Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 209: Deep Sleep and The Avengers

Chapter 209: Deep Sleep and The Avengers

As the saying goes, it's like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

Even when Bi Xiao was at a lower level than his opponent, he could already suppress them with his combat power. Now, with his life level completely surpassing everyone else, one can only imagine how terrifying his power has become.

One by one, the well-known archangels and Hell lords—

Uriel, Raphael, Raguel, Sariel, Remiel, Salathiel, Metatron, and others—were almost instantaneously killed.

They had no ability to resist, akin to slaughtering chickens.

Black and pure white light points scattered like stars and vanished. The angels and Hell lords fell, and Yahweh realized what was happening.

But upon seeing his archangels being slaughtered, his first reaction was not to intervene personally to stop Bi Xiao, but to immediately turn and retreat through the Heaven's Gate. However, since Bi Xiao had come, he was naturally prepared.

Just as Yahweh was about to step into the Heaven's Gate, a splendid golden magic array suddenly blocked his path. Brilliant and mysterious runes formed the most terrifying magic.

This magic array completely severed Yahweh's connection to Heaven's Gate.

This prevented Yahweh from returning to Heaven immediately, delaying him and leaving him to face the terrifying god of death.

Yahweh stood frozen before the Heaven's Gate, his figure rigid, a great invisible terror pressing down on him like the ocean, rendering him immobile.

Yahweh's aged face was filled with fear. He stiffly turned, bit by bit, to see the figure before him, akin to the god of death.

Eyes glowing with golden light gazed at Yahweh, as if looking at a dead man.

Yahweh was truly afraid. He had ruled Heaven for countless years, leaving behind innumerable legends and histories on Earth and among humans.

He was supposed to be the supreme God, with countless angels kneeling at his feet, praying for his mercy and grace.

He possessed eternal life.

Yahweh had used his cunning to solidify his rule, feeling proud and haughty. He was supposed to be exalted, but now, facing this man born a human, he felt an indescribable fear.

A fear he had only felt tens of thousands of years ago when confronting Odin.

Having enjoyed countless glories and immersing in them, he now encountered a mountain he could only look up to, causing him to lose all his courage at this moment.

"God? Yahweh? You dare call yourself God?"

Seeing Yahweh's fearful expression, whether genuine or feigned, Bi Xiao could fully discern it. With his powerful perceptive abilities, he could see through Yahweh's thoughts entirely.

Bi Xiao had never liked this old man, considering him merely prey. However, as the final boss of the current stage, it was disappointing that Yahweh lacked any final boss demeanor.

He couldn't even compare to the first Hell lord Bi Xiao killed, Asmodeus.


A so-called god was merely a bird-man stealing and occupying the name of God.

Bi Xiao had no further thoughts about him. Under Yahweh's fearful gaze, Bi Xiao swung the Sword of Promised Victory, decapitating Yahweh with a single sweep.

The lethal god-killing power within caused Yahweh's body to disintegrate like a mortal's after beheading, transforming into pure white light points, his soul absorbed into the Golden City.


Yahweh's death shocked the demons in Hell and the angels beyond measure.

For the demons, and even more for the angels, each face was filled with despair and disbelief.

"The Lord, the great Lord, is dead just like that."

"No, this is impossible. No one can kill the supreme Lord. God cannot be killed."

"Demon, he is a true demon. Darkness has triumphed over light. Light is facing its end."

For these angels, with all archangels dead and even the supreme God beheaded by the enemy, their faith was shattered. These angels once believed Heaven was invincible and light should spread across the multiverse.

However, their ambition was completely crushed before it could be realized.

That man, like the god of death, destroyed all the angels' ambitions and faith with his sword.

Not only these angels, but deities across the multiverse watching were all wide-eyed in disbelief that Heaven's Yahweh had been beheaded. It was simply inconceivable.

Everyone's gaze was focused on the man from the massacre in Heaven. His exquisite and elegant armored robe danced with the wind, and the Sword of Promised Victory that had beheaded God radiated a chilling brilliance.

"This human is terrifying."

