Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 217: Thanos contacting Loki?

Chapter 217: Thanos contacting Loki?

"Hey, Thor, I would never be like those guys, okay?"

Loki expressed his grievance to his older brother, speaking with great dissatisfaction.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." Thor responded perfunctorily, making Loki even more exasperated. If possible, Loki would have loved to stab his brother right then and there.

After some roughhousing, they entered the grand hall.

The hall was a classic, traditional grand hall. The decorations, walls, and screens all had a classical charm. At least Hulk, Wanda, and the others found it somewhat confusing since they didn’t understand much about China know-how.

On the other hand, Thor and Loki found it somewhat familiar, as if they had seen it somewhere before.

But they didn't study it closely, because, led by Pietro, they soon arrived at the great waterfall lake.

The waterfall lake had a very large waterfall, with the cascade rolling down white waves, splashing like jade and silver beads, shimmering with colorful light, emitting a continuous thunderous sound, exuding a grand and majestic, bold and open atmosphere.

Below the waterfall was a vast lake. The glittering waves and sunlight intermingled, creating a harmonious and beautiful scene, awe-inspiring. The tall mountains standing in the lake resembled a shy maiden, while the wisps of mist were like a mysterious veil on her face, making the lake appear hazy and indistinct. From a distance, the lush forests around seemed like a green festive dress.

The boundless lake and the blue sky merged into one, making it hard to distinguish where the water ended and the sky began. The golden sunlight created sparkling waves on the lake, like heavenly fairies sprinkling handfuls of gold. In the distance, a beautiful bridge spanned the lake, like a giant dragon lying across the water.

In the center of the lake, there was a small island with a classical pavilion. The winding pebble path on the island was flanked by blooming flowers, not chaotic but with a sense of natural order.

A refreshing breeze blew, creating a wonderful chemical reaction between the sunlight and the mist. Thor and the others, arriving on the island, were full of praise.

Thor and Loki had seen all kinds of civilizations and landscapes, but by their own impressions, they considered this fairyland one of the most beautiful places. Probably only the elven realms could match it.

Asgard’s culture was also beautiful, something Thor and Loki had always been proud of.

However, having lived in Asgard for so long, they had grown accustomed to its beauty. The fairyland, being new to them, was breathtaking. Moreover, Asgard and the fairyland were two entirely different kinds of beauty.

Thor might think Asgard more beautiful out of pride, but such comparisons were unnecessary. The aesthetic of Bi Xiao was indeed admirable.

In a short time, Bi Xiao had erased the traces of paradise and created such a terrestrial fairyland. It was hard to imagine how it was accomplished.

Even Odin might find it unrealistic to complete such a transformation in such a short time.

When they saw Bi Xiao again, Bi Xiao was dressed in very light clothing, looking simple and elegant. Bi Xiao was sitting on the third floor of the pavilion. Yes, the pavilion had three floors, and sitting at the top provided a unique and beautiful view.

Seeing Bi Xiao, Thor, Loki, Sif, and the others respected him even more now.

The rule of treating people according to their status applies everywhere.

Previously, Bi Xiao's strength earned Thor and the others’ respect, but not awe. Asgard had a deep foundation, and Odin was still alive. Without a significant gap, awe did not arise naturally.

Now, two years later, things were different.

Two years ago, Bi Xiao slaughtered hell and heaven, countless Hell lords, archangels, and even Yahweh were killed. Such achievements were terrifying.

Not to mention, with Odin's hint, Thor and the others knew that Bi Xiao was now beyond the Celestial level, a singular universe entity more terrifying and powerful than Odin, a level of power hard to imagine.

Thor and Loki once thought they would surpass Odin.

But ambition is just ambition. Before achieving it, they had to be respectful to the big shots, especially since Bi Xiao had a good relationship with Asgard. Being respectful wouldn’t hurt.

Even Thor, straightforward as he was, had learned social graces.

Bi Xiao didn’t care about Thor and the others’ change in attitude. At his level, many things didn’t matter anymore.

As for Thor and the others coming to the fairyland, aside from Pietro’s invitation, there was a more important matter.

Upon seeing Thor and Loki, Bi Xiao already knew why they were there.

He first glanced at Thor, then at Loki.

Finally, he focused on Loki, "You’ve met Thanos?"

Loki was shocked but then remembered Bi Xiao’s current level and wasn’t surprised anymore. He nodded, his expression turning grim, "That guy wants to cooperate with me."

