Chapter 103: Ascension loophole


Collins, Irene, Mitchelle, Michael all sat together as a loud silence descended upon the building they were sitting in.

They had been at the battlefield since Anthony left, even the butler was here at the battlefield attending their to needs whenever they came back from their slaughter.

They had all heard the call Collins had with the Dean, as they are one big family they hardly hide anything from one another, even the butler (since he is tied by a mana contract)

"Has my son finally become arrogant and overestimated himself"

Michael said with a smile, although he would scold his son for picking the rank 1 mission, he still felt happy in his heart for the courage.

"Sigh... Anthony has always been mature since he was born, I guess growing up we must all at least court death once"

Mitchelle said with a sigh.

Everyone present here has eaten the fruit Anthony brought, not only Anthony's parents, he later gave some to Michael for his grandparents as he couldn't leave them out.

And right now, they were all stronger than they once were and still growing at faster speed like they had a low cultivation as they couldn't absorb the essence of the fruit in one go with their 'weak' physique.

So right now, they all still battled with their previous strength before they ate the fruit.

Their new strength is a trump card for any trouble to come, there was no way they would breakthrough and just announce it.

People made announcements when they enter a new major realm but don't speak on the minor realm at all, but some still don't make announcements when they enter a major realm, that would be another trump card for them.

The family didn't ask where Anthony got such a fruit and didn't bother asking or investigating, such things could lead to war.

Michael nearly cried when Anthony gave him a fruit to give to his grandparents.

Michael thought that with his enhanced talents, physique, skills and everything he was finally one step closer to catching up with his father Collins, as this has always been his goal.

But reality seems to disagree with him.

Even if they had eaten the fruit, some might speculate they had more in their hands.

"Where is he right now"

Irene's voice sounded as she looked at her husband Collins.

"The slaughterer said Anthony just left the Academy domain, he also gave me information on where he would be arriving"

"I think we should just follow him to his mission location and not just wait for him there, what if one of the families, or demons and the forsaken cult make on move on him"

Mitchelle said immediately.

"I also agree, although I believe he should come face to face with death once or twice to improve, we should also be there just incase of certain death, just like when I faced the fifth mission"

Michael said with a frown.

Collins and Irene both nodded as they understood Michael and Mitchelle's point of view.

"Let's go" Michael and Mitchelle said at the same time as they both stood up.

They looked at each other with a smile.

"You have a way to locate our son"

Mitchelle asked her husband.

"Of course I do, I left a Sword Intent in his body, just incase I needed to track him, with the way Anthony has been disappearing and appearing whenever he wanted, I couldn't just let him go out like that, so without restricting his freedom, I planted a sword intent in him"

Michelle nodded as he too had left a mark on Anthony since the day he was born.

Imagine giving birth and marking your child on the first day of his birth.

That was how hard core this world was.

She did it just incase someone came to kidnap her baby or harm him, she would know right away and arrive immediately.

Many people have lost their children like this, some not even a day after birth, some even during birth.

So whenever Anthony left and came back as he wished, she didn't complain as her mark remained in place firmly.

But Michael only planted his own mark after seeing Anthony's continuous spatial movements.

Of course Anthony has sensed such mark and Sword Intent, there was no way his physique would allow such things to continue residing in and on his body.

But Anthony left it in place and didn't remove it or say anything about it as removing it would alert both of his parents.

His All seeing Eyes could even see such things.

When someone ascends and steps into a new realm, they are automatically healed of all injuries and negative status effect and anything that is harmful or harms the body.

This is the heaven's way of congratulating everyone.

Anthony's curse would be removed if he stepped into the E rank from the F rank, but his talent curse won't allow such things to happen.

So even without the system, his family could just cultivate him like a pig and he would step into the E rank thereby removing the curse.

(This was the original path I wanted to follow when I started writing but just dropped the idea immediately)

So people who curse people, usually use a strong curse with immediate or outrageous effects leaving you no time or even chance to cultivate or even breakthrough.

But there is also a minor flaw or loophole during Ascension, which people didn't know about.

When you breakthrough, you get healed and saved from everything 'harmful' that is hurting you.

But what if something inside your body isn't 'harmful' yet and still in a dormant state.

Just like the Sword Intent inside Anthony's body, it 'could' be harmful but has done zero damages till now because it hasn't been activated by Michael.

All Michael has to do is snap his finger or even with just a thought and Anthony would explode like a balloon.

But the Sword Intent is just dormant, neither obstructing the body or slowing down anything, it just stays there doing nothing.

Just like Mitchelle's mark on Anthony's body.

Since these two things haven't caused any harm to Anthony at least once, and just stayed there, it wasn't harmful and something needed to be removed according to the heavenly will

But if the Sword Intent has harmed even a single cell or hair then went dormant again, the heavens would remove it during Ascension.

As something dormant could be good or bad, the heavenly will can't do anything against it.

Of course the heavenly will know if it would be harmful to you, but it won't bother to remove it, as it wasn't here to take care of you like a baby.

It was here to remove everything 'currently' harming or has caused harm, not the one that would harm you in the future.

So anything that isn't causing harm in anyway is left alone.

(I wonder what a lot of people would do with this information if they got a hold of it)

(The heavenly will is the will of the Heaven)

Michael just raised his index finger and Sword Intent covered it instantly, then he swiped in a straight line in front of him in empty space.

Then space tore apart easily without any chance of resisting.

Then he stepped into it with his family following behind him.

They were heading directly to Anthony's current location.


I didn't drop any chapter yesterday as things just got worse at the hospital.

I'm in a state where I say the word to be written and my brother types, so I hope you guys understand my situation.

Thanks for your continuous support.

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