Maybe My Soulmate! (GL)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 :- Oldest God and inheritance

I'm Mo Yuxin. Something unbelievable yet probably the most vious things to happ to a person happed to ME right at this momt.

I was an ordinary yet not so ordinary woman in my late twties living an extremely dull life yet a life which would probably bring out the jealousy and vy of millions of people.

You might be guessing what it is, well let me cure your curiosity. I was an orphan , growing up in a orphanage I was forced to mature much much early than anyone else and to top it of I was a loner though not an introvert. I am what you would call an Ambivert. I had no problem talking or ev getting along with other people but I just didn't want to.

As I grew up to be extremely smart and mature for someone of my age, my peers practically seemed like little kids to me. Their topic of conversation also didn't interest me. Girls my age liked pretty things whereas I liked what you would call manly things. I was also taller than others as I was approximately 5'9 in height.

As I grew up I also found out i liked wom not m. Quite obvious from my life style and preferces. Though i never had a girlfrid nor anyone that attracted me. I was a single through and through.

In school I was always first in school. Studying seemed pretty easy to me. I liked studying all kinds of things though my passion was in finance. Still I read all kinds of things from biology to medicine to Scice as I had a hobby of collecting knowledge of all kinds.

I also at some point started reading webnovels which seemed pretty cool to me as it was a way to fantasise things which would probably never happ in real life thought something did happ just now. I will talk about it in a second.

In my school life I left my orphanage by getting a full scholarship from one of the best schools in the country. I also did a lot of part time jobs in my school days. In the college trance examination i scored a full marks and became the rank and thus joined one of the best colleges in the country with a full scholarship.

Now as for why i said I was not an ordinary woman , that's because wh I was in my college days, i started getting into crypto and stock market. I started with about 0,000 $ which was all I could manage by working part time jobs. Wh I was i has already turned my life a a 80° by multiplying my money from 0,000$ to 0 million dollars.

By the time I was 6 years old I had already become one of the youngest billionaires in the country.

Well, that's about my life, though I was living an extremely luxurious life , but life was still extremely dull and lonely for me. I had no one precious to me, I had no family, i was busy with work all my youth so I didn't ev have any chance to get into a relationship.

I did have few very precious frids also my buisness partners. But that's about it. I wonder what they are doing. Must be crying because of me as i am no longer alive.

Yes, as you might have guessed, I have died already from an extremely vicious car accidt in my previous life. Right now i am in front of a person? Who calls herself a god.

"Child, have you sorted out your thoughts? " asked the self proclaimed god?

"Yes, I have, haha, never in my wildest dreams have i thought that after dying not only will I get to meet a god but also a chance to reincarnate in a differt world. "

"Hoho, you are an interesting soul child. "

"Hmmmm.... ev though I should be questioning whether she really is a god or a devil, weirdly I don't feel the need to as she seems , how do phrase it , like a mother. Yes, the feeling she gives me is just like how child would feel about her mother, though i never had one , I still feel this.

Thats my maybe i am believing everything she is saying though they don't seem to be a lie in the first place"

" well , yeah , I am an interesting soul indeed as you can see from the things that I have achieved in my life. I could have probably achieved far more had I gott the chance. " I said.

"Hmmm. Indeed. Well, child, let me give you a briefing about who I am and why I'm giving you a second chance at life"

The air a us grew serious as I felt the need to list to every single word from her at this momt.

And she continued, " I am a god as I've said before, but I'm not just any god, I am one of the oldest god in all of the multiverse from the highest plane of existce which doesn't exist anymore because of a natural disaster which occurred in that place which we call heavly calamity. As for why it happed it's because our plane of existce had naturally aged to the point of oblivion.

Many tried to go against that but ev gods are just mere mortals infront of Nature.

I was the only survivor of that calamity but i incurred ab extremely vicious injury which is impossible to heal.

After that several millnia has passed as I was in state of hibernation to prolong my life. Alas, i can no longer live now, I can feel my death. Thats why before dying i wish to leave behind all my accumulations in my life. You could say my inheritance. This is an inheritance which is absolutely impossible to come by as the multiverse would probably start a full scale war just to get a piece of it.

Ar't you excited? "

I thought as i digested all these informations and to be honest i am super excited. Never in a million years I thought I would get to have such a chance. But th i asked, " why me ??? I'm pretty sure there are millions better that me in all of the multiverse, so why me ? "

"You could call it a type of luck. You are in a sse my only descdants or maybe my own child. It's pretty complicated. Simply , you have a fraction of my wife's soul in you. Thats why I chose you. She was my beloved , my one an only soulmate, the love of my life, she was also the reason i could survive that calamity.

She also practiced divination arts which allowed her to see a certain part of future. If not because of you I would have already joined her in the afterlife. She wanted to pass both of our legacies to our descdants. As for why she choose you , only she knows."

Anyway that's about it. I will give you some time to sort it all out.

She said, as I was digesting all these impossible informations.

" So thats the reason for all this. Haha, I'm fascinated by all these things. So what do I need to do to accept your inheritance master. " i said as i kowtowed three times in a row and respectfully call her master.

"Good child, good child, she indeed didn't choose wrong. Okay, I will accept you as my disciple." She said as she took out a shiny object in the shape of a heart from her forehead. It was a weird way to take things out.

"This is the merged essce of me any my wife's soul. It contains our lifetime of accumulations and powers. Now i will give it to you." She said as she pushed that infront of me and it directly wt into my soul? I felt it.

" you won't feel any differce now, after you are reincarnated in the new world will you feel the differce. It has its own will and it has already recognised you as it's owner as it is now part of you , part of your soul.

Now I don't have much time that essce was the only thing keeping me alive now I will go to my wife." She said as i could feel the unprecedted loneliness and longing in her voice.

"How do I use it master?" I asked.

" you will feel it yourself after i pass away. You will stay here in this place for quite a long time to actually absorb all of it. Now its time my disciple. Stay well and live well. Oh and also you might find you soulmate after you transmigrate in the new world. Soulmates are the most sacred bond in all of the multiverse.

It is also the only condition to fully get our inheritance as it will take you and your soulmate to jointly use this inheritance. As it is an inheritance made my two soulmates, it's inheritors must also be a pair of soulmates."

She said all that and in the blink of an eye she disappeared into nothingness. It was quite a weird feeling. Ev though we only just knew each other and just met each other I still felt extremely sad and tears started falling from my eyes.

I sat in this place for quite a while to fully absorb all the things that happed today to me. Its the most memorable day for me and also the start of a legd that will be known throughout all of the multiverse.

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