Master Of None

Chapter 2322: 2322. Teach A Race

Chapter 2322: 2322. Teach A Race

"I'm glad there are not any monsters..." Current trailed off while looking at the cloud fairies that were watching Walker carefully. They were somewhat attached to him while the others had remained hiding in their cloud city.

It was hard to focus on how odd the situation was. Especially with the cloud fairies seemingly being unable to go near the dragons at all. To be fair, they were somewhat terrifying if someone had not been accustomed to them. Even within Genesis, there were those who were not comfortable being around the dragons just yet.

Luckily, it had been easier getting to the royal dragons and closer to the angel's floating city just by asking the cloud fairies for some help.

Walker had watched as they moved around and manipulated the water and wind mana to move the clouds. From what he had felt, their methods were more similar to the way that the echidna interacted with mana. It was more natural.

He didn't doubt that the cloud fairies had a more natural attunement to mana though. They had been isolated in a space where only the mana that they had affinities with as. The water and wind manas that they had been growing and living with for many years had allowed generations of cloud fairies to solely focus on manipulating and understanding those manas. This resulted in them being able to grasp those manas without much thought. This was also why they were able to literally fashion a small floating cloud city and live in it. If Walker were to step on it and try to do the same, he would need a very high amount of mana not to cause the clouds to break apart.

"Monsters may have been simpler than yet another race appearing." While Ventus was glad to see that this issue had somehow resolved itself, she was also not sure how to handle the fact that another intelligent race had appeared. Especially one that was so small and delicate compared to the dragons.

They were not the easiest race to handle right now. Genesis and the kingdoms which made it up were in a very fast paced state of change. Both to ensure safety, but also to ensure the growth of new aspects of the world to them. It meant that many moving things would pose even more dangers. Smaller races were already at greater risk compared to the larger races like dragons.

The cloud fairies were in a similar situation as the gale horn orcs though. The gale horn orcs were intelligent and developed elsewhere, the elemental planes. Therefore, they had intelligence and were a race whereas the orcs of the world were less developed and had become monsters.

The cloud fairies had intelligence and could speak. They also had great mana control. However, the fairies of the world were fewer and far between while being monsters as well. They were not considered intelligent races any longer due to all the changes over so many years.

Both of these races were in a position where they would certainly wish to help the monster side of their species return to being races, but they might not be able to. Right now, the cloud fairies might not fully understand that since they had been cut off from the world for so long.

"Why are none of you more concerned about a god class?" Ignus was looking at all of them with a confused and doubtful look. He believed that all of them, especially the dragons, should be more worried about this.

Saying that a god of the great blue sky had appeared meant that the dragons who saw themselves as some of the rulers of the sky were now at risk. What if this god of the great blue sky tried to stop them from flying? It had been brought in to existence by some other race after all. So, why would it not value that race over the other races?

"They would be more bound to the world and the proper mana flow than anything. I would even care to guess that they have rules that we can't even grasp that they need to follow over all else." As this was more so what Walker felt and learned through what he had read, Walker did not say it with a manner of fact tone. Ignus could see that Walker entirely believed it though.

"We don't need to pray to some god now?" This was another thing that Ignus worried about. They had never prayed to gods that he could recall. The dragons were proud of their own strength and they believed in their own blood. Not some god here or there.

"I doubt it. I would say that if a dragon prayed to anything, then they would be going against what the original dragons believed and taught. So you are better off not praying even if you want. Well, maybe young dragons might but that's up to them." Walker wouldn't crush anyone's faith. He just figured it was easier to let the dragons keep their own methods when it comes to their beliefs in strength and such.

"So now we just need to help the angels with a few small issues and explain that they will be around a new race to help?" Current's thought process brought him to the simple fact that they could not just bring every single cloud fairy to Genesis. They would need the time to properly adapt and learn more.

In all essence, it would most likely be worse for the cloud fairies to rush them by bringing them right to Geneisi sooner rather than later. They would be overwhelmed when they were clearly unsteady. The fact that they were hiding behind Walker right now was more than just proof of this.

"I think they could stay here, but the angels can't handle that either right now. They are changing their entire structure of leadership. They are tired. They are overworked. They are worried. If we did that to the angels then everything would only be worse for them right now. We need to take burdens off of their shoulders."Nôv(el)B\\jnn

What Walker said was also the best method. The angels needed to decide who their leaders were right now. Especially since they had to also persecute those who had stepped away and left them in such a poor position. "They should just support their representatives on the Genesis council. That would solve all their problems. They can even step away to handle work here."

The side comment from Ignus actually sounded very good. The few angels here who were listening but didn't feel that they should say anything looked at one another. This had been something thought about but not said. Especially as signs that their leaders had been failing due to personal beliefs.

"With the time, they might do that. We just need to let them do what they need to do. I want to see their cities in more detail too. There's so much that I didn't get to see when I was here last time." Walker felt a little sad as he looked at the city nearby. The floating city was an oddity since he didn't have the full understanding of how it worked.

"I will float along the wind with the cloud fairies. I need to recover my strength and it will be a way for them to understand dragons. Become comfortable. I will also have some of the wind and water angels come with me. Those who do not wish to feel the stress of their current


Everyone looked at Ventus. They wished that they could tell her not to do that, however, she was right. She had a strong wind affinity as a wind dominator dragon. She had raised children and stood tall to defend other races. She had everything needed to help the cloud fairies take a step toward joining Genesis. Beyond that, she could rest while slowly making her way through the sky back toward Genesis.

By the time that they arrived, the cloud fairies would understand the other races to the same level that ventus did. They would also have gained knowledge about the goals of Genesis along with what they could do to play a part in the future.

This would also allow the cloud fairies the time they needed to be able to elect a representative. From there, they would have the chance to grow and develop as they wished. They could even make semi permanent homes in the clouds above towns, villages, and Genesis. Not to mention the other kingdoms.

It was all a matter of time for them. As long as these things were taken step by step, there would be a valuable new race with a new and intricate view on water and wind mana being mixed together within the Genesis alliance. It was a very interesting event.



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