Maybe My Soulmate! (GL)

Chapter 44: Chapter 44 - The Consequences !

"No, No, nonono... D-don't k-kill me!!!

I-im Y-your father!"

As Mo Futian was frantically begging for his life with tears and snots all over his face, kowtowing on the g like a frighted little mouse.

He had abandoned every bit of prettious arrogance and aloofness of the previous Mo Family patriarch in the face of his immint death.

The whole surings were still deathly silt with only the sound of Mo Futian begging.

It took them quite a few seconds to actually digest everything that happed within the span of a minute.

Never in their life, had they ever ev imagined such an absurd scario.

In their minds, they expected the scario of the tragic d of the mother and daughters but Mo Yuxin gave them a shock of their life.

Mother Lan finally came out of her stupor and breathed a sigh of relief.

She came towards Mo Yuxin with red eyes,

"Xin'er , are you okay? You're not injured right??"

She came towards her and quickly started checking her to see if there were any hidd injury.

Mo Yuxin saw everything that happed wh Mo Futian came to attack her.

Ev though Mother Lan hasn't practiced for years but she still tried to jump infront of her without a single momt's of hesitation.

Mo Yuxin's heart felt a little warm at the thought of a mother protecting her so selflessly.

"Don't worry, mom. I'm fine. They ar't my match."

"You reckless child. You have mother such a shock. What if something happed? How would I live without my daughter??"

Seeing that her eyes started getting red and tears were about to fall from them, she quickly brought her hands to her face and wiped those few tears.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault. Don't cry. Nothing will happ. I'm here."

Before they could indulge in their emotional exchange, Mo Yuxin suddly felt a pair of arm wrapping a her waist and burning it's little face in her arms.

"Jiejie~~~ wuuuwuuwuuu.... I was scared."

She knew little fgfg must've be scared from such an outburst of power.

Mo Yuxin put her hands on her head and rubbed her hair feeling warm in her heart.

"Why?? You don't trust your jiejie?" She said while putting on a sad face.

Little fgfg was immediately flustered seeing that she made her sister sad, she ev forgot to cry and stuttered while saying,

N-no , no. Jiejie is awesome. I-I knew jiejie would defeat the bad guy!"

Seeing her like this put a smile on Mo Yuxin's face and she stopped teasing her.

"Ok, ok. Jiejie knows."

The atmosphere a the mother and daughters were extremely harmonious and loving as if the frantic Mo Futian didn't ev exist in their world.

Mo Futian was kneeling and kowtowing for his life but also frantically thinking of ways to save himself.

He looked towards his eldest son immediately started shouting,

"You!! Unfilial son. Your father is in such a state and you're standing there like a stone statue instead of helping me!!!"

Mo Shg had the same gloomy look in his eyes but within them now existed an almost crazy desire as he inttly looked towards Mo Yuxin without batting an eyelid.

Seeing his father shouting towards him, he immediately put on a sad face while acting like a gtle son who was heartbrok for his father's plight and immediately wt towards him.

But before he could extd his hand towards Mo Futian, he felt burning pain in his hands as a deep cut mark appeared there.

He almost shouted from pain, "w-who!! Agghhhhhh."

As if instinctually, his eyes wandered upwards towards those pair of dark eyes and he shuddered involuntarily from fear.

His legs almost wt weak from fear as he felt as if he was standing infront of a terrifying thunder which would strike him into nothingness.

"Stand back." Mo Yuxin warned him coldly.

Before ev thinking of anything, his survival instinct kicked in as he immediately retreated a few steps not daring to look forward.


Before he could say anything ,he felt a forced on his body as he was crushed on the g under this force and immediately coughed a mouthful of blood.

"Enough!! " He heard Mo Yuxin's almost frighting cold voice which sd shivers down his spine.

Mo Yuxin looked towards her mother with slight hesitation but seeing her giving her a slight nod with her red eyes, she made up her mind.

It was very simple exchange betwe them but it was ough to convey each other's thoughts.

"Mo Futian, for the amount of hurt that you've inflicted upon my family, mother, it's not ough to kill you ev a thousand times."

"You violated my mother wh she was pregnant, your sons tried to do the same to me who is supposedly their sister just a few days back.

If not for the chance counter with a great sage, I don't want to ev imagine the horrifying ding I would've had."

Her voice was low but it was ough for all the people prest to hear clearly.

At this point thousands of people has crowded outside of the op door of the house.

They had all se the display of power by Mo Yuxin and coupled with the way Mo Futian has tortured and killed innoct people for years while taking protection fees from them made them have a lot of undue grudges towards him.

Now hearing the shocking news that Lan Xu who was once a proud woman was violated while being pregnant but ev more outrageous were the siblings who actually wanted to violate their own sister made them op their mouths in disbelief.

"Ohh!! Heavs, what a sin. What a sin."

"What kind of immortals are they, they don't ev have the basic human deccy!!"

"Such animals!! How could they!!"

No matter how much Money Futian tried to hide his dark secrets , but there were many people who knew it but were afraid to oply circulate it for fear of the consequces.

But now seeing that the same Mo Futian was crawling on the g like a rat, they immediately started talking about their informations and it quickly spread to all over the town.

And on the other hand, The beggers sect squad leader 'Shan Ke' has already reported the matter to their brach leader.

They immediately gave Mo Yuxin a red star.

There were many hidd dragons and crouching tigers in the world who were mighty powerhouses like Mo Yuxin.

The squad leader 'Shan Ke' was a respected man who has be a Cultivator for a long time and survived many battles.

He also countered gold core realm powerhouses and he immediately reported to the branch leader about his analysis and the red star was thus giv to Mo Yuxin.

The brach leader ev ordered them to constantly keep an eye on her and try to establish a fridly relationship with her.

And now 'Shan Ke' found the first opportunity.




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