Married to the Devil's Son

Chapter 177 - 54

Chapter 177 - 54

Two days passed and Heaven didn't come to see him despite the hurtful things she had said to him. Why did he expect her to come? Maybe she was right. She was always the one to come and apologize whenever they fought, and he was expecting the same thing even now. But Heaven had changed. She was not the childhood friend that he knew. He wouldn't mind the change if it didn't happen so suddenly. He just didn't trust Zamiel.

He had planned to leave her, to distance himself, so why was he still here hoping and expecting that she would come to check on him? To see if he was alright and apologize for what she said. But she didn't come. His old friend was truly gone. She had every right to be angry if he truly made her feel the way she felt. Still, the friend he knew would never leave him, even then. This made him suspicious of Zamiel. He had to make sure that the ancient demon wasn't tricking her. That his intentions were pure. Only then he would leave Heaven to him.

A knock on the door disrupted his thoughts. His father opened the door and peeked inside. "Is everything alright?" He asked.

Zarin nodded. "Yes."

His father opened the door completely and stepped inside. "You have never been in your room for so long."

"I just want to be alone." He said.

"I know you had a fight with Heaven. Do you want to talk about it?" Roshan asked.

Zarin stood up from his seat. "We fight all the time. There is nothing to talk about. I need to go now, father." He said grabbing his jacket. He needed to know more about Zamiel.

"Your mother made lunch. She won't be happy if you just leave." Roshan explained.

Zarin put his jacket on. "Tell her, I am sorry." He said then left his room.

When he arrived at the old house where Zamiel stayed, he was surprised to find it under construction work. What was happening?

He went to one of the construction workers to find out some information.

"This mansion is being rebuilt for Lord Zamiel." The old man said.

Zarin nodded. "Where is he now?" He asked.

"Who are you?" The construction worker asked.

"I am his friend. I have been looking for him and I was directed here." He lied.

"I understand, but he lives somewhere else for now."

The construction worker gave him directions, and Zarin followed them. He ended up finding his house at the end. Just when he arrived, Zamiel was walking out of his house. Zarin watched from afar so the ancient demon wouldn't be able to sense him. Zamiel was dressed like a wealthy man and a carriage came to pick him up.

The change surprised him but also made him more suspicious, so he continued to follow him.

It seemed like Zamiel was meeting other wealthy men and they were doing business together.?The other men addressed him with respect, which meant he was wealthier than them. Where did he get his wealth from? The items of negotiation were gold, silver, and high-quality fabrics. It wasn't easy things to be obtained in a matter of days.

Things only got more mysterious as he continued to spy on him. It wasn't only gold and silver that was being traded, even lands were included. When did he have time to buy and own lands? What was this mans goal?

Once Zamiel left, Zarin approached one of the wealthy men trading with Zamiel. He pretended to be interested in buying a land just to find out more information about Zamiel.

"He is a wealthy man from the Stasian Empire. He wants to settle down here and has already started trading gold and lands." The man explained.

It seemed like Zamiel was trying to make a name for himself. He must be planning to marry Heaven. He was already becoming famous among rich people, and many were interested in working with him.

The ancient demon was clever. No wonder Heaven was smitten by him.

Zarin had lost Zamiel while speaking to the other man. Maybe he went back home, but when he turned back, he was surprised to find Zamiel standing behind him.

He had been caught.

"Did you find out anything interesting?" Zamiel asked, amused.

Zarin glared at him. "Nothing that makes me less suspicious of you." He replied.

"Maybe I can get rid of your suspicion. Why don't you have some tea with me?" He offered.

Zarin was confused, but he didn't want to seem afraid of this man, so he followed him to his home. Zamiel invited him inside and they went to sit in his living room. An old maid served them tea.

Zamiel picked up his cup and took a sip, but Zarin had no intention of drinking his tea.

"I told Heaven that I love her." Zarin said, expecting a reaction from him.

Zamiel didn't seem the least surprised. "How disappointing." He said which both angered and confused Zarin.

"Why would you be disappointed?" He asked.

"Because I considered you a competition, but you were not even near that. I was thinking of stepping away if you truly became a man worthy of her love, and she loved you back. But now, even if she did, I wouldn't give up on her because I think she deserves better than a man confessing his love without committing to it."

Zarin was fuming with anger. "You know nothing about me."

"I would say likewise, but since you seem to judge me a lot, I took the freedom to do the same."

Zarin was baffled. This man had a smart mouth. He didn't like him at all.

"While you are here, I would like to apologize for hurting you the first day we met. I am sorry." Zamiel apologized.

Surprised, all Zarin could do was stare at him for a moment. This man seemed sincere.

Zarin didn't want to believe him. He didn't want to believe all the nice things Heaven said about him. All the things he did for Heaven and how he made her feel. What would that make him compared to this man? A useless person. He didn't want to be like that.

Standing up. "I am leaving." He said.

"Your tea?"

"Only old people drink tea." Zarin said, trying to mock him.

Zamiel smirked. "Well, I guess it is not something for a child."

Child? Zarin scoffed. He had enough of this man so teleported back to his home.

He followed the scent of food to the dining room where dinner was being served.

"You are back." His mother said walking into the room. "You must be hungry."

"I am not." He said. He had lost his appetite. "I'll go to sleep." Before his mother could protest, he teleported to his room.

He lied down on his bed and covered himself. What was wrong with him? He had promised himself that he would stop caring and distance himself from Heaven and her life. But the things she said to him kept ringing in his ears. All the questions she asked that he didn't have an answer for. He just knew he loved her and he thought that he did enough, but she didn't think the same.

What did Zamiel do for her? Was it because he was powerful? Or because he was wealthy? He knew the females liked the much older demons. They were just more attractive and powerful. Was this what it was about?

Maybe this is why his father pestered him to do something with his life. Speaking of his father, he arrived at his room.

"Zarin, lets talk." His father said.

"I don't feel like talking."

He could hear his father sigh. "I know what happened between you and Heaven."

He suddenly wanted to shout. Why was this happening to him? "Father, I don't want to talk about it." He repeated.

"I know you don't like me because I keep telling you to do something with your life, but it is only because I want what is best for you. If you dislike it so much, I'll stop. But talk to me."

"It is not something you will understand." Zarin said.

"I'll try."

Zarin sat up. He really didn't feel like talking about love with his father. Nor his mother.

His father came to sit next to him and waited patiently for him to say something.

"I know what you will say. You will tell me to not waste my time because she belongs to someone else." Zarin said.

"Loving someone is not a waste of time." His father assured. "Tell me, what do you love about her?"

Zarin shrugged. "I just love being with her. I love that she is a happy person, she is kind, caring and a very good friend."

She really was. Now he understood that she was the one that was always there for him. Whenever he went to her, she was there, waiting for him. Even if he came late, she would wait and sometimes even sleep on the sofa while waiting. She never gave up on him or their friendship until now.

"Let me ask you one thing." His father said. "If she asked you to marry her now, would you?"

Zarin was taken aback by the question. So many ideas went through his head, but he couldn't find an answer.

"If your mother asked me to marry her, I wouldn't blink before replying. Maybe you should think about what you want to do with that love. Just keeping it in your heart will lead nowhere."

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