Just yesterday, while Loki was handling a task in the universe on behalf of Asgard, he was suddenly invited and met Thanos. Although Loki didn’t roam the universe much, Thanos’ notorious reputation was well-known.

He was well aware of who Thanos was. Given his own deceptive nature and now possessing the strength akin to a Celestial, he did not feel intimidated by Thanos. He was confident that even if he couldn't defeat him, escaping would be entirely feasible, and Thanos would not be able to do anything about it.

However, upon meeting him, Thanos gave him quite a surprise.

Thanos actually wanted to cooperate with him, and the proposed collaboration involved Asgard.


Bi Xiao couldn't help but laugh in disbelief. The idea of cooperation with Thanos was indeed absurd, given Thanos' domineering and forceful nature, which had never involved discussing cooperation with anyone.

In the originally established historical timeline, Loki was merely an insignificant pawn in Thanos' eyes, merely used to probe the Ancient One and Odin.

Now, Thanos had set his sights on Loki again, and the timing had advanced. This time, instead of being a mere pawn, Thanos proposed cooperation.

It was clear that Thanos was assessing the situation. The moment he saw Loki, he realized that Loki was much stronger than he had imagined, standing on the same level as him. His original plan instantly shifted to cooperation.

The apparent goal of this cooperation was to help Loki overthrow Odin's rule, assisting him in ascending the throne to become the king of Asgard.

In reality, it was just a way to probe Bi Xiao, the newly ascended cosmic ruler, by using Loki. Thanos aimed to incite unrest in Asgard, thereby fueling Loki's greater ambitions and pushing him to launch an attack on Earth. Regardless of the outcome, it would allow Thanos to test Bi Xiao's limits.

As long as Thanos could gauge Bi Xiao's bottom line through Loki, the so-called cooperation would already be a success for Thanos.

As for Loki, Thanos cared not about his life or death.

Bi Xiao knew this. Loki, without the perspective of an omnipotent being, couldn't understand Thanos' true intentions behind proposing cooperation. However, the very suggestion of overthrowing Odin's rule and helping Loki ascend the throne instilled a desire in Loki to eliminate Thanos.

Contrary to the original historical timeline, Loki was no longer an arrogant but incompetent individual.

Influenced by Thor, Wanda, Pietro, and others, Loki had come to understand the importance of strength and knowledge, striving to improve himself and reaching a level akin to a Celestial. He deeply understood Odin's immense power. Overthrow Odin's rule?

Previously, he might have believed such manipulations could succeed. 

Now, however, he realized that Odin, though old and nearing his end, remained formidable. Even in a state of slumber, should Loki harbor any thoughts of disturbing Asgard's peace, Odin could awaken at any moment and severely punish him.

This meant that as long as Odin lived, Loki had no chance of overthrowing his rule.

Moreover, Loki's mindset had genuinely changed. He still desired the throne, but instead of seeking to eliminate Thor, he now aimed to surpass Thor through his own strength, gaining the genuine support of Odin, their mother, and the people of Asgard.

The struggle for the throne was an internal Asgardian matter. Who was Thanos to interfere? Thus, Loki's initial patience stemmed from his desire to understand Thanos' true intentions.

Meeting Thanos, Loki found that despite being on the same level, Thanos was deeply inscrutable and far from a fool blinded by greed.

Thanos must have had a grander scheme to suddenly seek Loki out, especially at a time when Bi Xiao had just eradicated Hell and Heaven on Earth two years ago.

With Odin's demise imminent, and unbeknownst to him, the Ancient One also nearing retirement, Loki suspected an even greater conspiracy behind Thanos' proposal.

Could Thanos predict Loki's change in mindset?

The answer was no.

Thanos could read minds due to his unparalleled wisdom in the universe, a rarity. Many couldn't keep secrets from him. But Loki, being the God Of Mischief and deception, could deceive hearts, worlds, and even the universe.

Thanos could not see through Loki, now standing on the same level as him. Loki's growing strength and accumulated knowledge had elevated his cunning to significant heights.

Even if not as perceptive as Thanos, Thanos couldn't fully grasp Loki's intentions.

Reflecting on their verbal and mental exchanges, Loki found them thrilling and stimulating, recognizing Thanos as a formidable and challenging opponent, perhaps even more suitable than his brother Thor in some respects.

