Chapter 24: Klaus

Anthony appeared in his room and sighed and said to himself while lying down on the couch

"What a headache, should I just kill him and end the drama before it starts, no he hasn't done anything yet, but he better shouldn't"

He raised his hand and checked the time and saw it was almost time for weapon training class.

He entered the bathroom and bathed again, changed clothes then he left for the class, as he walked he met Tiara on the way, he just walked by her without even speaking to her, even she didn't speak to him

She just looked at him wondering why he wasn't affected by the aura and killing intent Heinz released earlier

Anthony walked for while before arriving at a door which he just pushed and entered.

He saw the largest space he has ever seen in his life in the place, the place spanned a gigameter alone, Anthony didn't understand this concept, this was a freaking 1,000,000 kilometres, he simply shook his head and told himself to stop comparing this world to his previous one, it seems his assumption of the blue planet being 200 times bigger might be wrong, it seems it was actually way bigger than that.

He looked around and saw other students already there waiting, then he saw someone waving at him from a distance, it was Storm Bringer, who was standing witn his twin brother Storm Rider

Anthony walked up to them and said "I thought of you both used fist what are you both doing here, shouldn't you be somewhere else where they teach about fist"

Rider looked at him and said "Who said Titans only used fist and can't use weapons"

Anthony looked at him and said "I remember you attacking with fist before that's why I asked"

Bringer simply replied with pride filled in his voice "We are titans we can use fist and any other weapon we like, unlike others who has to master the craft of one weapon, we titan can master any fist with extreme ease because of our body, and we can then learn any weapon"

"So what weapon do you both use then" he asked, thou he could find out with his eyes if he wanted to

"We both use sword" replied Rider

Anthony looked at them and said with a smirk

"You both are identical, use sword, same height, I hope you both don't use the same sword and fist techniques cause someone just needs to fight one of you then he automatically can counter both of you"

Bringer face turned ugly immediately, Rider looked at Anthony with shock

Then Rider sighed and replied "We indeed used same Technique at first, but our teacher said the same thing you said so we changed and we both use different Techniques"

Anthony raised an eyebrow and thought their teacher must be another old man who can scheme in his sleep.

As the trio continued talking the professor arrived, and walked to their front.

Anthony looked at the man's left chest but didn't see any badge or any star on it

"My name is Klaus, I'm a proud human, I'm not a professor here or work here or anything, I only came here because I owe the Dean a favour and he spent the favour to teach you green worms called golden generation who will soon know the way the world works, that's why I don't have a badge or star, i will be teaching you only for two years and I'm gone"

"Some of you might be wondering why different people are here, like the archer group and dagger, that's because I will be teaching you all at once since I'm a unique class holder called 'The Weapon Master', which basically means I have peak talent on every single weapon you can think of"

"And I have trained on every single one of them for years before even your parents were born, so you all are to be taught by me for two years unless I deem you not needing my lessons anymore, ohh and you can skip my class if you want, I won't deduct points as I won't be forcing anybody to learn, so feel free to die on the battle field full of regrets, and there are no exams in my class, so like i said feel free to miss all two years" he said with a smile like it was threat

"Now each of you select an opponent and fight each other with your weapons only, no mana or element or art or technique, nothing should be used.

Only use your weapon to fight or body to those of you who use your body, I want to see how solid your foundations are, some people don't even have a good foundation and just go straight to learning techniques, if you foundation are crap how can you show the real power behind your technique, so begin this spar immediately"

Klaus looked at all of them as they each chose their partner while thinking

'So this is the so called golden generation, there are a lot of golden eggs here indeed, their mana ranks are off the charts, they won't stay long here before they graduate, well let's see what the so called golden generation have in their weapon' he simply floated in the air looking at each of them from above

Anthony wanted to challenge either of the Storm bothers but they challenged themselves, it seems they have a rivalry going on between them.

Anthony looked around wondering who to challenge, but someone arrived and stood infront of him and said "I choose you"

It was Von Bryan the dragon, Anthony looked at him quietly, he didn't have any impression on this guy

During the third round, he didn't attack Anthony because he wanted to fight him one on one it seems now he has another chance to do that.

Anthony looked Bryan and smiled then said

"i accept your challenge"

Bryan nodded then went to a corner and sat down waiting for their turn

The spar went on and on, Tiara was challenged by Blaze Patrick a pheonix who is ranked fourth in the S class but he lost to Tiara, it wasn't even a match as the gap between them was huge, it seems he didn't train his weapon with dedication.

Then Klaus announced that it was Anthony's turn and it was the last round, though some were tired, everyone still looked at them to see the match between Rank 1 and Rank 3

Although everyone already saw Anthony defeating the entire top 10, but this time it will be different, it was without mana or element and techniques, they wanted to see just how far his depths are.

Anthony smiled and walked to an empty battle arena and took out his katana, he has decided to use katana through out his journey in the Academy.

Bryan took out his sabre while releasing thick battle intent.

Although it was already said this was a spar and couldn't use mana or techniques he didn't plan on going easy on Anthony, he wanted to see what made the human sit at rank 1, though he already lost during the third round he didn't count that has he didn't make a move then and tanked everything with pure physique.

He had pure confidence as the dragon physique isn't something humans can match, though there are some humans who awaken some unique physique or bloodline but they are extremely rare.

Bryan took a stance immediately waiting for the signal to begin while looking at Anthony like a predator who has just seen a prey

Anthony didn't even take a stance, he simply smiled while looking at Bryan wanting to see just how good this guy is to have such pride in his strength

They didn't have to wait long as they heard klaus voice in their ears from above


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