"Did Earth give birth to such a strong being? What will happen next..."

"Damn it, who exactly is this human?"

The gods of the multiverse had varied thoughts about Bi Xiao's sudden rise. Some were wary and guarded, while others were curious and kind-hearted.

Regardless, this grand war ended entirely with Heaven being bloodily purged, and Bi Xiao's reputation spread throughout the multiverse.

The gods of the multiverse were well aware that Bi Xiao had now reached a level involving a single universe. Among the gods of the multiverse, those at the single universe level were no longer considered weak; they were all lords of their own domains, ruling their respective dimensions.

Deciding how to face a powerhouse who rose on the corpses of Heaven's countless dead required careful consideration.

Of course, there was an old foe already in a fit of impotent rage, the Dark Lord Dormammu.

Dormammu's anger had reached its peak.

The damned human brat who had thwarted his plans countless times should have been eliminated. He had even entered the fray himself, but now, his schemes in Hell were destroyed, and that human's life level had reached the single universe tier.

At this level, even if Dormammu descended in person, it was unclear how much power and time it would cost to fight.

Moreover, with the Ancient One present, he had never succeeded in descending. Now, with an even stronger and younger Bi Xiao, it was even less realistic.

This essentially erased his chance of descending into this universe.

Dormammu was understandably furious.

The key was, he had no way to deal with Bi Xiao.

The gazes from the multiverse naturally did not escape Bi Xiao's notice, but he paid them no mind. His growth had always followed his plans, rarely deviating.

The multiverse was undoubtedly a crucial point for him to enter in the future.

But not now. Currently, he needed time to digest the spoils of this battle.

The rewards were too luxurious.

The massive life essence from the slain Hell lords, archangels, and even Yahweh had been absorbed into his body, immediately fulfilling the requirements for his life level's transformation.

This profound change made Bi Xiao feel a faint drowsiness.

Bi Xiao knew he needed to sleep deeply to digest all of this. Unwilling to delay, he glanced at Hell, extended his hand, and then clenched his fist sharply.


Instantly, dazzling golden light exploded from his palm, and the golden ripples swept across Hell. Countless demons and angels perished in the golden waves, their life essence pouring into Bi Xiao like a river, accelerating his drowsiness.

Forcing himself to stay awake, Bi Xiao glanced at Mephisto, who was trembling on Satan's throne. With a wave of his hand, he forcibly took Heaven's miraculous Heaven Gate and then disappeared in a flash of golden light.

Mephisto sat dazed on Satan's throne, Hell completely emptied, leaving only corpses and blood, with weapons scattered densely on the ground.

From this scene, Mephisto seemed like a terrifying Hell lord, sitting high on Satan's throne raised by countless skeletons, surrounded by the corpses of countless demons and angels, with the blood-red sky twisted and blood flowing.

It was an epic scene.

But unfortunately, the reality was different. Mephisto did not feel high and mighty; instead, he felt a bone-chilling coldness and growing fear.

Mephisto did indeed feel fear. He had just witnessed his old rivals being mercilessly slaughtered, without any ability to resist. The overwhelming power Bi Xiao displayed in his final moments, with golden ripples sweeping over him, seemed light and beautiful but felt overwhelmingly irresistible.

At that moment, he felt that no matter how he resisted, his fate was sealed: death.

Fortunately, his choice had not been wrong. Bi Xiao had slaughtered all the Hell lords and angels in Hell but spared him, obviously because of a previous promise.

Mephisto was filled with fear and relief. Fear because he had once had some thoughts about this figure; relief because his choice had saved his life.

The other's power was now beyond his level.

The result was good; Hell was left with him as the only Hell lord. Even though other Hell lords would eventually rise, his rule remained secure, and he had allied with a supremely powerful figure with infinite potential. Perhaps in the future, he too would rise to unimaginable heights.

Upon thinking this, his previously complex emotions calmed significantly.

Remembering the fate of his old friend Yahweh, Mephisto’s mood instantly brightened.

The war between Hell and Heaven concluded with the fall of Yahweh, the archangels, and the entire angelic legion.

