

"Young master, it's been a while, it seems you have gotten stronger again young master" he replied.

"Yes uncle, the Academy taught a lot of this, I've made some progress" Anthony replied

Then Anthony walked around and greeted all the maids he gossiped with and guards as he wasn't here for six months.

And just like that hours passed and the time to know the people who accepted his offer came

He walked into the seclusion room and use void magic and created a void barrier around the room itself, in other to shield everyone's presence, then he sat down and waited.

Immediately 1PM struck, ten people appeared in the room, they were dizzy for sometime, before they got a hold of themselves and looked around before they saw Anthony sitting on a chair waiting for them to finish gathering themselves.

"It seems everyone accepted my offer in the end, congratulations for this is the chance to stand on top of everyone but below me" Anthony cringed as he said this line but he kept a straight face.

They all looked at each other and were surprised that they were this many, they each thought they were the only one being recruited but it seemed they were overthinking things and were not special.

"You may introduce yourselves if you wish to" Anthony said to them.

Spectre made the first move,

"My name is Spectre I use the Katana and I have the lightning element" he said

"My name is Litt and i have the metal element and I am a spear user"

"My name is Ross and I have the lightning element and I use the sabre"

"My name is Donna and I am a water mage"

"My name is Vivian and I am an ice mage"

"My name is Clement and I use the dagger and I have the darkness element"

"My name is Evelyn I have the light element and I am a healer and mage at the same time but my i don't have enough talent to support my abilities and class"

"My name is Mike, I use fire and the sword"

"The name is Marcus I use wind and the sword and I'm also and orphan"

"I am Arnold, an earth and spear user"

They were all practically orphans, Anthony didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he felt like he just bought an orphanage home

He shook his head at the thought and threw it out of his head, and looked at them and said.

"What I am giving you is pure power, you will basically become my slaves because you will forever be bound to me, and you can't go back, you can't wake up tomorrow and say you are out, you can never be out, the only out is death, my orders are practically law, this is the price of power I will grant you"

Some of them frowned, but they already expected this, there was no way they could quit mid way, but they still had lines they didnt want to cross at any cost.

As if reading their minds Anthony continued.

"Of course I won't tell you to do things that are mad, like wiping out the human domains and things like that, but of course you will have to kill people as I don't like goodey two shoes, well not that any of you here are which is one of the criteria for picking you"

They were all relieved, they didn't want to go all committing crimes, that was just too much

"Then let us begin, shall we" Anthony said

Then Anthony snapped his fingers and they all disappeared from their place

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