Maybe My Soulmate! (GL)

Chapter 30: Chapter 30 - Red Jade !

"Hishhh.. look at this stone, seems like another garbage."

"Yeah.. not many people are lucky today..."

"You see that guy over there, her lost all his family fortune in gambling stones and now just roams a here still waiting for his luck."

"Sigh... You need to have brains to gamble as well."

Mo Yuxin started walking towards the stone gambling market while tasting the popsicle she bought from the middle-aged lady from before. It cost her only a single bronze coins.

As Mo Yuxin wt towards all the stall clustered in this place, she found out quite a bit of information about here from the people's gossips.

These stores are branches of the large stores which are right next to them.

She looked towards those luxurious building to see that the decoration outside was truly extravagant. These buildings resembled the architecture of ancit china, and especially the Tang Dynasty.

Walled compounds, raised pavilions, wood columns and panelling, yellow glazed roof tiles, landscaped gards, and a careful application of town planning and use of space are all prest in the Azure Dragon City.

She wt towards the stores and started looking through the stone one by one.

She has already se through all the stones that had jade in them and planned to take a few with the largest jade in them.

Many passerby were paying atttion to her as a stunningly Beautiful and handsome woman came walking towards them in a daoist robe fluttering in the wind giving her an aloof image of a proud immortal.

Her eyes has an extremely sharp and icy glint in them making people not dare to ev breathe loudly.

As she walked a the gambling stones, hushed voices of people could be heard.

"Hey, who is that woman? Did she come to gamble here? She's extremely pretty, hav't se her before."

Another beside him gave a mocking smile as he said in a sarcastic way, "What could a woman know about stone gambling. Must be a pretty rich brat of a noble family coming here for the excitemt. "

She didn't pay any atttion to people a her as she started selecting the stones she preferred.

She picked with the largest jade in them and another 5 with really small jade in them and quite a few without jade to avoid arousing suspicion.

As she picked the stones and asked the shopkeeper, "What're the prices of these stones."

The momt her cold voice escaped her mouth, all the people prest felt a chill going down their spine and erasing any thoughts whatsoever about approaching her with malicious inttions.

"A-all t-the stones are silver coin each, verable immortal." The shopkeeper stammered as he said this with fear within him.

She handed him silver coins and asked him, "Where do I cut this?"

"T-there .. there miss." He pointed with his slightly trembling hands to a shop a small distance away.

She wt over there to take a look and found that the shopkeeper here was using a unique machine to cut the stones.

She used her divine sse and found to her surprise that although this stone cutting machine did have a slight resemblance to mord stone cutting machine but this one completely ran on spiritual power.

There's two formations inscribed within this machine, one of them uses qi directly to run the blade while the other transforms your qi into water and sprays th while the stone is getting cut.

'Interesting, it's likes spiritual power directly works as a replacemt for electric ergy.'

Wh she wt towards the shop, the people all a immediately parted and made a large op space for her not daring to take any step forward.

Ev the ones who were in the middle of cutting stopped whatever they were doing and left the place to her.

"Sigh... I'm not a monster, why are they so afraid."

Unbestknown to her, the incidt of removing that man's tongue for disrespecting a woman spread all over the town making herself quite a well-known figure by now.

Coupled with her unique appearance, anyone can spot at a glance who she is.

Ignoring the gossips of people a her, she wt towards the shopkeeper and gave him the twelve stones and asked him to cut them op.

The shopkeeper was quite an old man with long beard hanging from his face as he boldly said to her, "Well there young miss, are these the stone you want to cut op."

"Yes." She replied without saying much.

"Hmmm... You got a very ke eye, young miss. I can tell at a glance that some of them definitely has something in them." He said while examining the stones with his hands.

"Thank you. I know a bit about jade."

"Hohoho... Th let's cut it right away."

He used his spiritual power and the machine started working.

He picked up a few small ones and cut them one after one but nothing was found in them.

"Hissss... Again nothing. It seems she doesn't know anything about jade."

"Hahhh.. what could a woman ev know about jade. Just look how she will embarrass herself."

"Wait.... There's a little gre in that one."

A lot of people gathered a distance all a her and watched inttly as the stones were being cut.

As six stone were cut one after another but nothing was found in them, all the people a her started mocking her in a very low voice thinking that she can't hear them.

She didn't do anything just waited for the next one.

As the next one was cut op, a small section of gre could be found right in the middle.

"Look! That's gre. A jade! Got lucky it seems."

"Yeah, let's see how long her luck stands."

The old man cut the jade and showed it to her.

"Here, young miss, you got yourself your first jade."

She took it in her hands and asked him, " how much will this sell for?"

"Thats a small gre jade so not more than 0 gold."

"I see. Please cut the next ones."

As the old man kept cutting one after another people's surprised voices could be heard.

"Thats 5 small gre jades in a row! Thats soo much money!! 500 gold!"

"Yeah, with that much money, ev my eight geration will live comfortably."

"Hahh... She just got lucky." A sneer came but another said beside him, " that's not luck fool, that's real skill."

And finally came the two large stones.

She knew from before that these two had the largest jade in them out of all the stones prest in all the shops.

The momt the first one was cut a little, immediately people could see a bright red glowing from within the place where it was cut.

"T-thats a red jade!! Red!!! It's a red jade!."

"Oh... Heavs... A red jade!!"

"That's too much money."

"A red jade finally appeared here after years! How much gold do you think it will sell for?"

"Gold. Hah... Idiot, it's a red jade. Depding on the size, it's not going to sell for anything less than spirit stones."

"Spirit stones!!!"

As the red glow was se among all the people prest, some of their eyes full of greed couldn't help but have malicious inttions towards her.




Thank you for reading.

Stay tuned for more.

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