For this reason, Thanos wasn't entirely confident in the cooperation.

However, Thanos was certain of one thing: Loki craved the throne and aspired to be the king of Asgard. He saw the well-concealed ambition in Loki's eyes, which was enough for Thanos.

He believed that Loki's ambition would lead him to strike a deal and cooperate with him.

As for the outcome, whether Loki would betray him, Thanos didn't care. His sole purpose was to probe Bi Xiao.

What Thanos didn't anticipate was that upon returning to Asgard, Loki would reveal everything to Thor and the others. Frigga and the awakened Odin also learned of it.

Odin and Frigga showed no reaction, but Odin was pleased with Loki's change in mindset. Confident in the future of his sons surpassing him, and with Bi Xiao as a safety net, Odin decided to let Loki and Thor play along with Thanos, treating it as a trial.

After discussing with Sif and others, Thor and Loki decided to seek Bi Xiao's confirmation.

After all, Thanos' true target might be Bi Xiao.

Pietro happened to invite Thor and others, so they all came to the fairyland. As for Hulk, he purely came to have fun. Hulk, Pietro, and Wanda are all good friends, and with the completion of the new house, it's natural to invite friends over to play.

Hulk had no interest in Thanos whatsoever and simply sat in a chair, eating his food obediently.

Wanda and Bella, on the other hand, took an interest in this Thanos, but this interest was driven by anger. When they heard from Loki that Thanos's true purpose and conspiracy might be aimed at Bi Xiao, they immediately felt a murderous intent.

"A mere sub-Titan warlord dares to plot against Bi Xiao? Regardless of his true intentions, our only thought is to kill Thanos," they thought.

"Do not underestimate him. He is more complicated than you imagine," Bi Xiao said calmly, glancing at the two women.

When he saw Loki, he already knew Loki's purpose for coming. He hadn't expected that Thanos, knowing he was already a singularity in the universe, would still resolutely push forward with his so-called balance theory.

Therefore, he immediately searched for Thanos's traces and whereabouts.

At his level, finding someone in the universe is actually quite simple. According to the practice of cultivation or primordial methods, it’s called divine sense. His vast perceptive power would instantly spread across the universe, which is a straightforward and crude method.

A simpler way is that once he knows the other’s name, he can see the person’s appearance and aura through the river of fate, then lock onto the target. He can cross countless distances in an instant, creating a spatial anchor point, bringing the person before him, or going to them directly.

It sounds complicated but is actually instantaneous.

However, for others, this method might work, but Bi Xiao found that this approach couldn't locate Thanos.

Surprising, yet within expectations.

A mere sub-Titan doesn't have any means to escape his lock and track unless he hides in some corner of another multiverse dimension, which might take a bit more time to locate.

Thanos is entirely different from other sub-Titans.

Compared to Bi Xiao, Thanos's level is two major levels lower, yet he is very special. First of all, he is one of the rare destiny beings in this universe.

Destiny beings are anomalies favored by fate, whose growth spans cannot be judged by normal means.

In some universes, Thanos can slaughter or even restart the entire universe.

He is powerful enough to contend with the Living Tribunal.

No one can say how far Thanos in this universe can grow if he isn’t killed, but the moment he holds the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos's level will certainly surpass that of a singular universe.

The reason Thanos wants the Infinity Gauntlet is to slaughter half the life in the universe.

He claims it's to maintain the balance of the universe's resources, but Bi Xiao doubts this. It seems like an excuse to justify his attacks, hatred, and slaughter, with another deeper reason worth pondering.

That reason is to please Death.

This Death is not the Goddess of Death, Hela, but one of the five most powerful creation gods in this universe, Death.

The Goddess of Death is the endpoint of all life and souls in the universe, the manipulator and creator of death. She controls the death of all life. The other four gods are Galactus, Annihilation, Eternity, and Infinity.

"Death" is an abstract deity of rules, embodying the death rules of the universe. She is the ultimate destination of all the deceased in the universe, one of the rules of the universe’s operation.

Many gods born in the universe have their duties. For example, Galactus naturally loves to eat planets; he can't stop even if he wants to.

There was even a time when Galactus no longer needed to consume planets for energy, but the Living Tribunal, who oversees the universe, judged him for "disrupting the balance of the universe."

So, when Death was born with the universe, she had her own duty: to bring about the end of the universe’s living beings.

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