This time, many gods from multiple dimensions thoroughly remembered the image and appearance of that man.

Terrifyingly, the opponent was not only powerful but also more cold-blooded and ruthless, having massacred the entirety of Heaven and Hell, leaving almost only Mephisto and his demons in the Hell kingdom.

The number of lives taken was uncountable.

If this were judged by a moral system in a game, it would undoubtedly be the darkest, surpassing even the greatest villains.

After the curtain fell, Bi Xiao left a message for Wanda and Bella at the manor and then went to the Golden City to fall into a deep sleep.

The gains this time were enormous, not just from the Hell lords and archangels, Yahweh, but also from the vast demon and angel armies. Though the life essences of these beings were not abundant individually, they added up to a significant amount.

Bi Xiao's gains this time exceeded his expectations, to the point of overflowing.

He needed to sleep to fully absorb and digest them.


As time passed, the war between Hell and Heaven remained unknown to most people on Earth, so the countries continued their competition, accelerating their technological and military advancements.

Under the external crisis threat, although the United States' technological, military, and economic hegemony was not shaken, it unusually refrained from causing trouble.

Supported by certain high-ranking officials and tycoons, this era saw a technological explosion.

However, most of these technological advancements were tightly controlled, and the general public enjoyed these benefits gradually, without the dramatic leap into a futuristic world.

It was now 2007.

Two years had passed since the Hell's Gate incident. During these two years, Earth was very peaceful, so much so that no major global crises occurred.

Only occasional paranormal events were reported worldwide.

Compared to the Hell's Gate incident on Greenland Island, this was extremely peaceful, relieving countries and tycoons, though they did not entirely let their guard down.

After all, who knew when the next crisis would strike?

Their understanding had been shattered; with the emergence of aliens, demons, and Asgardians, civilizations far more powerful than Earth, external pressure would not easily dissipate. This is a fundamental human trait.

There would always be a sense of crisis.

Unless it could be confirmed that there was no threat, internal strife would follow.

At this point, a team formed ahead of time drew the world's attention: the Avengers.

The Avengers gradually expanded their membership over the past two years, including the Hulk, Hawkeye Barton, Black Widow Natasha, Iron Man Tony Stark, all X-Men led by Professor X, and a new face, a mutant named Victor Alvarez.

At the Avengers Headquarters in the western suburbs of New York, Tony Stark, wearing a thin shirt and holding a cup of coffee, frowned as he watched the Avengers members training below.

His focus was on the young mutant named Victor.

According to his gathered information, Victor Alvarez was born and raised in a neighborhood in Manhattan, New York. His father was sent to Seagate Penitentiary when he was very young, and he was raised by his mother. After his father reformed and was released, he became a community organizer helping many people.

To maintain his relationship with his father, Victor often helped him at work.

Later, Victor and his father were caught in an explosion caused by the villain Bullseye. The explosion killed over a hundred people, including his father, but Victor survived by somehow absorbing a certain spirit energy from the bodies around him, granting him extraordinary strength and great resilience.

Since then, Victor fell into confusion, drifting through life for several years. About six months ago, he seemed to have figured something out and started using his powers to fight crime, catching the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D., who recruited him into the Avengers.

Victor’s ability was to absorb energy from his surroundings, granting him superhuman strength, speed, agility, endurance, personal force fields, and accelerated healing.

When enhanced, his body glows.

In terms of combat power, he wasn't exceptionally strong nor weak. His abilities, in theory, were very strong, and if he absorbed enough energy, his combat power should rival the Hulk’s. The Hulk was currently the Avengers' most powerful member.

Of course, Phoenix Jean was in a state of split personality, making her combat power unpredictable. Jean herself was gradually adapting to the Phoenix Force but wasn't yet strong enough to rival the Hulk, though Dark Phoenix was close.

However, the Dark Phoenix, though much improved, still looked down on the Avengers. Her sole goal was to kill Professor X.

Revenge was the only thought for Dark Phoenix Jean. If Wanda hadn't beaten her back to her senses, she would now be a ticking time bomb.

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