Marvel: Killing Makes You Stronger

Chapter 184: Phoenix Force vs Chaos Magic

Chapter 184: Phoenix Force vs Chaos Magic

Tony's words caught everyone's attention, and he shrugged, "I think maybe those people can help you. Jean also sensed this, which is why she went to find them."

"Humans have an innate instinct for self-rescue."

"When a person believes that someone can help them, they will instinctively seek that help. Although I don't know what happened to her, judging by her actions, she is likely trying to save herself."

Although Tony was not an expert in psychology, he had some understanding of it, and it was evident that Jean's current actions aligned with this self-rescue phenomenon.

His words also calmed everyone present.

Tony's description seemed to accurately reflect Jean's situation.

"But are they really willing to save Jean?" Scott frowned. He didn't doubt Wanda and the others; the main issue was that they didn't know each other at all. Moreover, Jean rushed over so aggressively, her demeanor looked more like she was ready for a fight rather than asking for help.

"Trust them. I believe they are good people." Although Scott and the others did not know that group, Tony was at least acquainted with the twin siblings.

Despite the troubles the twins had brought him, even killing Obadiah, Tony believed they were kind-hearted. Otherwise, given their childhood experiences, they would have completely turned to the dark side. Instead, they even went out of their way to protect him and the innocent guards during battles.

Tony's words slightly reassured everyone.

In the eyes of the crowd, Wanda and the others had already finished eating and drinking, looking relaxed while sipping on juice. Suddenly, they saw Jean flying over aggressively. Hulk, Sif, and the Warriors Three immediately stood up in a wary manner.

After all, Hulk and Logan both possessed instincts sharper than those of beasts, and Sif and the others were battle-hardened warriors, with danger senses no less acute than Logan and Hulk.

Jean's state was terrifying.

Everyone else also stood up, watching as Jean slowly descended in front of them. Loki's face showed a hint of interest. The Phoenix Force, one of the most powerful sentient beings in the universe, had come to them on its own.

Loki had some understanding of Jean's state.

Purely in terms of perception, he was much more astute than Thor.

"Something seems off about her." Even the blunt Thor noticed something was wrong and quietly alerted the others.

Bella tilted her head, her eyes flashing as she pursed her lips and frowned.

She looked at Wanda, who noticed Bella's gaze. They exchanged glances and nodded. Wanda and Bella walked up to Jean.

Jean wasn't particularly tall, about 1.7 meters. She was shorter than both Wanda and Bella. Facing them, Jean's expression was indifferent, her eyes staring straight at them with constantly changing emotions: pleading, madness, ferocity, gentleness—a complete contradiction.

"Two personalities, the primary one is being influenced."

"The two personalities are clashing. Is she seeking help because of the self-rescue instinct?"

"Her emotions are very unstable. Once triggered, she will immediately explode and be completely taken over by the other personality unless that personality is sealed immediately."

"It's just a temporary measure. It may solve the problem for now but will plant a seed for future outbursts, which will be far more intense than now."

Wanda and Bella took turns analyzing Jean's current state.

Jean remained silent under their gaze, looking like a delicate puppet, oddly docile.

Wanda and Bella knew that Jean's primary personality was desperately trying to balance and fight against the other, causing a mental battle that left her body seemingly sluggish.

Both Wanda and Bella had kind natures.

Jean came seeking help, and they were well aware of the immense power she held within her, which could potentially cause a major crisis. Therefore, it had to be resolved one way or another.

Wanda scratched her smooth chin, tilting her head in thought.

It was a bit of a dilemma.

"How about we go inside and take a look?"

Bella suggested.

Wanda nodded, then shook her head, "Going inside to take a look is fine, but you better not go in.”

Bella did not get angry; she clearly understood that Wanda did not look down on her. On the contrary, she acted as backup outside, ready to offer assistance if Wanda encountered any mishap while entering Jean's mental world.

After making a swift decision, Wanda's red glow flashed, and a tremendous psychic force instantly crashed into Jean's mental world.


Upon entering the mental world, Wanda saw that Jean's mind had completely become a battlefield. It resembled a very beautiful, large school, but now it presented a very eerie situation.

One half of the school was shrouded in darkness, chaos, madness, and violence, resembling a hellish world. The other half was bright, gentle, and resilient. Unfortunately, the darkness was gradually encroaching on the light. On the bright side stood Jean, albeit with a strained expression, while on the dark side, there was another Jean, appearing more frenzied and wild.

In the sky, a massive phoenix, ablaze like fire, soared and screeched with joy, seemingly happy about its impending freedom.

Seeing this situation, Wanda furrowed her brow slightly and immediately drew a conclusion.


Wanda crossed her hands and then waved them forward. Torrents of immense energy ravaged the bizarre, absurd world, causing it to quake and tumultuously upheave. With a single thought, Wanda transformed the entire environment.

The ground and buildings began to shrink, and the sky's color started to unify.

Ultimately, the entire world rapidly changed into a different setting.

Suddenly, Wanda, Jean, and Dark Jean found themselves on a luxurious yacht slowly sailing on the ocean. The bright sky and warm sunlight bathed the yacht, with seagulls flying overhead and whales occasionally leaping in the distant sea.

The entire world now seemed beautiful and harmonious.

This sudden change made Jean's primary personality somewhat uncomfortable, but it also alleviated her previously tense and suppressed emotions, relaxing her without the need to combat the dark persona.

Conversely, the dark persona was momentarily bewildered before her face contorted with anger and madness. She sat on the yacht's top deck sofa, glaring viciously at Wanda, who was sipping juice.

As if reflecting her mood, the previously clear sky darkened, rolling thunder clouds gathered, and lightning raged, heralding imminent darkness like an apocalypse.

"Can we talk?" Wanda spoke, her tender voice now filled with authority, a majestic aura sweeping across the sky and earth, instantly dispersing the gathered clouds, restoring the sky to its former brightness.

Dark Jean was thoroughly displeased. Her violent and crazed nature compelled her to act directly, flashing before Wanda and reaching for her neck.

Jean's primary personality instinctively wanted to warn Wanda, but before she could, Wanda acted first, grabbing Dark Phoenix Jean by the neck and lifting her forcefully.

"Since talking is off the table, let's try a different way to communicate."


Wanda's right hand violently flung Dark Phoenix Jean several thousand meters away. Afterward, Wanda smiled sweetly at Jean's primary personality, a smile so sweet that it left Jean stunned and dumbfoundedly nodding.

Seeing this, Wanda remained silent, for the flung Dark Phoenix Jean had already stabilized herself and, in a fit of rage, manipulated the terrifying Phoenix Force to raise colossal waves, as if to engulf the entire yacht.

Wanda was well aware of the Phoenix Force. With her years of studying magic and ancient texts, she had become quite knowledgeable.

The power of the Phoenix Force was undeniable, but Wanda knew that the current Phoenix Force was incomplete and still weak. No matter how strong Dark Phoenix Jean was, she couldn't surpass Wanda.

As Dark Phoenix Jean manipulated the towering waves, Wanda countered with a simple reality alteration, instantly erasing the massive waves.

This sudden disappearance stunned Dark Phoenix Jean, who had been smiling with excitement. She couldn't believe her eyes. What was this sorcery? Wasn't this her power to wield?

Before she could figure out why this happened, Wanda reached out again.


Scarlet chains burst from the sea, attacking Dark Phoenix Jean, who instinctively tried to use the Phoenix Force to eliminate them. However, the scarlet chains disregarded her powers, instantly binding her in a humiliating manner. Wanda flew over, grabbing Dark Jean's face with a small, pale hand, and said fiercely, "Can we talk now?”

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